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Aphex Twin - French Magazine Obsessions N°21 - October 2014

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Useless interview tbh, there's nothing remotely interesting. Except that bit at the end where he says he'd like to make an album with tape noises only.


Love the idea of an Aphex Twin album exclusively made of tape hiss. Boring interview. Same as usual. Even more boring than the Tsugi one.


Love the idea of an Aphex Twin album exclusively made of tape hiss. Boring interview. Same as usual. Even more boring than the Tsugi one.

I think he also mentioned that in another interview even... He just prepared a couple of stories and told them to every journo that day it seems.


Thanks for posting anyway Pitbulle, I've reposted it in the main interview thread now too (it's becoming a rather large list :)!)


Even worse: they say it's his first activity since 2001. They deserve nothing.


L'enfant sausage

c'est vrai, who'd have thought that we'd be over interviews, even if they are the terrible bottom of the barrel type.


just got a copy of this in the mail today from ebay. too bad I can't read french tho... still would be cool to see a translation even if it is boring


merci Pitbulle! ;-) t'as lu l'article chez Tsugi? Les journalistes de Tsugi et du Nouvel Obs étaient ensemble pour l'interviewer... Du coup, ça nous fait deux personnalités qui nous font le même article avec différents visions et messages... ça m'a l'air drôle... pas encore lu l'article du nouvel obs, mais j'espère que ce journaliste connaît au moins Richard musicalement... ;-)





Cher ami, faut l'avouer, les articles de Tsugi et du Nouvel Obs ne sont pas bien passionnants...


Nous avons peut-être l'occasion de concentrer les fans francophones de WATMM dans un endroit commode...
Ceci afin d'éviter tout conflits vis-a-vis des anglophones qui, il faut bien le reconnaître, compose la majorité de ce site et sont assez réfractaires à l'emploi d'une autre langue que celle de Shakespeare :D (à fortiori avec de bonnes raisons)

Loin de moi l'idée de les blâmés, mais pour les nombreux "french speaking people" qui on l'air d'avoir débarqués récemment cela pourrait constituer un environnement salutaire pour s'exprimer librement dans leur langue maternelle et, éventuellement, mieux s'intégrer dans la communauté.

Soit je lance un nouveau fil à cette fin, soit un modérateur pourrait renommé ce fil pour qu'il reflète cet esprit...

Qu'en pensent les francophones de WATMM?
Bien à vous,
Un francophone parmi d'autres...


I don't know what's more annoying. All the french speak ("zut alors!"), or the fact they reduce rdj's output to 3 essentials. (On a positive note:one of those is drukqs, so they're not completely stupid...)



Also, I don't think it's fair to assume rdj basically tells every journalist some canned stories. There's also the journalist freely copy pasting from various interviews (new and old) and stiching things together to create some kind of narrative. Which is not necessarily a bad thing btw. (The interview in Oor being a good example, I believe. I'm pretty sure there's some quotes in there from different interviews)

But the point being: if various publications have an awefully similar narrative, it isnt rdj who's to blame. It's the writer. The writer is responsible for the narrative. Not rdj.


Also, I don't think it's fair to assume rdj basically tells every journalist some canned stories. There's also the journalist freely copy pasting from various interviews (new and old) and stiching things together to create some kind of narrative. Which is not necessarily a bad thing btw.

This. They just couldn't be arsed making anything original. It's not RDJ's fault but our journalists'. They're a joke, be they from a small hype magazine (Tsugi) or a "great" national one (Nouvel Obs).


I think it as as much to do with lazy journalism than it as to do with RDJ probably telling the same things (in recent interviews) to many interviewers.

I kind of miss the old bullshit all around RDJ in interviews :)

Je pense que c'est autant dû à la paresse des journalistes qu'à RDJ racontant plus ou moins là même chose (dans les interviews récentes) aux interviewer.

L'ancien RDJ qui racontait n'importe quoi me manque quelque part :)


I don't know what's more annoying. All the french speak ("zut alors!"), or the fact they reduce rdj's output to 3 essentials. (On a positive note:one of those is drukqs, so they're not completely stupid...)



Also, I don't think it's fair to assume rdj basically tells every journalist some canned stories. There's also the journalist freely copy pasting from various interviews (new and old) and stiching things together to create some kind of narrative. Which is not necessarily a bad thing btw. (The interview in Oor being a good example, I believe. I'm pretty sure there's some quotes in there from different interviews)

But the point being: if various publications have an awefully similar narrative, it isnt rdj who's to blame. It's the writer. The writer is responsible for the narrative. Not rdj.

i dont think that anyone was was blaming rdj for having similar answers to the same questions asked on a long arse interview train. Feeling protective of our lord today godel.


I don't know what's more annoying. All the french speak ("zut alors!"), or the fact they reduce rdj's output to 3 essentials. (On a positive note:one of those is drukqs, so they're not completely stupid...)



Also, I don't think it's fair to assume rdj basically tells every journalist some canned stories. There's also the journalist freely copy pasting from various interviews (new and old) and stiching things together to create some kind of narrative. Which is not necessarily a bad thing btw. (The interview in Oor being a good example, I believe. I'm pretty sure there's some quotes in there from different interviews)

But the point being: if various publications have an awefully similar narrative, it isnt rdj who's to blame. It's the writer. The writer is responsible for the narrative. Not rdj.

i dont think that anyone was was blaming rdj for having similar answers to the same questions asked on a long arse interview train. Feeling protective of our lord today godel.



Lord delet, please read the message of you moderating compagnon and tell me to my tearful face I'm not making things up...



Love the idea of an Aphex Twin album exclusively made of tape hiss. Boring interview. Same as usual. Even more boring than the Tsugi one.

I think he also mentioned that in another interview even... He just prepared a couple of stories and told them to every journo that day it seems.


Thanks for posting anyway Pitbulle, I've reposted it in the main interview thread now too (it's becoming a rather large list :)!)



haha, well if we were to go a step further, maybe what was to be asked was all prepared. Anyway i was agreeing with you in a sense and disregarding all evidence to the contrary. /wipes drying tear off your face and gives you hug, it's alright bro, we'll win this.

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