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Bruce Jenner

Rubin Farr

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i think we should just continue doing what most people do, and look to the television and internet/youtube elites for the answers on what is OK and what isn't. which groups it's OK to dress up as or make jokes about, and which groups it isn't, and which groups we'd be seriously bad, bad, terrible people for making jokes about. which jokes are ok and which aren't. we have to keep up to date too, because it's a constantly shifting agenda... whoops, i mean constantly shifting set of standards totally formed by the *real* people, not at all by their brainwashing overlords.

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Why would a little person prefer being called a "dwarf"? That is a fucking mythical creature from Middle Earth. Why did they decide that "midget" was offensive but an ally of the hobbits was acceptable nomenclature?

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Bruce Jenner's step-son Rob has become a recluse over the past couple of years and has gained 40 kilos sitting in his room binge drinking and scoffing junk food. What a little spoilt brat. The family are ashamed of him. He avoids being seen in public incase he is photographed, opting to stay in his room drinking and playing the Xbox. Occasionally he goes on twitter to tweet his angst at the world. I think he blames the family for making him the way he is. He's like 30 or something. Best thing for him would be to go to a third world country and see people with real hardships, starving and living on the streets. Get some perspective, bubblebutt.

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i don't agree, there's always room for moderation and nothing in life is ever really a binary all (1) or nothing (0). we all have different standards and limits and this is an example of when we all are identifying someone who is more moderate than we would consider ourselves to be.


Granted this is one persons opinion and him being gay doesn't make it more valid than the next, but it was enlightening to get his side of things from a person who is very active in the LGBT community. I hope that assholes don't go ridicule trans people, while dressed as a trans woman... but if they are dumb enough to do so, nothing I can do or say will stop them.



(Snipped to save space)


Being gay doesn't neccessarily give credence to perceived transphobia, a lot of the SJW/ultra-liberal crowd pour a lot of criticism on gay men for what they think is racism or transphobia in their communities and social circles. There was a lot of hoohaa at a Pride event this year after certain Drag Queen acts were banned because people felt *some* acts belittled or mocked femininity, others making links to "blacking up"... wheher or not these criticisms are more or less welcome because these people are gay, I don't know, I don't like the idea of everyone running the "privilege olypmics".


As much as I am tired of outrage and shame culture, LGBT, ethnic minorities etc would likely be more open to jokes and comments if they felt like they received less more serious prejudice, discrimination and violence from wider society.

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Why would a little person prefer being called a "dwarf"? That is a fucking mythical creature from Middle Earth. Why did they decide that "midget" was offensive but an ally of the hobbits was acceptable nomenclature?


Because sometimes it's cool to feel epic just for being who you are. I'm Japanese, but when I fill out forms that ask about race, I cross out "Asian", and put "Kung Fu".

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Why would a little person prefer being called a "dwarf"? That is a fucking mythical creature from Middle Earth. Why did they decide that "midget" was offensive but an ally of the hobbits was acceptable nomenclature?

Because sometimes it's cool to feel epic just for being who you are. I'm Japanese, but when I fill out forms that ask about race, I cross out "Asian", and put "Kung Fu".

I feel that. Midget sounds like Bridget.

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Why would a little person prefer being called a "dwarf"? That is a fucking mythical creature from Middle Earth. Why did they decide that "midget" was offensive but an ally of the hobbits was acceptable nomenclature?


Because sometimes it's cool to feel epic just for being who you are. I'm Japanese, but when I fill out forms that ask about race, I cross out "Asian", and put "Kung Fu".



I actually got in trouble for marking my State Assesment Test back in high school as 'other' and filled in 'Astronaut' for the spot where you're supposed to say what 'other' is.



possibly NSFW:




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