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Are We Becoming Too Sensitive

Danny O Flannagin

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Yeah seinfeld isn't the only top line comedian avoiding certain collage campuses due to heckling by the PC thought police, chris rock also amongst others. I can't wait for the wave of backlash to all this shit. Watmm will have a lot of apologizing to do to me, and if they don't i don't mind, cause it means that they realise that i'm not a pussy, and their new presence of mind will illustrate that neither are they.

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A lot of websites are quoting this poll recently, some as support for Trump. Maybe it has gone a little too far (insert pun).




Scott Rasmussen (the guy who owns that polling company) is a noted republican consultant.

Also the wording of that poll question is awful. Serious priming going on there.

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The video where Sam Hyde is approached after his trolling about homosexuality really gets to the heart of the issue. Those PC kids talk about how unfair everyone is treated before wishing him death.

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This, or counter with the excuse that you're gay and that you don't feel respected by her in your sexuality or something.


Anything which puts you in some kind of minority/victimized position is good and creates some space to have some kind of opinion. As long as you're not some 'normal' heterosexual skinny white guy with a degree and a job, you're basically safe. If you allow yourself to come out of the closet as just some normal skinny white guy with a degree and a job, you'll be immediately objectified and stigmatised like some 21st century nazi, and your point of view becomes invalid.


I'm a lesbian, btw. Just saying.

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if people were becoming 'too sensitive' they wouldn't tolerate billions of dollars being spent each year to murder people in other countries for our 'safety' but people have for decades and not batted an eyelash about it. Iraq seemed to upset a lot of people, but all the other fucking wars we're in? nobody gives a fuck.

im sure thats not what the original poster meant by 'sensitive' but, how can someone who hashtags #blacklivematters be considered 'sensitive' when they're ok with or don't give a fuck about blowing up children with drones in Pakistan?

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Yeah seinfeld isn't the only top line comedian avoiding certain collage campuses due to heckling by the PC thought police, chris rock also amongst others. I can't wait for the wave of backlash to all this shit. Watmm will have a lot of apologizing to do to me, and if they don't i don't mind, cause it means that they realise that i'm not a pussy, and their new presence of mind will illustrate that neither are they.

Seinfeld and Chris Rock aren't really the best at standup (chris rock nails it on few specials, but as far as natural crowd control, speaking off the cuff, not his bag). So they made shitty dumb jokes that didn't land and blame it on SJW college campuses? thats hack shit right there. You didn't have a good set, suck it up.


i totally understand people complaining about SJW vibes at colleges, but when I hear Joe Rogan say he wont play colleges anymore because audiences are too sensitive i find it fucking ridiculous since lets be honest Joe's standup comedy is pretty goddam shit. IF he doesn't think he can wrangle a college audience, thats a problem with his quality of material and standup, i think it says more about the comedian most of the time.

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if people were becoming 'too sensitive' they wouldn't tolerate billions of dollars being spent each year to murder people in other countries for our 'safety' but people have for decades and not batted an eyelash about it. Iraq seemed to upset a lot of people, but all the other fucking wars we're in? nobody gives a fuck.


im sure thats not what the original poster meant by 'sensitive' but, how can someone who hashtags #blacklivematters be considered 'sensitive' when they're ok with or don't give a fuck about blowing up children with drones in Pakistan?

because the problem with sjws is not the fact that they're too sensitive, it's the fact that they hate themselves so much that they need to reflect the hatred on other people using the most asinine excuses

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if people were becoming 'too sensitive' they wouldn't tolerate billions of dollars being spent each year to murder people in other countries for our 'safety' but people have for decades and not batted an eyelash about it. Iraq seemed to upset a lot of people, but all the other fucking wars we're in? nobody gives a fuck.


im sure thats not what the original poster meant by 'sensitive' but, how can someone who hashtags #blacklivematters be considered 'sensitive' when they're ok with or don't give a fuck about blowing up children with drones in Pakistan?


Who are these people that you speak of that use the #blacklivesmatter hashtag and then obviously don't care about about Pakistan? How would you even know that?


Also, maybe you can't wrap your head around this, but people might be more active in things that are:

- in their country

- currently very relevant and "in the moment"

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Seinfeld and Chris Rock aren't really the best at standup (chris rock nails it on few specials, but as far as natural crowd control, speaking off the cuff, not his bag). So they made shitty dumb jokes that didn't land and blame it on SJW college campuses? thats hack shit right there. You didn't have a good set, suck it up.


i totally understand people complaining about SJW vibes at colleges, but when I hear Joe Rogan say he wont play colleges anymore because audiences are too sensitive i find it fucking ridiculous since lets be honest Joe's standup comedy is pretty goddam shit. IF he doesn't think he can wrangle a college audience, thats a problem with his quality of material and standup, i think it says more about the comedian most of the time.

wow. you're a fucking expert in politics, stand-up, and cybernetic rock.





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This, or counter with the excuse that you're gay and that you don't feel respected by her in your sexuality or something.


Anything which puts you in some kind of minority/victimized position is good and creates some space to have some kind of opinion. As long as you're not some 'normal' heterosexual skinny white guy with a degree and a job, you're basically safe. If you allow yourself to come out of the closet as just some normal skinny white guy with a degree and a job, you'll be immediately objectified and stigmatised like some 21st century nazi, and your point of view becomes invalid.


I'm a lesbian, btw. Just saying.



we're all lesbians now ..

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Yeah seinfeld isn't the only top line comedian avoiding certain collage campuses due to heckling by the PC thought police, chris rock also amongst others. I can't wait for the wave of backlash to all this shit. Watmm will have a lot of apologizing to do to me, and if they don't i don't mind, cause it means that they realise that i'm not a pussy, and their new presence of mind will illustrate that neither are they.

Seinfeld and Chris Rock aren't really the best at standup (chris rock nails it on few specials, but as far as natural crowd control, speaking off the cuff, not his bag). So they made shitty dumb jokes that didn't land and blame it on SJW college campuses? thats hack shit right there. You didn't have a good set, suck it up.


i totally understand people complaining about SJW vibes at colleges, but when I hear Joe Rogan say he wont play colleges anymore because audiences are too sensitive i find it fucking ridiculous since lets be honest Joe's standup comedy is pretty goddam shit. IF he doesn't think he can wrangle a college audience, thats a problem with his quality of material and standup, i think it says more about the comedian most of the time.



Dude, these are the same colleges that are teaching the kids this extreme PC language fascism, there are many hundreds of examples now of really strange previously counter intuitive out there stuff being imposed on the minds of these children. As a base example, not being allowed to call undocumented/illegal immigrants that anymore, even economic migrants is out they are just plain old migrants (you'll note that the media is following along with this as well). So what i was implying, in what i thought was an obvious way cause i didn't want to set up a boring debate, is that the reactions these comics are experiencing is symptomatic of a greater problem in the liberal youth of today, something which even old liberals like us would find an extreme anathema. Academia has been captured and the fruit that is bearing is scary wrong.

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The thought of someone having a view that differs from yours but is still nuanced and informed is just too much for some to handle I guess.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

So if it's not the feminazis rubbing their vaginas in your face and dominating you with their feminazi caliphate aspirations it's the swarm of totalitarianist youths who have been indoctrinated and brainwashed into an uber-liberal political-correctness-gone-mad extremist mentality which has no doubt been orchestrated by the shadowy people that control the West who also happen to control ISIS all with the full support of the world's media who are in on it too and relentlessly churn out their heinous propaganda because nobody likes Chris Rock and Seinfeld except old people. Got it. Thank fuck you're here to point this stuff out, I'd be lost otherwise

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So if it's not the feminazis rubbing their vaginas in your face and dominating you with their feminazi caliphate aspirations it's the swarm of totalitarianist youths who have been indoctrinated and brainwashed into an uber-liberal political-correctness-gone-mad extremist mentality which has no doubt been orchestrated by the shadowy people that control the West who also happen to control ISIS all with the full support of the world's media who are in on it too and relentlessly churn out their heinous propaganda because nobody likes Chris Rock and Seinfeld except old people. Got it. Thank fuck you're here to point this stuff out, I'd be lost otherwise


your non argument needs that wheelchair.

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