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Funny Pictures Part IV - Funny Harder


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We should do a poll thread inquiring in to the proportion of watmmrz that can swim. It seems odd to me, but then again when i was in grade one we had a pool in the school, and i'd already sailed on the mediterranean and then australia's people mostly live by the shoreline. Maybe if it turns out though that yek is the only one, we can start a kickstarter to get him lessons. Cause swimming is cool, and missing out in that is not. Then again, maybe there's social phobias, i know that i don't go to the local pool cause i don't want to deal with the other people that will be there, whilst in my swimming trunks, (mostly cause they want to share lanes, wtf is up with that, just give me a lane you cock, pull the tarp off the rest of the pool, so i can have a fucking lane, i'm a fat runt, and these fucking super fish are freaking me out omgord !

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attainable life goal .. should add it to the list. (lol life goal list, i'm too slack and realistic about myself to have one of those).

It's been on my 'To Do' list for 20 years



P.S. Growth Mindset, delet, Growth Mindset

(bin your Static Mindset tendencies, my friend...as the saying goes:"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.")

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lol wtf is this order of operations bullshit? Who the fuck just made that up and then had it become the standard?

(you can probably tell I don't maths/am mathsphobic)


The order of operations relating to multiplication and addition has been around only since about the 1600s..

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ok / if no likes for math try this one ((hello and yek) :)



Hate these type of things. I guess I will never be a member of Mensa.



lol hey don't worry! this one is veeery hard and only 1 in 10.000 (or even less) can solve it in a given time (a few minutes). majority of ppl can't solve it even if they take 10 days to solve it. for mensa you only have to have an iq higher than (random) 50 ppl in your age group. imo watmm is a proper mensa level forum.

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the answer is


... seems like the most reasonable deduction.


and the image comes from a middle school, so i'm not so sure about 1 in 10'000 would get it.


ah the answer is correct but the answer can be found easily by following the link of the image :p (without explanation iirc) ...i posted it only for fun


if you want i can give you a real challange ;)

Edited by xox
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