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How to make a homemade clock like a child prodigy electronic genius

Guest skibby

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ive been following this case quite close and it is not only about "oh a muslims boi", the whole thing is really fishy...

What aspect specifically do you find fishy?


the backlash to this makes me uncomfortable. why do i feel like more than half the people that like the top comment are in fact racist but in denial about it...

This issue got framed as a dichotomy

('Are you for him or against him?')

And predictably (actual) racists came down against the kid

And 'liberals' came down 'for' the kid


Remember Rodney King?

These issues get framed as either

A) Rodney King was a piece of shit,


B) the cops should've gone to prison for beating him


(Actual) racist people endorsed 'A'

Civil rights-minded people endorsed 'B'

But notice that the two are not mutually exclusive

And that in reality 'A' and 'B' are both true

(Wiki "Rodney King" to confirm 'A')


*runs away before Chen comes to make fun of me*

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ive been following this case quite close and it is not only about "oh a muslims boi", the whole thing is really fishy...

What aspect specifically do you find fishy?


Well we all know the mainstream story, so I won't talk about it.


But I've read other reports that say that the kid didn't "invented/created" or even assembled the clock. But I think that's obvious, I mean, it is possible for a kid to build a clock from scratch, but Ahmed's clock looks exactly as the guts of a retail clock.

Personally I don't see any problem with that, maybe he just wanted to see the insides. But what I don't like is that he insists he made the clock. Look up the vids. If I was in the same problem I would say exactly what I did.


Also there are some reports about his father, which say he's a promoter of islam and other interesting stuff.


BUT, I've learned to not believe anything any media say. I'm just trying to watch deep inside this story, not only the superficial one. Of course nobody knows what the teachers or the police thinks about the problem since the media want the whole world to think they are the "bad guys".


Also I would' like to add that the invitations he got from Obama and other people, personally i think it has nothing to do with his clock or science or whatever, it is just a "nice" move to promote tolerance and stuff.

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the backlash to this makes me uncomfortable. why do i feel like more than half the people that like the top comment are in fact racist but in denial about it...


what should make you uncomfortable was nearly everyone on watmm instinctively knocking (as racist, and anti-muslim, and stupid, and a nazi, and fascist) anyone that didn't immediately jump on board with the story we were being fed by the mainstream media about this whole issue when there were many valid questions on the matter raised from the outset by the more sceptical alternative media which you should by now be reading, seriouslor.


So really, this is a nice opportunity for a few kids to do a little self examining and perhaps offer an apology or two.


/apology accepted. Now start seeing shades of grey and don't go with the first thing that you are told by people that continually lie to manipulate public opinion for their horrible, horrible agendas.


/noone's going to self reflect, and next time one of these things comes along it'll be business in the loosual.

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the backlash to this makes me uncomfortable. why do i feel like more than half the people that like the top comment are in fact racist but in denial about it...


what should make you uncomfortable was nearly everyone on watmm instinctively knocking (as racist, and anti-muslim, and stupid, and a nazi, and fascist) anyone that didn't immediately jump on board with the story we were being fed by the mainstream media about this whole issue when there were many valid questions on the matter raised from the outset by the more sceptical alternative media which you should by now be reading, seriouslor.


So really, this is a nice opportunity for a few kids to do a little self examining and perhaps offer an apology or two.


/apology accepted. Now start seeing shades of grey and don't go with the first thing that you are told by people that continually lie to manipulate public opinion for their horrible, horrible agendas.


/noone's going to self reflect, and next time one of these things comes along it'll be business in the loosual.



*looks at Delet's post*

*looks at my screen-name*

*looks back at Delet's post*

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the backlash to this makes me uncomfortable. why do i feel like more than half the people that like the top comment are in fact racist but in denial about it...


what should make you uncomfortable was nearly everyone on watmm instinctively knocking (as racist, and anti-muslim, and stupid, and a nazi, and fascist) anyone that didn't immediately jump on board with the story we were being fed by the mainstream media about this whole issue when there were many valid questions on the matter raised from the outset by the more sceptical alternative media which you should by now be reading, seriouslor.


So really, this is a nice opportunity for a few kids to do a little self examining and perhaps offer an apology or two.


/apology accepted. Now start seeing shades of grey and don't go with the first thing that you are told by people that continually lie to manipulate public opinion for their horrible, horrible agendas.


/noone's going to self reflect, and next time one of these things comes along it'll be business in the loosual.



*looks at Delet's post*

*looks at my screen-name*

*looks back at Delet's post*



dude, it's a pun on a word for toilet. I'm sorry if you were triggered.


robbie's get a triggered

limpy's get a triggered

everybaddy's get a triggered.


/ oh no, in an attempt to do an accent, first 'baddy' will be highlighted cause it's a word for bad person, and then others will be angered cause it's like some ethno sounding person and that delet must be racist, this is proof.


hahahahahahahahahahah /now i can see why the joker went mad.


/also yes i know that you're just mucking, so am i. The propaganda clock kid though, serious bidniss.

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He probably bought some DIY parts and put them together, like many people do with computers. It's clear they didn't think it was a bomb, otherwise they would have evacuated the school. So why hold him? Why were police called in?

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and delet, the media you are talking about is also the same media trying to discredit him. they haven't all agreed to take one side on this or anything. the initial reaction may have implied unity but as if fox aren't trying to pull at any of the threads or what have you.



unrelenting as usual .,. lorl .. please at least come around before this whole globalist shit gets truly red alert status.

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i think it is as simple as teacher in white texas school suspects nonwhite muslim kid has bomb. police know bomb is fake and arrest anyway. all that happened and is undeniable. even if he knew what he was doing the whole time. obviously he should be totally honest about it but that's sort of a different argument.


It's not a white majority school. Staff might be but the attendance is:


Hispanic 52%

Black 26%

White 14%

Asian or Pacific Islander 6%

Mixed race or Native American 3% (the kid is likely categorized as white or asian fyi)


Kid might of been snarky or uncooperative, he's a teenage boy. I think it's very likely the teacher was simply paranoid or dumb and not racist at all, and considering how much school districts in Texas and the US have poured over-the-top and probably needless school shooting and terrorism prevention "training" and funding the whole school was probably ready to arrest any kid who brought in something like this


EDIT: fyi - Irving has had a decent sized population of Muslim residents, both recent foreign born and naturalized citizens, especially compared to other parts of Texas and DFW. So in some sense it could mean the teacher was inclined to profile, or it could mean the opposite and the kid was a typical student (it's not like this is a hick small town in TX in other words, this is a urban area of the metroplex). There was a nasty suspected honor killing in the city years ago, and considering the paranoid nature of many in the US, that could of been the case with the teacher when it comes to anti-Islamic fears. But I have no idea. After all, there are plenty of Texans who work with Muslims everyday without issue...DFW and Houston are global trading hubs and the oil industry has always brought a connection to the middle east in Texas.

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I got suspended for paying 200$ worth of lost book fines in pennies. I also got the cops called on me and put in handcuffs after being chased by my high school security guard well off school grounds and him tackling me, all for like 5$ of some weed. So yeah... where was my laptop? :wink:


The world is not fair and nobody called the cops on me. Delet - I think limperlooloo was kidding, loosual is pretty funny. As an american don't often hear a toilet referred to as 'the loo'... crapper, john, porcelain sacrifice altar, the can - much more American :biggrin:


In texas, it is a bit more anti-brown/other religion crowd innit? Neither here nor there, I've only visited, but some peeps in this thread live there - just asking...


I can't build a clock...

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can you imagine if for a school project instead of bringing a home made clock or a baking soda volcano you cured cancer, instant A

A black student was actually arrested for bringing a volcano science project to school, but you didn't hear an uproar over that:



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to the white house, tout volcano .. to feel the merchandising flove ..

what about all the kids that live in cars and don't eat breakfast, who are US citizens without anchor status, do they get to go too.


dmz around blight house grows.

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