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websites with grills


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why would anyone think it's a good idea to add a hovering javashit menu bar at the top of text-centric websites, which obscures like 1/4 of the vertical screen space.....?

example: http://tech.eu/brief/soundcloud-debt-funding/

and countless others.


I dunno if this is worthy of a thread, but this trend is getting worse and worse, it's like the new obligatory flash intro.



seriously does anyone know?

if not, maybe post grills or dunno.


I mean, finally we are kind of past Flash, Flash is done for good, but you can count on ingenious web designers / genius clients to find ways to mess up websites.

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is this neglect? shit programming or what? i mean even the average joe can see that looks insane


how can they not see it? please an expert answer!!!


"Works perfectly on my browser and high resolution display."

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ah, there is an ad on the top of the page, if you have ad blocker it wont show the ad but it will cut the headline, i guess they are just punishing us for using adblocker but to be honest i never visit tech.eu but its nice to know these things in case you end up designing a website in the future

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Maybe they haven't launched the mobile version yet / haven't optimized for mobile


Maybe they know it looks like shit but don't give a shit about it / don't get paid enough to care


But I doubt they actually look at that and think "yeah that's OK"

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I know exactly how this happens, I've been working in the field for 10+ years. In short, there are people called usability/UX (user experience) experts/designers and their job is to make calls like how the main website navigation should work and look like. They are all full of shit and everybody working with them knows it. They usually don't stay long with the same company, because people figure out they're shit. A lot of people wants to be one of them, because you don't have to know anything about anything. Also, when they do their job poorly, they know it, but they just don't care and they don't make any effort to improve things in future.


As far as the concrete example in the OP goes, here's an explanation: it's not called "grills" (it's even more bizarre), it's called "hamburger" button and menu. It's there because we're now in the "responsive web" era, which means that websites, being consumed primarily on mobile devices, adapt automatically based on what kind of device you're viewing it on. At first, hamburger menu was used to replace a conventional horizontal/dropdown menu, but just on mobile devices, for the supposed ease of use on touch interface. Then agencies/individuals making the websites got so lazy they now basically just design the mobile version - with hamburger menus.


I always thought responsive designs were shit, because the "mobile" versions hide stuff that some ux imbecile thinks it's not important. Now we're more and more often being left with just the retarded version of the website. Yay.

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Maybe they haven't launched the mobile version yet / haven't optimized for mobile


Maybe they know it looks like shit but don't give a shit about it / don't get paid enough to care


But I doubt they actually look at that and think "yeah that's OK"


Every single site with this "hamburger menu" haven't "optimized for mobile", it works exactly the same way. It's not particularly unintrusive on a regular laptop display either, especially when widescreen formats are already pressed for vertical space.

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But I doubt they actually look at that and think "yeah that's OK"

They say "yeah it's not perfect, but I don't have the time/can't be arsed"



"Not even gonna fix that bruger"

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But I doubt they actually look at that and think "yeah that's OK"

They say "yeah it's not perfect, but I don't have the time/can't be arsed"



"Not even gonna fix that bruger"






import ajavscript.everthing

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just came up with something new


the Turducken menu


where the menu is a turd


with an emphasis on turd


full screen for maximum UX

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this gentleman is asking to be attacked by the local wildlife




this one is safe but looks really depressed, i bet he is being force to bbq




i hate this mofo for no reason, who the fucks holds corn while looking smug af



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