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new research shows sea levels could rise 60 feet

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people are regularly killed by stampeding cattle, at least in the UK, usually involving thick as fuck dog walkers (not that dog owners are stupid, just a cattle ignoring minority)


gotta watch those sneaky cows creeping up on you see

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Oh, totally forgot to mention





Lab-grown meat is expected to be commonplace in the next 5 years

Luckily, many of the ethical questions surrounding meat will simply start disappearing


(Honestly, I might consider eating meat again...the iron and complex-protein thing is still an uphill battle for me)

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Oh, totally forgot to mention





Lab-grown meat is expected to be commonplace in the next 5 years

Luckily, many of the ethical questions surrounding meat will simply start disappearing


(Honestly, I might consider eating meat again...the iron and complex-protein thing is still an uphill battle for me)

It says right in that article it may consume up to 34% more energy to lab grow beef, 4% more for poultry.


If the world doesn't start leaning on renewable energy, that's a huge ethical issue itself. No?

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But to get the full story, you'd have to compare the total environmental costs of each method, including cow farts and transportation and everything else.


But yeah either way just yet another reason to push towards renewable energy

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about the plants, all im saying is that a plant does not have the nerve system available to feel physical pain. Therefore morally, its obvious that cutting a cow in pieces is worst then killing plant. But im sure youll even argue with that. Im also in the believe that plants sense of self is extremely limited and its attachment to life is not ocmparable to a animal.

Nerve Morality..


to be honest, i've gotten most of my wicked psychedelic insights on plants. that makes them very special to me. have you ever eaten a steak and be all like "the world we construe is based on the shared reality of our sensory experiences". thought so

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lol @ thread

For these purposes you don't need to go Full Veggie though. Just need people to eat less such that we reduce emissions from the animals themselves and the various related infrastructure (and other shit like slurry runoff into rivers if you give a shit about that stuff)


Those Tofurkey veggie sausages are pretty nice...

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about the plants, all im saying is that a plant does not have the nerve system available to feel physical pain. Therefore morally, its obvious that cutting a cow in pieces is worst then killing plant. But im sure youll even argue with that. Im also in the believe that plants sense of self is extremely limited and its attachment to life is not ocmparable to a animal.

Nerve Morality..


to be honest, i've gotten most of my wicked psychedelic insights on plants. that makes them very special to me. have you ever eaten a steak and be all like "the world we construe is based on the shared reality of our sensory experiences". thought so



shoutout to fungi too


fun fact: saturated fat generates more ATP per unit O2 consumed than glucose, and also generates less CO2 per unit ATP. this allows people to breath hold for longer when fatty acids displace glucose and the respiratory exchange ratio lowers. this also could be of benefit to people with respiratory illness.


effect demonstrated by feeding here:


1) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4113752/

2) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17406888

3) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26410589


most any one of you will also experience this if you have ever had to go without food for long enough.


most meat consumers in the west are obsessed with lean meat.. all that fat goes to waste. Commercial farming blows. Pastured cattle are a lot less toxic and sick, and their poo makes fucking awesome fertilizer for plants.


there's way too many corn and soy farms in the USA behind all of it too.. n

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Maybe we also need to start learning no-till farming or other less aggressive types? In the end I think the processed food industry might have to suffer a bit.. But i'm not opposed to eating junk in doses either.


I built a solar powered drain and flood hydroponic system on my deck. It can generate food fairly autonomously and overall it was pretty cheap. I might build 3-4 one day and convert them to aquaponic systems to reduce costs.


high ass musings


my contribution to reducing emissions i guess:


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about the plants, all im saying is that a plant does not have the nerve system available to feel physical pain. Therefore morally, its obvious that cutting a cow in pieces is worst then killing plant. But im sure youll even argue with that. Im also in the believe that plants sense of self is extremely limited and its attachment to life is not ocmparable to a animal.

Nerve Morality..


to be honest, i've gotten most of my wicked psychedelic insights on plants. that makes them very special to me. have you ever eaten a steak and be all like "the world we construe is based on the shared reality of our sensory experiences". thought so


indeed. Im also a ex psychonaut and my biggest insight were on mescaline, dmt, shrooms. I however felt as if the plants were there for me to consume. as a gift from them to me, as if they are happy to be consume, offering themselves to use for insight foir humankind and animals by pure compassion. The plants are there to help life, support life I think.


maybe I was high, but theres no doubt in my mind that the suffering of a plant vs a animal is not comparable either physiologically or psychologically. I doubt plants feel lots of attachment to life, that they can feel the physical sensation of suffering due to lack of complex nerve system found in animals, ect.

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about the plants, all im saying is that a plant does not have the nerve system available to feel physical pain. Therefore morally, its obvious that cutting a cow in pieces is worst then killing plant. But im sure youll even argue with that. Im also in the believe that plants sense of self is extremely limited and its attachment to life is not ocmparable to a animal.

Nerve Morality..


to be honest, i've gotten most of my wicked psychedelic insights on plants. that makes them very special to me. have you ever eaten a steak and be all like "the world we construe is based on the shared reality of our sensory experiences". thought so


indeed. Im also a ex psychonaut and my biggest insight were on mescaline, dmt, shrooms. I however felt as if the plants were there for me to consume. as a gift from them to me, as if they are happy to be consume, offering themselves to use for insight foir humankind and animals by pure compassion. The plants are there to help life, support life I think.


maybe I was high, but theres no doubt in my mind that the suffering of a plant vs a animal is not comparable either physiologically or psychologically. I doubt plants feel lots of attachment to life, that they can feel the physical sensation of suffering due to lack of complex nerve system found in animals, ect.



Plants have natural insecticides and anti-nutrients inside them that deter predation. They have built-in mechanisms to preserve their lives, and stop them from being eaten. A lot of the benefits of plants is due to the hormetic effect that occurs when you expose yourself to these toxins. Even blueberries are toxic on a very low level to humans, and that is partially why they are so healthy. I said this once already but it bears repeating.

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I read a great article about mussels a while ago. Most environmentally friendly and ethical meat. All you need to do is chuck some old fucking ropes in the sea and the rest takes care of itself.



And we're gonna have a lot more sea soon, so loads more space for growing mussels :)




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We also need salt so like, there is this renewable source of water and salt that we can use and we just need desalination and pipelines? Seems easy enough.

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We also need salt so like, there is this renewable source of water and salt that we can use and we just need desalination and pipelines? Seems easy enough.


Yeah, dude, we like, need salt and water so let's just fuck the ocean and eat the brine we don't throw back, lol, problem solved

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We also need salt so like, there is this renewable source of water and salt that we can use and we just need desalination and pipelines? Seems easy enough.


Yeah, dude, we like, need salt and water so let's just fuck the ocean and eat the brine we don't throw back, lol, problem solved



Probably using salt as a byproduct of desalination is better than mining it in the Himalayas. Surely, the only areas that would be damaged in any way from desalination would be coastal areas? It's better if there isn't sea life there anyway. Makes the risk of predation of humans lower. It's win win IMO. The ocean is quite large. Obviously I'm saying this without having an understanding of the full implications of the process, but I feel that it should be viable. Enlighten me?

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This seems like a good article, says it better than I could anyway: linky


I guess I'm just of the mindset that there are far more practical things we can try first: greywater systems would be a good start.

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Mussels are great as fuck, they're like wee Lovecraftian beasties of the deep that happen to taste unreal with white wine and garlic sauce, and a big chunk of crusty bread to mop 'em up. Mmmmm.


seafood is great nutritionally, but a lot of it is poisonous if consumed too often.

This seems like a good article, says it better than I could anyway: linky


I guess I'm just of the mindset that there are far more practical things we can try first: greywater systems would be a good start.


that link crashes my browser

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