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legitimately feel like my future has been fucked


at the very least I can hope house prices become affordable, but who knows


it's still too early to tell what's going to happen, but no trade agreements with any country means we will be on the backfoot on global trade for a long while, and not being allowed back in to the EEA is a very real possibility. Going to have to save aggressively, see where things are headed and make a decision on what I want to do. I could be eating my words in 5-10 years when Britain prospers greatly, but I'm pessimistic.


The divide between the votes is unprecedented though. The BBC is reporting a 1.2mil difference. It doesn't feel like a nationwide agreement, even if the result numbers were flipped to Remain.


house prices will crash most likely. but don't hold your breath for more properties any time soon, there will be no one to build them!!!

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WATMM shows its "tolerant" face once again. Militant liberals at it again doing their best to offend anyone with different opinions.


Save your health, clarktrent. You will not get constructive discussion between the two camps here.

When AFX revelaed himself to be the ancient Cheetah god PissPhur, he commanded that all WAtMM threads are to be derailed through pointless arguing which in return would grant the combatants future heaven points.


Everything has a porpoise and that is beautiful

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im actually amused as fuck at the possibility of boris and trump being our leaders this winter. turns out brasseye was not a satire, but a prophecy.

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WATMM shows its "tolerant" face once again. Militant liberals at it again doing their best to offend anyone with different opinions.


Save your health, clarktrent. You will not get constructive discussion between the two camps here.


When AFX revelaed himself to be the ancient Cheetah god PissPhur, he commanded that all WAtMM threads are to be derailed through pointless arguing which in return would grant the combatants future heaven points.


Everything has a porpoise and that is beautiful

You're trolling an audience that's p much heartbroken/terrified about the future of their country. Tolerance of your views has nothing to do with it.

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Bloody hell, none of it seemed real until now. I have a spare room here in Canada if anyone is interested



This is what happens when you give the plebs the vote lol

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Huge split in views between my hometown friends and university friends. But most hometown ppl basically voted Leave to give Cameron the middle finger (much like how the AV vote was used to stick one to Clegg).


But overall I can't help thinking that when I look at the maps of the results, I'm actually looking at the results of a vote on immigration. That seemed to be the main issue, as dumb and irrelevant as that is. The people who voted to kick the foreigners out are going to be very, very disappointed. And angry.


The only good I can see coming out of this is perhaps an end to the bullshit convoluted CAP subsidies, plus NI gets a kick up the arse and perhaps finally sorts its shit out. Apart from that - well I'm glad I don't live there anymore lol

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This whole debacle, actually US and UK politics in general, reminds me a lot of Simpsons Episode "Much Apu About Nothing"






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Guest WNS000


The people who voted to kick the foreigners out are going to be very, very disappointed. And angry.



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Guest WNS000


But overall I can't help thinking that when I look at the maps of the results, I'm actually looking at the results of a vote on immigration. That seemed to be the main issue, as dumb and irrelevant as that is. The people who voted to kick the foreigners out are going to be very, very disappointed. And angry.

there are reasons there are immigrants.



To name a few: wars in the third-world countries, radical religious ideologies and middle-ages mindset in the third-world countries, blind humanitarian aid for Africa and militant multiculturalism policies in Europe.

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The people who voted to kick the foreigners out are going to be very, very disappointed. And angry.





Because there's almost no way they'll be able to get what they want. IMO leaving the EU is pretty unlikely to actually make much of an impact on the migration rate, because no matter how shit the UK gets it'll always be better than Pakistan or Bangladesh, and it's not like the business community is going to sit by and let their cheapo Polish workers get sent home. And if the UK turns into an economic shit-show, then all those people are going to find themselves even more financially precarious, and who are they going to blame when they can't blame the EU anymore?


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