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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Best case scenario that meeting with Obama was a wake up call to him that now the decisions he makes as the president will affect people in a very real way 



For real. It's gonna be decisions far greater than dealing with disgruntled people who clean his hotels.

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If half of or more of the population are afraid of how the president is going to ruin their lives maybe the president has too much power.



People are afraid of the voices Trump gave to all the scum racists out there and they thinking this is a green light to be openly racist and aggressive 


Im not afraid of trump because there is no way in hell this fool can bring the whole thing down, i don't even think he is a true racist, he's just some old school shit talker man child i know guys like that and they are innocent just a little fucked up in the head thats all


The media ran a moral campaign against him and thats all there is to it moral anger, this is what our own media did to us and just for the $$$

Edited by Deer
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If half of or more of the population are afraid of how the president is going to ruin their lives maybe the president has too much power.



People are afraid of the voices Trump gave to all the scum racists out there and they thinking this is a green light to be openly racist and aggressive 


Im not afraid of trump because there is no way in hell this fool can bring the whole thing down, i don't even think he is a true racist, he's just some old school shit talker man child i know guys like that and they are innocent just a little fucked up in the head thats all


The media ran a moral campaign against him and thats all there is to it



Trump is everyone's opinionated but ultimately shortsighted and ignorant uncle, dad, brother, grandpa. That's why everyone looks passed all the bullshit he says.

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My prediction:


A year from now. Trump has the highest approval rating of any president in American history. Doesn't fulfil even a third of all the stuff he threatened. Becomes practically a democrat.


Cue Trump supporters. "He fucking lied to us. He's just like all the rest of them."


You heard it here first.


I really doubt this.  He's got Republican majority in Senate and House, so if he "Becomes practically a democrat" he'll be fighting against both and greatly disappointing his supporters.  What motivation does he have to do this?  "Doing the right thing?"  He's given zero shits about this up to this point.




I dunno. You may be right. It just feels that so much of his outward persona is just brash, obnoxious and so forth and yet I believe there is another man in there somewhere. 


During the last eighteen months, there were a few moments (so fleeting they may have been said to have never even occurred) where I felt he accidentally let his guard slip. Sometimes it was an expression or just his body language. 


Trump showed no interest in learning or preparing or listening. I don't think he's actually interested in the work of the job and it's totally possible he's feeling a bit like the dog that caught the car, if that's the phrase. It's amazing to me that people think he's got some other level. Could he? Yes, anything is possible, but from what I've seen during this election, the simplest answer is the right one. No.


My prediction is he cedes the policy work to the rag tag and collectively dissonant bunch he's surrounded himself with. Theil/Pence/Gingrich/Reince will work out agreements with McConnell and Ryan and we'll get some mutated Republicanism that is irresponsible tax cuts, deregulation, and healthcare confusion. That won't stop Trump from claiming victories on the wall or trade but again, he's shown no capacity to do the hard work that big ideas require for realization.  Then, if there is some event that we can't imagine right now, and there will be, the response will be ill-informed and short-sighted. The last time this crew had the control panel, we got a big terrorist attack (yes yes I understand there's an argument that that wasn't negligence by W's crew, but I'm of the opinion that it was), two wars, massive corporate malfeasance (e.g. Enron), reckless trickle down tax cuts, Citizen's United, and global recession.


I honestly don't know how the overt racism and xenophobia will play out. It may embolden very serious and very scary groups. It's so strange that I really can't predict what will happen with it. That's not to say that racism and xenophobia are not sloshing around all the time. But it is weird for the president to be willing to use it.

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If Milo gets a WH job this universe is fucking shit lol 


would love to see him be out front as press secretar.  that'd be pretty entertaining. 




dressed like this 



please president trump make it happen 



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My prediction:


A year from now. Trump has the highest approval rating of any president in American history. Doesn't fulfil even a third of all the stuff he threatened. Becomes practically a democrat.


Cue Trump supporters. "He fucking lied to us. He's just like all the rest of them."


You heard it here first.


I really doubt this.  He's got Republican majority in Senate and House, so if he "Becomes practically a democrat" he'll be fighting against both and greatly disappointing his supporters.  What motivation does he have to do this?  "Doing the right thing?"  He's given zero shits about this up to this point.




I dunno. You may be right. It just feels that so much of his outward persona is just brash, obnoxious and so forth and yet I believe there is another man in there somewhere. 


During the last eighteen months, there were a few moments (so fleeting they may have been said to have never even occurred) where I felt he accidentally let his guard slip. Sometimes it was an expression or just his body language. 


Trump showed no interest in learning or preparing or listening. I don't think he's actually interested in the work of the job and it's totally possible he's feeling a bit like the dog that caught the car, if that's the phrase. It's amazing to me that people think he's got some other level. Could he? Yes, anything is possible, but from what I've seen during this election, the simplest answer is the right one. No.


My prediction is he cedes the policy work to the rag tag and collectively dissonant bunch he's surrounded himself with. Theil/Pence/Gingrich/Reince will work out agreements with McConnell and Ryan and we'll get some mutated Republicanism that is irresponsible tax cuts, deregulation, and healthcare confusion. That won't stop Trump from claiming victories on the wall or trade but again, he's shown no capacity to do the hard work that big ideas require for realization.  Then, if there is some event that we can't imagine right now, and there will be, the response will be ill-informed and short-sighted. The last time this crew had the control panel, we got a big terrorist attack (yes yes I understand there's an argument that that wasn't negligence by W's crew, but I'm of the opinion that it was), two wars, massive corporate malfeasance (e.g. Enron), reckless trickle down tax cuts, Citizen's United, and global recession.


I honestly don't know how the overt racism and xenophobia will play out. It may embolden very serious and very scary groups. It's so strange that I really can't predict what will happen with it. That's not to say that racism and xenophobia are not sloshing around all the time. But it is weird for the president to be willing to use it.



It's Bush/Cheney 2.0. That's what we are in for. It's so fucking obvious.

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Wikileaks is currently getting torn to fucking shreds in their AMA:



They might as well have been shooting themselves in the foot with an MG42. Even if they are being honest their PR is absolute shit.


Also lol: "Thanks guys that was great. We need to get back to work now, but thank you for joining us."

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If Milo gets a WH job this universe is fucking shit lol 


would love to see him be out front as press secretar.  that'd be pretty entertaining. 




dressed like this 



please president trump make it happen 




lou reed's secret son?

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Wikileaks is currently getting torn to fucking shreds in their AMA:



They might as well have been shooting themselves in the foot with an MG42.[/i]

Hah, nice very specific gun choice. I agree, that iama looked like a clusterfuck though i admit i only skimmed it.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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Wikileaks is currently getting torn to fucking shreds in their AMA:



They might as well have been shooting themselves in the foot with an MG42. Even if they are being honest their PR is absolute shit.


Also lol: "Thanks guys that was great. We need to get back to work now, but thank you for joining us."



holy shit.. that gilded mega linked post just kinda shut that down. 



Theres a theory Wikileaks is ctrl'd by the FSB/SVR and are useful idiots whose dissent is being capitalized on




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Lol I remember Alex Jones saying that Wikileaks was a CIA funded disinformation outlet but when they started digging up dirt on Clinton they became the greatest thing in the world.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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My prediction:


A year from now. Trump has the highest approval rating of any president in American history. Doesn't fulfil even a third of all the stuff he threatened. Becomes practically a democrat.


Cue Trump supporters. "He fucking lied to us. He's just like all the rest of them."


You heard it here first.

Hard to disagree with this. Considering his admin apparently has only started the hiring process for staffers, they'll be lucky if they pass any legislation in his first year.


He won't be able to fulfill many of his promises. TPP will probably not get signed though. The Wall was always a pipe dream, and deporting immigrants is a multi-year project that no one knows how they're going to pay for it.


Doublename: awesome. What do you teach?


I teach middle and high school US History. My 11th graders are just getting to the Gilded Age now, so this article fits in nicely. Thanks for posting it.

Great link, very informative. I like that Limpy prompted chen posting it.


Also good on you for teaching doublename, i tried it out and couldn't cut it.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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