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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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2 articles of impeachment.

  • abuse of power
  • obstruction of congress

draft form but i don't think they will change. they will probably vote them to the senate in the next week or two. the dems have their sights on the correct place, red state voters. they're keeping it simple for messaging. this gives dems a way to pressure the GOPs through their voters. the case for the ukraine articles can be made clearly and with lots of substantiation, and it's hard to muddy, even for some people living in fox news land. it also helps GOP constitutent support so they get freed up to do the right thing.




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A federal judge in El Paso on Tuesday blocked the Trump administration’s plan to pay for border barrier construction with $3.6 billion in military funds, ruling that the administration does not have the authority to divert money appropriated by Congress for a different purpose.

The Trump administration was planning to use those funds to build 175 miles of steel barriers, and the court’s permanent injunction casts new doubt on Trump’s pledge to erect 450 linear miles of fencing by the end of next year.




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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

oh here we go.. . wtf.  some crazy shit 24/7

Election 2020 cycle has officially started. If you're still sick of HRCs emails, you might want to move to Canada. Things will only get worse.

Also, here's interesting opinion piece for the people unsatisfied with the "only" 2 articles of impeachment the Dems put unto paper. Arguing it's a masterstroke to do only two. So yeah. Opinions and all that. Who knows at this point, right? 


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At a rally in Pennsylvania, Trump called the FBI ‘scum’ amid the release of an IG report on the FBI's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign.



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2 hours ago, ambergonk said:

The White House might as well be run by 4chan at this point

"after my initial feeling of being violated, seeing that pompous fool using my creation to stroke his infantile ego, it finally struck me that the leader of my country and the free world actually enjoys comparing himself to a mass murderer" - jim starlin

to be fair: it's trump campaign people/war room who made that comparison. he probably approves just because it "triggers" the left and makes him look like he's destroying them

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The interesting thing about the trolls is that you can basically read the Trump campaign strategy coming alive. One of the strategies is to convince people Trump is "inevitable". It energises the base. And it demotivates democratic voters to vote. Sounds like a perfect Trump strategy.

I hope a future movie will be called "How to bullshit your way into the White House". Subtitle:"The death of American Democracy".

It's going to be black humour. And its conclusion is that American voters have been turned into spineless beings who can't think for themselves and instead think in terms of prefabricated stereotypes.

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If it's any consolation Trump's consistent strategy to ascension has been the art of lying. In this case that same tactic could be his undoing. The election is still 11 months away, and the MAGA crazies have been chanting "TRUMP 2020" for the last two years now. But is it really a foregone conclusion? 

They think they're unstoppable. But I'm pretty sure throughout the course of human history the least stable leaders have also seen the shortest reigns.

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More on that subject, in the beginning of this Youtube with a *completely* unrelated and non-political topic (!!!), a very relevant psychological effect is discussed. The illusory truth effect. There's strong evidence that humans are very susceptible by believing lies if they are repeated often enough. It basically takes a couple hours to get students to believe in obvious lies. Or, as he says it, repetition is more powerful than intelligence and knowledge.

It's in the first 5 minutes, so you don't need to sit through the rest of it.




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9 hours ago, goDel said:

The interesting thing about the trolls is that you can basically read the Trump campaign strategy coming alive. One of the strategies is to convince people Trump is "inevitable". It energises the base. And it demotivates democratic voters to vote. Sounds like a perfect Trump strategy.

oof...this actually is a really good tactic. devious.

trump, if he's naturally talented at anything, is quite good at implementing classic psych tricks to be persuasive. he asks for favors, nods when he speaks, and uses language suggesting that you already agree with him. clearly this doesn't work on people who already think he's a horrible doofus, but for his fans, it's super effective!

the good news is that anyone and everyone can learn to do those things

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1 hour ago, luke viia said:

trump, if he's naturally talented at anything, is quite good at implementing classic psych tricks to be persuasive. he asks for favors, nods when he speaks, and uses language suggesting that you already agree with him. clearly this doesn't work on people who already think he's a horrible doofus, but for his fans, it's super effective!

that's one of many frustrating things about him...his con man skills are actually pretty laughable when compared to some of the more calculated schemers (Ponzi, Madoff, etc.), yet millions of people fell for his stupid bullshit anyway. it really brings into view just how many gullible, easy prey people there are out there who buy into insane, clearly wrong verbal nonsense...

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8 hours ago, zero said:

that's one of many frustrating things about him...his con man skills are actually pretty laughable when compared to some of the more calculated schemers (Ponzi, Madoff, etc.), yet millions of people fell for his stupid bullshit anyway. it really brings into view just how many gullible, easy prey people there are out there who buy into insane, clearly wrong verbal nonsense...

Said people out there had a false sense of desperation in 2016...manifested out of xenophobia (never mind that white people weren't America's first inhabitants) and a fear that their Second Amendment rights would be stripped of them. I'd argue that Rupert Murdoch is partly to blame for stoking this paranoia. And then we saw the beginnings of the Tea Party movement a decade ago which was more or less a precursor to the MAGA cult, which I think was little more than reactionary zeal over the fact that it was the first time a black man became POTUS.

They should ask themselves though -  what is their true purpose, besides perpetual spoon-fed anger? Does independent thought matter to them? Or do they prioritize on the fear of being ostracized and then vilified by their peers?

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My guess is, his celebrity status combined with his decades of media presence and vaguely political opinions was enough for people too simply ignore all the BS coming from his orange painted mouth.

And I suspect there's plenty people with similar narcissistic traits who "understand" him and "get" where he's coming from. Thats the thing you see from time to time where people feel the need to explain Trump to those who don't understand him. You can recognize them by their ability to look past the nonsense and deduce the deeper Trump "logic".

The Freud in me would argue that these people grew up with a "strong" parent who gaslighted them into some form of docile slave. These people get warm and fuzzy feelings when Trump talks. As they've grew up to be dependent on some kind of gaslighter giving them a sense of direction. This might be more normal ( prevalent) than you'd expect. 

I got a whiff of that as well, tbh. So, take this with a grain of salt. 

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After he won, I wondered how we are supposed to carry on as a society, surrounded by all of these idiots that changed history by being idiots. 

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9 hours ago, goDel said:

My guess is, his celebrity status combined with his decades of media presence and vaguely political opinions was enough for people too simply ignore all the BS coming from his orange painted mouth. 

yeah, I think his celebrity was a big part of it. after all, he was the guy forcefully yelling "you're fired" on the apprentice. I'm voting for him!

so then maybe dems should rethink their strategy...try to recruit a hollywood celeb to throw their hat in the race. if all it takes is a recognizable face, talking loudly, and having an inkling of political knowledge, then why not get a celeb everyone already knows? I know governator Arnold would love the chance to do it, but unfortunately can't. I've joked before that Stephen Colbert would be pretty awesome...he could alternate between his right wing "colbert report" persona and his liberal Letterman gig persona to appease the group he's speaking to. 

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Greta Thunberg won TIME's PotY 2019. Not a coincidence. Just shows what petty, insecure incels they are in the War Room.

EDIT: Looks like I mentioned what was already obvious. I didn't realize earlier that Trump's Whore Room indeed edited that very TIME cover.

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