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If we are the chickens, and our evil government overlords are the t-rexes, it means we can team up and win. It brought tears to my eyes. 

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yeah it's a rubbish simulation alright, but then again so is our universe :cisfor:


don't you sometimes wish you could exist inside a chill 420 dank meme? like chillphin or something. I'd totally exist in this world:





this one too 

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^ you him or you you?




yeah it's a rubbish simulation alright, but then again so is our universe :cisfor:


don't you sometimes wish you could exist inside a chill 420 dank meme? like chillphin or something. I'd totally exist in this world:





this one too 


show me the way to the portal brahs

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yeah it's a rubbish simulation alright, but then again so is our universe :cisfor:


don't you sometimes wish you could exist inside a chill 420 dank meme? like chillphin or something. I'd totally exist in this world:





this one too 





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yeah it's a rubbish simulation alright, but then again so is our universe :cisfor:


I agree with you in part (the first part at least, the second part I thought you were overthinking it), the simulation is pathetic, to reiterate the point usagi made how could those chickens peck away at those t-rex's ankles to any effect? the truth is they couldn't. A chicken couldn't even reach the tip of a t-rex's toe. But this is a simulation so surely a little creative license to be applied to make it reasonable that these chickens could do damage to this out of control band of rex's. But that would include the chickens working as a team and pecking out eyeballs, etc ...they probably could overpower them. The FX team didn't have the budget or imagination to have flying chickens or any of the shit that could make this believable, what we got was a piece of shit. I'm not even sure how the dinosaurs were doing damage to the chickens, their lacklustre head swooping motion oozed defeat.

The point being chickens in numbers as great as this would defeat these beasts, however this animation is piss weak, a slur on the chickens, and a poor representation of how they would complete the task they were born to do.

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yeah it's a rubbish simulation alright, but then again so is our universe :cisfor:


I agree with you in part (the first part at least, the second part I thought you were overthinking it), the simulation is pathetic, to reiterate the point usagi made how could those chickens peck away at those t-rex's ankles to any effect? the truth is they couldn't. A chicken couldn't even reach the tip of a t-rex's toe. But this is a simulation so surely a little creative license to be applied to make it reasonable that these chickens could do damage to this out of control band of rex's. But that would include the chickens working as a team and pecking out eyeballs, etc ...they probably could overpower them. The FX team didn't have the budget or imagination to have flying chickens or any of the shit that could make this believable, what we got was a piece of shit. I'm not even sure how the dinosaurs were doing damage to the chickens, their lacklustre head swooping motion oozed defeat.

The point being chickens in numbers as great as this would defeat these beasts, however this animation is piss weak, a slur on the chickens, and a poor representation of how they would complete the task they were born to do.


Shliz ma mayne, I'll readily admit to that post was nothing more than my usual poor attempt at edgelorde wit up in the WATMMZ, referencing past hot topics such as "Convince me I'm not in a simulation" 'n whatnot.  I do enjoy contemplating the possibility (even though I don't believe it) that our universe is a simulation, perhaps an inferior one created by an inferior deity (programmer), even to the point where it is the subject of ridicule by deity peers.  Coming back to the chickens tho, they seem to be operating with a level of hive-mind organization heretofore unseen in domesticated fowl... yet.  In da flesh I'd fully expect sexy rexy to win everytiem, rite?


Slightly OT ( :cisfor: ), but do we have the technology yet to resurrect extinct species ala Jurassic Park?  Part of me thinks all that's lacking is a mad scientist with the time and resources to make it happen.

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