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All-Purpose Smartypants Thread


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i can't hold a reasonable defense of jps position tho, i rlly don't understand it enough to do that, but I'm excite to see whatever come out of the sam harris discussion and whatever follows




look I get ya but I really mean what I say, try to live in truth and become the best person u could be are platitudes but jeez is it ever a hard thing to do.. but try it out man! things around you suddenly sort themselves out (is not a recipe for success but it is ur best bet imo)




this is relevant


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Social constructionism is literally the opposite of a natural process.

Once we can agree on that, we can have further discussion.

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Social constructionism is literally the opposite of a natural process.

Once we can get that straight, we can have further discussion.

I doubt you can hold Sam Harris position and I know I definetly can't hold Jordan's position in its entirety (I don't understand it well enough), id rather let them (& whoever follows) sort out this issue
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Well i meant in the sense that he's a representative of the materialist worldview in this debate.. that's independent of he being whatever


nwae, I just don't know enough to have a reasonable discussion on the relationship between facts and values.. the point I wanted to make was the "platitudes" above, n u kno.. try em out.. cuz is not an easy thing

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Social constructionism is literally the opposite of a natural process.

Once we can agree on that, we can have further discussion.

Everything social is a result of natural processes, so is social construction. The ability of some lifeforms to be social is a product of evolution. The capability of humans to construct social concepts is product of evolution. Evolution is a natural process and so is sociality and everything that comes with it.

Once you get that, we can discuss further, motherfucker

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Social constructionism is literally the opposite of a natural process.

Once we can agree on that, we can have further discussion.

Everything social is a result of natural processes, so is social construction. The ability of some lifeforms to be social is a product of evolution. The capability of humans to construct social concepts is product of evolution. Evolution is a natural process and so is sociality and everything that comes with it.

Once you get that, we can discuss further, motherfucker

I suggest taking a quick read through at least the intro to Berger and Luckmann’s The Social Construction of Reality so you can have a grasp of the concept. Cause right now, motherfucker, you don’t.



be the light and love of a thousand irradiated white dwarfs


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Social constructionism is literally the opposite of a natural process.

Once we can agree on that, we can have further discussion.

Everything social is a result of natural processes, so is social construction. The ability of some lifeforms to be social is a product of evolution. The capability of humans to construct social concepts is product of evolution. Evolution is a natural process and so is sociality and everything that comes with it.

Once you get that, we can discuss further, motherfucker

I suggest taking a quick read through at least the intro to Berger and Luckmann’s The Social Construction of Reality so you can have a grasp of the concept. Cause right now, motherfucker, you don’t.



be the light and love of a thousand irradiated white dwarfs

I'm well aware of what social construction is, I studied sociology, yet I still think that social construction isn't unnatural



be the motherfucking dwarf & light:)


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Just make dreads with your pubes and dress like a gentleman. Be polite and choose your words carefully. Shit your pants during a job interview and still get the job (skype interviews ftw). Smooch on 1st date. Jog naked in the desert. Eat seitan everything. Put pickle juice in your coffee. Pour milk in your shoes before a hike. Take muscle relaxers before sky diving and fart at the dentists. Go dumpster diving and find a losing lottery ticket. Be. 

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MENSA Magnum Condoms autographed by James Woods. 


James Woods was actually fucking Blondie in that scene in Videodrome. Years ago, I went with a friend to some Chinese restaurant in Woonsocket, Rhode Island to see some blues band that his dad wanted to see. James Woods was in the audience and said that to him. 

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We derive a theory which, after spontaneous, dynamical, and ad hoc symmetry breaking, and after elimination of all fields except a set of zero measure, produces 10-dimensional superstring theory. Since the latter is a theory of only everything, our theory describes much more than everything, and includes also anything, something, and nothing. 

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