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TAIPEI, Taiwan  — China said Friday it would halt cooperation with the United States on areas including military relations and climate change while imposing sanctions against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as Beijing stepped up its retaliation to her Taiwan visit.


so the u.s.-china joint glasgow declaration is now nullified?

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this shit is endlessly bizarre. cpac is a fuckn weird weird place. 


Some spectators wept. Some threw money into the cage. Others came up close to mutter words of comfort and support to the emotionally distraught man inside, who was alternating sitting on a bare cot with his head in his hands, and writing sad slogans on a blackboard like “Where is Everyone?” Among those in the audience was Zuny Duarte, mother of Enrique Tarrio, the jailed ex-chairman of the Proud Boys facing seditious conspiracy charges for his role in the Capitol. One man, wearing a T-shirt saying “Correctional Officers for Trump 2020” pointed at his chest, making sure the “jailed” activist saw, and said “”I know how it works, man.” 



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19 hours ago, ignatius said:

this shit is endlessly bizarre. cpac is a fuckn weird weird place. 


Some spectators wept. Some threw money into the cage. Others came up close to mutter words of comfort and support to the emotionally distraught man inside, who was alternating sitting on a bare cot with his head in his hands, and writing sad slogans on a blackboard like “Where is Everyone?” Among those in the audience was Zuny Duarte, mother of Enrique Tarrio, the jailed ex-chairman of the Proud Boys facing seditious conspiracy charges for his role in the Capitol. One man, wearing a T-shirt saying “Correctional Officers for Trump 2020” pointed at his chest, making sure the “jailed” activist saw, and said “”I know how it works, man.” 



I wonder if these people would look at a liberal gathering / conference, with all these people trying to be inclusive and making plans to help the disadvantaged, with the same kind of befuddled incredulity in which we see this.

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19 hours ago, ignatius said:




this looks like it's from some mid 90's late night soft core skinemax 3am thing. the super lame fake set jail fantasy was all over the place back then in the porn world. which is actually sorta fitting for this CPAC crowd in a way. they are all out of date, stuck in the past, bunch of weird humans, who probably still jerk off to '80s/'90s porn. 


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On 8/7/2022 at 12:32 PM, ignatius said:

this shit is endlessly bizarre. cpac is a fuckn weird weird place. 


Some spectators wept. Some threw money into the cage. Others came up close to mutter words of comfort and support to the emotionally distraught man inside, who was alternating sitting on a bare cot with his head in his hands, and writing sad slogans on a blackboard like “Where is Everyone?” Among those in the audience was Zuny Duarte, mother of Enrique Tarrio, the jailed ex-chairman of the Proud Boys facing seditious conspiracy charges for his role in the Capitol. One man, wearing a T-shirt saying “Correctional Officers for Trump 2020” pointed at his chest, making sure the “jailed” activist saw, and said “”I know how it works, man.” 





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pretty dark tone he's going with. looks like this fucker is gonna run again. god dammit. fingers crossed we avert this carnage. i don't think we'll make it thru another 4 years of this guy. 

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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

pretty dark tone he's going with. looks like this fucker is gonna run again. god dammit. fingers crossed we avert this carnage. i don't think we'll make it thru another 4 years of this guy. 

I believe DOJ is setting the stage to publicly say they will prosecute him even if he runs. It’s a “bad look”, but so was trying to install yourself as a tyrant. The violation of the Presidential Records Act, in theory, could also ban him from running for office again. That might end up being the more pragmatic approach, with less of a violent backlash. Mebbe

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13 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

I believe DOJ is setting the stage to publicly say they will prosecute him even if he runs. It’s a “bad look”, but so was trying to install yourself as a tyrant. The violation of the Presidential Records Act, in theory, could also ban him from running for office again. That might end up being the more pragmatic approach, with less of a violent backlash. Mebbe

there's thousands of his followers and conspiracy tards getting into "go mode" pointing to the funding for the IRS in the new bill just passed as a way that they'll come take their guns. they think the IRS is going to take their guns. "america is over. this is the first move" and all that kind of shit. as if the federal gov't is going to have 20,000 IRS agents by friday this week to start collecting people's guns. wtf. it's all so dumb. 

also, who puts the american flag at the head of their bed? lot's of people put the cross there but the flag? is that a twin bed in his mom's basement? wtf w/these people who need some kind of thing to latch on to to give their life purpose... to feel important.. fucking idiots. 


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These people won’t do shit. They had their one chance on 1/6, and now law enforcement around the country has been hardened as a result of their failure. Jim Bob & Joe Bob will go to their Klan meetings, drink a case of beer, bitch up a storm, then go back to work at Home Depot on Monday.

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9 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

These people won’t do shit. They had their one chance on 1/6, and now law enforcement around the country has been hardened as a result of their failure. Jim Bob & Joe Bob will go to their Klan meetings, drink a case of beer, bitch up a storm, then go back to work at Home Depot on Monday.

unless they make fewer "mistakes" next time. most of these people are looking for a snowball rolling down hill they can stick themselves to. if something like that happens a bunch of them will get shot at, die or go home. 

it's not beyond realm of possibility for there to be some minor shooting incident between a few of the more hardcore types and some swat or national guard or cops or whatever. i'd expect the state's reaction to that would be a serious crack down + chaos in congress as the more idiot type of congress people double down on the stupidity and "FREEDOM!" talk. 

it's all a spectacle. pretty obvious that whatever these people expect to happen is not going to happen. the IRS is not coming to take their guns etc. the IRS is increasing staff because there's something like $1 trillion in uncollected taxes and also wealthy people have tax attorneys and auditing them takes a lot of resources and time. 

the orange elephant in the room is trump and whatever happens w/his rhetoric etc and if people latch on to it in any kind of real way. 

personally, i'll be riding my bike, trying to make music and sweating out the next heat wave. ugh. 95+ all next week. 


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8 hours ago, ignatius said:

there's thousands of his followers and conspiracy tards getting into "go mode" pointing to the funding for the IRS in the new bill just passed as a way that they'll come take their guns. they think the IRS is going to take their guns. "america is over. this is the first move" and all that kind of shit. as if the federal gov't is going to have 20,000 IRS agents by friday this week to start collecting people's guns. wtf. it's all so dumb. 

also, who puts the american flag at the head of their bed? lot's of people put the cross there but the flag? is that a twin bed in his mom's basement? wtf w/these people who need some kind of thing to latch on to to give their life purpose... to feel important.. fucking idiots. 


These kinds of people have always existed, always spouting the same kind of crazy stuff.  It's not like there are suddenly more of them.

The only difference now is that it's much easier for them to organize and spread ideas though social media. I hope the FBI is closely watching out for that kind of thing.

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9 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

The only difference now is that it's much easier for them to organize and spread ideas though social media.

yep. they're all total badasses on twitter. and of course whenever these type of dudes all get together IRL standing around like morons holding automatic weapons in front of some public building... but I don't think any of these jack offs are capable of organizing a deadly serious initiative to overthrow the government. they can post whatever crap on social media in an attempt to come off as hard and threatening. but these are the types that mostly don't have serious life planning skills. they live in fantasy land. if you really want to plan some initiative to overthrow the government, then you do it quietly and intelligently (um, not like I know, um...). now those are the ones I hope the FBI would be on top of. 

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1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

These kinds of people have always existed, always spouting the same kind of crazy stuff.  It's not like there are suddenly more of them.

the US population has approximately doubled over the last 50ish years. the proportion of people who are crazies may be similar, but there *are* definitely more of them. 

2 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

I wouldn't say they took it over, they basically broke in and then looked around for an hour or so. And this was them disorganized, which is why I hope the FBI is looking out for organization.

i wouldn’t say they took it over exactly, but they were trying. people were being shot and killed. they definitely didn’t just ‘look around’ ffs. there would’ve been much more violence if the insurrectionists had access to their targets.

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I'm not downplaying it at all.  What I meant was, there was no concerted, shared plan. Maybe a handful of rogue actors had plans to get Pence or Pelosi, but the vast majority just broke in and wandered around the building. Imagine if they would've all been more organized...

I've said this here before, but I kind of wish they had reached Pence or some other Congressperson and not killed them of course but roughed them up. That would've made it MUCH harder for the R assholes in Congress to ignore during the impeachment trial. As it stands, it's much easier for them to brush it off because yeah they came close but, hey, nothing bad happened to them or their colleagues.  That's the view they're taking and feeding to their supporters.  Of course the reality is that a bunch of morons tried to overthrow the government at a very vulnerable moment, but weren't organized enough to accomplish their goals.

Edited by randomsummer
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