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About kaini

  • Birthday 08/14/1977

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    richard P feynman

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. baph

    kaini pls

  2. how did i miss this one, it's beautiful
  3. New SOPHIE is pretty banging
  4. myself and braintree had a beer. it was cool. also, that is a fuckin GOOD synth shop behind us. SF <3
  5. can't beat a decent veg curry http://i.imgur.com/hpMnPKj.gifv i'd add some yellow mustard seed, cloves, black pepper, cardamom, and just a touch of cinnamon, nutmeg, and asafoetida (hing) to the spice mix at the start, and maybe sub the broccoli out for some baby potatoes, mixed beans, or butternut squash. edit: and i'd use yoghurt instead of coconut cream.
  6. one of them is the guys from black sun productions/anarcocks?
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