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Danny O Flannagin

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    Carl Sagan

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  1. Was listening to their 2023 year end best albums and feeling kind of meh about a lot of them.
  2. I saw this film in a theater, no intermission. It's a very good movie and I want to see it again, but being forced to sit for that amount of time is a big ask. Wonderfully shot film but it might be a better experience seeing this at home tbh Edit: Wanted to add, it is 3 hours and 26 min with about 10 min of credits
  3. Blackberry is my favorite movie of this year. Excited to see where this guy goes
  4. I like this album, its really cheesey but also very ernest and nostaligic for early 2000s dance/trance stuff. People have mentioned PC Music and it definitley belongs more in that camp. I've been obsessed with this guy ever since Duga-3 which I think is a masterpiece. Would have loved to see him continue down a more ambient route but thats just my taste
  5. Funny enough, on my very first sortie into space I accidently went there. And it tripped me out later because I kept hearing about it and saw the log entry and remember going there but I couldn't figure out how to go back. Thought the game was glitched for a bit haha
  6. I beat this game about a month ago. I loved all the exploration threads but I did get a bit stuck near the end when it felt like i'd mostly explored everything. It helps to go back and read stuff and give yourself a goal. Also helpful to have some non-spoiler hints near the end
  7. Checked out this album today. It's good but its kind of hard to get over the singing at times. It kind of sounds like Clark doing a weird Thom Yorke impression and I just don't think the chops are there. Maybe it will grow on me but I cant help the feeling that this album would be better with the vox track muted ?
  8. This sounds really good, cant wait to hear the rest of the EP
  9. This is REALLY good. Great Aphex and BOC vibes, especailly with that killer pad. Only criticism is I think the speak and spell might be a bit loud in the mix
  10. Maybe try to focus on the things you like about making music and try not to be too critical about the end product. Or look at the end product and try to narrow on the things you like about it and refine those aspects. Agreed that it can be frustrating at times and you can't plan out a good session. Often times my best ideas come when I just have 30 min and I write some stuff down. But sometimes when I have 2 hours, nothing comes of it and I have to throw in the towel. Idk, I'm dealing with similar things and haven't been motivated lately to make stuff
  11. Wanting to use it to capture melodic content from my eurorack to make ambient/glitchy stuff. Chopping up arpeggios and such. Really intrigued with its sort of "on the fly" recording capabilities that I think is lacking in a lot of other samplers. Thanks for the video, I'll check it out
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