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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Apparently we're 'misusing' our iPhones according to Jony Ive: http://money.cnn.com/2017/10/06/technology/culture/jony-ive-iphone-habits/index.html
  2. I really, really liked it - the trailer is very misleading/trollish though on how the juxtapositioned the dialogue with the scenes (e.g., they don't relate to one another, and imply things that are probably not true).
  3. Because 10" require different moulds, setup times, extra costs, etc. Same reason they charge more for XL sizes at the shops. Common sense, innit. Actually, it's because Todd decided to press it at Archers Record Pressing in Detroit, and they don't have the capability to press 10"s. Ah, good to know - although I think my point still stands - cheaper to press a 12" than a 10" (last time I checked). Might be wrong on that too though!
  4. I saw it opening night - in IMAX. Theatre was practically empty, which I didn't mind at all, even though we had reserved seats. I really, really liked it - was it perfect? No. Was the original? No. Did it do what it set out to do, which was to tell a continuation of the story from the first film? Sort of. Did it manage to convince me this is the same world from the first movie? Absolutely. Was it visually stunning? Hell fucking yes - best visuals I have seen in a long, long time. Was it emotionally stirring like the first movie? Yes. Very sad in some parts - your milage will vary depending on your personality. The music - so minimal I really appreciated how it became transparent in the background and didn't interfere with the story or the visuals. Glad they didn't feel the need to reference the first movie hardly at all. The sounds - I'm not sure if I like how loud the Spinners are now - how the first movie almost purposely replaced any car sounds with Vangelis' soundtrack was magical, whereas this was more like "See how realistic and loud we can make future vehicles despite our modern cars being relatively quiet". The characters - very interesting, and far more varied than the first movie. Some they could have left out entirely; others are integral to why this movie is special. Can't wait to see it again once it (quickly, based on box office receipts so far) comes to 4K home video.
  5. Or, in other words: fanboys will love it, but it doesnt look like it will have the same lasting power as the original To be fair, the original didn't fare well at the box office, and only years later did it become a cult classic.
  6. Terrible in regards to the visuals' context, or just poor graphics? Gameplay-wise too - very simplistic and very frustrating. I don't think it really knows what it wants to be. Survival horror? FPS? Puzzle game? The visuals are amazing but that's about it, style over substance (as opposed to Cuphead, the devs went for a standard action platformer but elevates it with the visuals). I think the motivation for making this game (making a visually gorey FPS/Action game) came long before any thought of making a good playing game. I meant for from a gameplay perspective. It looks so incredibly bland and the style is ridiculous beyond belief. “Aw yeah, my gun is a dick monster that I feed with teeth and then I put it into a hole uuurgh vagina penis rib cages and shit”. It’s the least discreet version of a HR Giger inspired style. Almost like what 11 year olds would create if they could do advanced texture mapping. Cuphead, on the other hand is stunning visually - AND fun to play. Challenging too.
  7. I sometimes wonder if it really is the end times...
  8. Dark Souls-ish hack and slash Nioh is coming to PC on Steam this November!
  9. This site is a piss-take of the nth degree
  10. i09's review is up - good movie, too long, Leto sucks (but plays a very minor role). I've decided to go balls-out and see it in IMAX next Friday.
  11. lol. twitter toilet paper. They throw those out for any hyped film expounding profuse love, it's a masterpiece, like nothing you will ever see... ...oops, it was a turd actually. A turd clogging the fuck out of your pipes. Did the same happen with Alien: Covenant or Ghost in the Shell? The early reviews of Wonder Woman were positive, and lo and behold, the movie was good. This makes me a bit more relaxed about Blade Runner: 2049.
  12. Premiere episode and streaming-only episodes already cracked the Pirate Bay top 10 most downloaded shows. CBS should have aired it as a two-hour movie instead of the blatant bait and switch tactic to get fools to sign up for their lame streaming service. From what I'm hearing, Fuller handled the pilot, and not much else, so the rest of the series will be very different from the pilot, and supposedly most of the supporting characters won't appear in the main series (WTF?).
  13. It's not. Unless you can get it on a preorder discount (like Amazon), I wouldn't pay full price for it. The Wii U version's novelty wore off pretty quickly.
  14. Still hitting the links on Everybody's Golf. So relaxing.
  15. I know it was probably meant in jest, but please don't go providing email addresses to people and promote harassing them over work they may or may not even be doing.
  16. I thought it was alright. The Klingon sequences were a lot better than how they've been handled in the past, and are more believable (I think) as an alien warrior race this time around. I didn't think the main character's actions in the first episode were believable, so it remains to be seen if this was an anomaly or she acts this way throughout the series. Also interesting to see Brian Fuller still listed as Executive Producer - I guess a lot of what he did still garners him credit in the end.
  17. Lol. What? That guy has one style. His stuff carries about as much emotion as an electric toaster. Granted, Com's style hasn't evolved, but as far as the aesthetic , I think his music would fit Blade Runner pretty well. Plus, artists sometimes take a different approach to OSTs than they do their own compositions.
  18. Com Truise probably could have done a more appropriate OST than Zimmer or that other guy.
  19. I think he should have listened to himself... we'll see.
  20. There is something really off about this. I mean, it's like weeks away. You can't even pre-order the soundtrack anywhere. Yeah, and all of Johannson's music he did has been removed from the film... surely that affected edits to the film (sometimes they edit a scene to fit the music better), etc...

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