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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. blue vinyl: https://wemerecords.com/shop/rtr-circle-blue-vinyl-pre-order/ digital: https://rtrmusic.bandcamp.com/album/circle
  2. hype af for oppenheimer, sorry. feynman & einstein in a nolan movie about oppenheimer and the manhattan project... should be good. reviews are promising
  3. you're fine. unseen series is great. hyped for this. sounding good
  4. i quite enjoy ian's work and am glad to wait as long as it takes
  5. i think you are assuming that nothing is happening where actually some stuff is happening. for example, bill gates did a book 2 years ago wherein he breaks down the carbon situation, the contributing industries, the feasible alternatives, and the relevant metrics. he does an analysis of gaps in technology and highlights where feasible actions exist. basically, this is a solvable problem, but it is a very challenging problem to solve, and the only way we will do it is if we collectively really try to do it. which is why i worry that we will reach the second half of this century and find that we have driven the car off a cliff. i see no reason to discount a scenario where chain reactions bring us to a melting of much of antaractica in the next century. just insane levels of climate change that would wreak utter havoc on civilization. mad max is on the table. the first step is awareness - people need to understand what is happening. it's horrific that big oil can pour money into disinfo factories to confuse the masses (see: the GOP and american right wing media). gates also started an organization and is connecting scientists from around the world, etc. systematically identifying the most potential for research areas and funding them. around the same time he started focusing on that, i observed an influx of disinfo narratives going around about him https://www.amazon.com/How-Avoid-Climate-Disaster-Breakthroughs/dp/059321577X
  6. very likely he received a message asking if he saw the bombers circling above the highway, or something to that effect. If prigozhin pushed forward, they would have been lit up from the sky. early on when all this started someone said "this would be like if the USA suddenly attacked Toronto". it seemed nuts to a lot of people but some people didn't understand just how fucking crazy this was to do. exactly. the full invasion of ukraine always looked bizarre. it would only serve to make nato stronger and make russia and putin weaker. these are the theories i like that account for it putin has cancer and he and the military both talked up the invasion for years and they needed to shit or get off the pot so they're using putin's last years to do it because they all know it's a terrible idea and this way they save face by trying and blame putin putin felt the rats were closing in so he shifted to a martial footing. this serves to entrench him further and it provides pretext for doing things with the military that may serve the purpose of assuaging his paranoia he was out of his mind with fear, knowing he was almost certainly, presently being caught by US intel for having an agent named trump very nearly succeed in taking down the us government from within. so he just went ahead and switched to full ww2 mode, preemptively.
  7. "Five from the top, three from the bottom but only two from the middle" people say collapse track length but seems like a coincidence and not the solution. @chronical said studio locations here, but idk if he elaborated
  8. i feel an lp tuss collapse syro ++ edit: actually, no. ep
  9. yeah it's an open and shut case but the jury of florida men and the judge being a weirdo trumpist mean it will be interesting to see what happens. that jack brought it means he thinks they will win.
  10. here's the indictment. https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000188-a12f-db74-ab98-b3ff4de50000
  11. capitol police were a bit fucked by brain poison, in places. they put some bike racks on some paths as defense against a fully anticipated militia attack. there was, strangely, hours of melee combat. it's a miracle there wasn't more gunfire. it was like an ancient battlefield, with two masses colliding across an extended front, engaged in combat. it went on for hours. there were guns in the crowd. and many cops had guns. this video piece by the NYT gives a good overview. the crowd came within eye shot of where mike pence was. if a violent crowd came in contact with his secret service detail, they would have engaged. officer goodman saved the senate from coming in contact with the crowd by leading them astray, facing them down, on his own, with his hand on his gun, as they continually approached him, forcing him to back further into the capitol. they walked right past the open door to the senate chamber with senators inside. it's important to understand how remarkable it is that the congress reconvened later that night, including with mike pence, who refused to leave, despite the demands of his secret service. this was the whole plan, they just needed congress to go home without certifying. they needed the disruption, to get to the next day, with no certification. that's why, after being attacked, with 14 days until inauguration day, all those congress members stayed into the night to get the certification done. over a hundred cops were hospitalized. chemical weapons were used. one cop had a heart attack while being attacked with a stun gun repeatedly. 4 cops who fought on january 6th later killed themselves.
  12. there's a lot we don't understand about these systems. oceans are deep and there is like a temperature buffer in the lower levels of the ocean, for example. my point: there may be more rapid changes that occur in the future than we are accustomed to thinking about, as the global systems cross tipping points. like, those ocean temperature buffers will start slowing there mediating effect at some point, one would imagine. and of course there are the other climate feedback loops that can contribute to tipping points: ice reflection, plant fire damage, permafrost methane release, etc. crossing tipping points will result in more drastic, noticeable, and dangerous climate change. it seems that we are seeing a telescoping of time scale, already. the last 20-25 years are measurably worse than prior decades, for many metrics. and, in the last 5 years, i think we're seeing more alarming climate changes. this may be that. the system may be officially going out of whack.
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