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Goiter Sanchez

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Everything posted by Goiter Sanchez

  1. Defunkt Records streaming again tonight in part 3 of their series: https://www.twitch.tv/defunktrecords Happening NOW!
  2. Brilliant, gonna try that one sec...
  3. ^ - then who will keep the 'business-as-usual' politicians in power? It seems counter to their agenda, if there is one. Also, gotta say... I am seeing a lot of facemaskless avatars on this forum and am getting concerned. Y'all need to mask up!
  4. Defunkt stream happening now: https://www.twitch.tv/defunktrecords 9pm GyZa10pm Milo Tech11pm Daed ------ This one is also happening right now in SF for the next few hours: https://twitch.tv/panicbombermusic Beyond The Black Hole, especially, are v good!
  5. Bewwip is about to play a live streaming set on the Defunkt Records stream: https://www.twitch.tv/defunktrecords/
  6. Excellent LP! Making a track about the Konami Code AND making the lyrics literally the button inputs, fucking genius.
  7. Defunkt Records stream is happening NOW: https://www.twitch.tv/defunktrecords/ Set time details: 10pm CyberImp11pm Bewwip (!!!)12am Mundain Monstre There will be another Defunkt stream event tomorrow night and Sunday!
  8. Here is some info relating to setting up & attending streaming events from RA: https://www.residentadvisor.net/news/72274?fbclid=IwAR0Njb-ete9Z7qBjC_ax7h2Ks-WQVguqBFYfz-wwM81xSb-KaHD_AD4Uy6I Also, Defunkt Records are having a live streaming event tonight @ 10 PM CST! Tune in here: https://www.twitch.tv/defunktrecords/
  9. Listened to and enjoyed the OP track, you're starting off strong with this debut! Good textures & use of stereo field.
  10. A lot of monthly electronic nights and special events that were coming up are now streaming rather than occurring in a live social setting. There are too many events make a dedicated topic for each one, so let's post them here and WATMM's can tune in as they happen. So I'll start. Vic Acid is a monthly braindance series in Victoria B.C, Canada organised by Hrdvsion. Tonight's edition is streaming now (in light of the social distancing directive) for the next few hours. Tune in here: https://wheel.fm/video/ So As these occur to you all just keep posting them so we can tune in during our evening Internet browsings!
  11. The human head weighs eight pounds.
  12. Been working in the garden on a big hardscaping project I have been putting off for like 2 years. So satisfying to finally see it coming together (building a brick wall for raised beds). Otherwise am working on a new dark, dancey Sweguno EP. This lockdown is pretty great so far other than the whole people dying bit.
  13. Great to hear you are still healthy and working on this! Crazy sounds on that SC upload!
  14. Live version of 'Time To Find Me' uploaded to YouTube. This was part of a 4 track session they recorded in LA during the NA tour back in Nov 2019. I actually recorded the footage but visual artist Dan Conway took my footage and made a trippy outta it!
  15. Te Noch RP is sheer dark dancefloor DESTRUCTION to this day! Along with Rktic this is a mainstay of my DJ sets.
  16. Yeah, I'm not OG WATMM enough to recall his conduct during the 'chri5tpuncher' days or whatever, but the lvl of hate he gets on here is pretty silly.
  17. Best I've heard from him; the way it transitions to halftime but also doubles (in the hats) is really slick.
  18. Here is the latest DJ set/megamix! As before I am mostly iverlaying track in novel ways, using the bassline & kick from one and the mid/upper range of another. https://m.mixcloud.com/Sweguno/dj-goiters-sweguno-idp-24-28022020/ Featuring: Slaughter Mob - Dun Weapon Gescom - Viral Rival (Rmxd By Ae) Slaughter Mob - Fireweaver Brothomstates - Yoaoshk Skream - Losing Control Kodomo - Concept 11 Aphex Twin - 1st 44 Michael Fakesch - From Crocut AFX - choirDRILL Giorgio Moroder & Raney Shockne - Memory String (Plaid Mix) Autechre - 6IE.ER Autechre - Pen Expers Spitradix - Lisloughrey VHS Head - Craven Hacked To Pieces
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