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Knob Twiddlers
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  1. I've dipped my toes into adsr and used iced audio finder for an extensive period. But I've come to the conclusion that for me trying to incorporate sample management into what I do is more of an effort than I'm willing to make. For me the key is to generally not to obtain any more samplelibraries/packs than I already have and to process stuff I record that I want to get samples from as quickly as possible and get those samples into a somewhat structured and playable thing. In reality this means that usually I'll get distracted during the processing and start making something with the samples that are ready to go and have an ever growing collection of hours of yet to mine and mark as depleted recordings. But that's ok. I try to at least put stuff I make or record into folders with a descriptive name or add some tags so I could theoretically find something later.
  2. Holy fucking lol at the pebble-pouch just being sellotaped to those cables. They could at least have come up with some sort of harness for it or used a bit of transparant heatshrink.
  3. Hearty lol and then rewatched to fully appreciate the waterslide warden gracefully slide down the slide, prevent lady from colliding with kid, then advanced move in the form using the kids board as a shield against the lady’s rebound and then quickly popping the kid up on the slide’s siding before sacrificing himself. 10/10
  4. Maybe people see you as approachable and unlikely to cause trouble so they feel they can confront you to either set an example or project some of their own personal bullshit onto you. Obviously this is their problem, but maybe try to look angry/pissed off or try to give an impression of being emotionally and mentally unstable. Try to channel any kind of weird energy or unpleasantness you have in you so people don't feel so comfortable around you.
  5. Occasionally I entertain myself by intentionally mishearing the lyrics as "on a quest for fun". But not always.
  6. Good thing you just made that backup... f'in hell. Occasionally I freak out thinking about all the sys admining that is required these days and in the future and it makes me want to git my entire life or something and then I remember I don't really know how git works all that well and that I'm not equipped to deal with any of this. Then I remember my sister-in-law who poured a coffee into her macbook a couple of months ago, which I offered to thoroughly clean but she felt confident it was ok after drying it for 24 hours give or take. I asked her to let me know when she'd want some assistance cloning her drive for when it would inevitably start to shit the bed. So now it's saying the battery needs replacing (thing is like 2 years old) but she's still indifferent to taking any steps to prepare for the inevitable. Uses this machine daily for her work, also no adblocker You almost back up and running?
  7. Wonder how much effort it would take to write a script that crawls the "It has been used by..." lists on vintagesynthexplorer and have it churn out articles like that for every artist that's mentioned on there. (pretty sure the list is something like, fsol, afx, autechre, crystal method, bt and depeche mode) Oh, and fatboy slim ofc. And the chemical brothers.
  8. Dominic Hawken, regular on Sonic Talk and host of his own mr. Wiggly podcast has passed away after a short bout with pancreatic cancer. https://sonicstate.com/news/2023/02/11/tragic-news-dominic-hawken-rip/ I feel weird posting this, I didn't know him personally but I always really enjoyed him as a guest on sonic talk and would also incidentally tune in to his more off-beat and personal mr. Wiggly podcast. A few months ago I stumbled on a livestream he was hosting with I believe a friend or relative of him who had been struggling with addiction and basically they were doing a sort of open recurring group-therapy session. It was somewhat surreal and occasionally made me feel slightly uncomfortable but it was so incredibly heartwarming to see these guys making a genuine effort to connect and help each other... it takes a special kind of character, I think, to just fly in the face of cynicism like that. On YT of all places. Anyway, even though I've been gas-free for over 2 years now and synth youtube people usually rub me the wrong way I've always had a soft spot for sonic talk and many of their guests. This is incredibly sad news.
  9. mebbe there is a way to automatically force yt embeds to become plain links when the # of embeds per x amount of posts exceeds a certain number?
  10. Time to switch to macrowave and play with the big boys, yek. Microwaves… can’t even see them lol
  11. Heh. Guess there’s normally (prolly powdered) milk and butter in it?
  12. Not wanting to be laughed at by WATMM is way worse than being laughed at by WATMM. imho, although tbh I’d personally prefer both
  13. In Dutch the working class might also say “chineebinee” (kinnebakkes) (literal) or “chinface”/“chinmouth”. (kinnebakkes/kinnebakkes). An old habit still in use from the war because of the phonetic similarities to “shin” especially when pronounced by a Dutch speaking person.
  14. user


    Did anyone get in touch with you yet?
  15. Read some article that said something about mistaking ai's increasing success rates in probability based prediction for sentience and now I'm worried that I might actually just be some left-over code as I've been guessing my way around for more than 30 years and getting shitter at it by the minute.
  16. Colour me embarrassed, for some reason my brain missed the YT vid in your opening post and thought it was just a picture. I'm officially going senile.
  17. Have you considered making use of Ableton's info text? You can add notes to any track that will appear in the info/help box on the bottom right of the screen (shift+? to show/hide). As long as you always adhere to the same mental layout of the midi fighter (top row = knobs 1,2,3,4 etc) you can quickly add some notes right after you've mapped a knob and the mapping plus your notes will be there next time you open the project. Another strategy would be to always use racks when you assign anything. You can use a midi script to automatically assign the first 0-16 macro's on whichever rack you have selected to the midi fighter's knobs. Again adhering to the same arbitrary layout will make it easier to find what's what later on. For more run of the mill mappings (track volume, pans, sends,etc) I recommend using Selected Track Control. STC also includes macro mappings btw. http://stc.wiffbi.com/ Make sure you get the 1.4.0 version for Live 11
  18. I really rate severed heads. That cover though, jesus christ. Shit like that wasn't ok in the early 00's and it's not ok now.
  19. Listening to the idiots are winning for the first time in like 15 years, goddamn that's some nostalgic shit. He's yet to put out a clonker as far as I'm concerned, and although I guess he's (understandably) done with DJíng his DJ-Kicks is still one of the best psychedelic post-krautrock workouts there ever was IMHO:
  20. Sounds like your friend could do with a punch in the nuts, is what I'm thinking.
  21. Nice one! Total bargain at 70 sea creatures. I've always coveted the DDD-5, initially purely based on its looks but it sounds pretty good too imho. Don't know anything about its specs or workflow or anything though, does it have individual outs? This afternoon I was giving my trusty Korg i5M arranger module a quick last spin before we have to part ways and lost like an hour just going through presets with a keystep. So many cool vibes. Any chance of getting a short demo or something? Slap some quadraverb on it if you can!
  22. user


    Damn, I’ve had my house flooded twice but the burning partial or entirely I’ve been spared so far, that is some rough shit. And it’s definitely true what you say regarding following the news, at least I definitely get a greater sense of impending doom the more I’m engorged. Otoh even considering that, here in NL 2022 was a shitshow in terms of politics, gouvernement and the societal consequences etc. On a personal level for me it’s been progressively worse each year and 2023 seems to be continuing the trend so far. Anyway, kinda pointless post by me here. Sorry about that. Hope upward trends continue for everyone and all.
  23. user


    Wait, what? Which 2022 were you living in?
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