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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Started playing Shovel Knight a couple of days ago. Turns out it's deceptively difficult. I'll prolly wait til the weekend to jump into Fallout: The Frontier. (Still don't see it available on Steam, but it should be literally any moment now)
  2. Isn't this the first time Ae did a remix in like seven years? Last one was Oberman Knocks' Dilankex I think? Anyway, pretty lush overall. The bass is thicc and juicy, like well-nourished booty. Also I get more of an early 90s dance/R&B vibe than 80s, but maybe it sounds like some 80s hits I'm not aware of.
  3. Legs are sore af from getting back into a regular gym routine, now that the holiday bullshit has passed. While the month of January tends to be a cliché when it comes to fitness motivation, in this case I'm resuming a long-term commitment I started almost three years ago.
  4. The largest Fallout mod ever is about to be released on Steam on the 15th - simply titled The Frontier. Basically a F:NV mega mod that takes place in Portland, OR. With driveable vehicles. Seven years in development and it's finally about to drop - and free to play. Can't wait.
  5. Made this for dinner (well, half-assed waipipo version) This is how it turned out Had leftover cooked white rice to use up, but it was plain. So I ended up throwing in some chicken broth and minced ginger before adding the other sauces. This is also my first time ever using MSG in cooking (yes, the most important ingredient). So I'd say it was maybe a 66 percent match with Nigel Ng's Uncle Roger's, but I think it turned out pretty Fuiyo overall.
  6. I was actually thinking that before making that post. Le Shark (not Monke) in particular comes to mind.
  7. I wonder if any musician/music artist has made an "album" that's actually a set of modules that are no more than 30 seconds each, but all have the same instrumentation and tempo but with different notes and drum patterns. In theory, one can loop and shuffle this "album" simultaneously and have effectively randomized modules seaming with each other, while still making it sound like the same song but with an indefinite duration and non-linear structure. I'm sure this would make absolutely no sense to most people. But I'm sure someone here would get it.
  8. I ended up having to encode the WAV to MP3 to have it sound decent on my old phone MP3 player, otherwise it sounded like literal garbage in WAV format (probably due to the age of my device) Anyway, I feel like this harkens back to that Ae Residence Advisor mix from summer 2019 as a collection of 80s hip hop. Hell, it could even be the same samples but processed and remixed. But overall it's a fun, stress-free listen for me. Nothing really complex to mentally dissect, no heavy/dreary chords. Just a big caffeine-laden smoothie blended from old samples.
  9. So we've entered the age of the War on (Domestic) Terror. Most effective way to defeat the terrorists; taze 'em in the balls. (BTW I don't wanna hear any more bullshit from their bitch mouths about them being underdogs being oppressed by globalists and the deep state, when they themselves have been oppressors of minorities for ages)
  10. ambermonk


    I've had this track stuck in my head for the last 24 hours - the first half at least. Even had trouble sleeping last night because of it. Odd how it can feel so appropriate nearly two decades later.
  11. At this point my main concern is the possible intentional lack of security come inauguration day. If the DC KKKops and National Guard have explicit orders to allow these mobs to do as they please, then we're basically at the mercy of their own stupidity. We can only hope more of these clowns taze themselves in the balls.
  12. ambermonk


    I have a weird obsession with Fermium at half speed/pitch. There was also an unofficial music vid for it back in like 2007 which started with these two chicks hanging out on the beach - one of them being the director. Too goofy I thought. Would have preferred something that more accurately represented radioactive decay. (File this under pointless thoughts thread)
  13. Can't wait til the thread title reads "Now That Trump's No Longer President..." Ready for this entire orange shitstorm to be over. But it could likely go out with a bang. Either way, after the dust settles, we need to start discharging all military and law enforcement members with white supremacist affiliations, start being nicer to the environment, increase minimum wage, have actual affordable health care, etc.
  14. Yeah, the security response to this whole thing was pretty piss poor especially in comparison to how they handled the BLM protests back in early June. These MAGA children have been spoiled and coddled for too long. And quite frankly I'm sick of the racial and political bias of American law enforcement as a whole. There should be equal punishment, equal consequences for any actions REGARDLESS of skin color or political affiliation. Period.
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