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Everything posted by fizzkinz

  1. Sean pls... don’t release the jams rob pls... release the lush pads
  2. I’ve seen plenty of your post about not liking Oversteps, and known everyone has different tastes (I’m underwhelmed by Quaristice as an album, but I know you like it, so how can I judge right?) and to be fair, I’m not bowled over by oversteps overall, and my enjoyment varies greatly from “I like this a lot” to “this is patchy but OK-ish” but one thing that has been a constant is that Treale is the absolute gem in this album, and the one track that always brings me back to the album. so.... I suppose I must just accept that whatever it is that draws us both to Autechre, we may have absolutely opposing taste. And I guess that’s ok
  3. Telephasic Workshop, or Music is Math high runner-ups are Alpha and Omega, and Whitewater
  4. The more time goes by, the mote sure I am that EP7 is my favorite Ae depending on the day, I oscillate between EP7 and Confield... and lately there are just more days where I think it’s EP7
  5. fizzkinz


    I was at the Philadelphia show and I don’t remember it sounding the way the official release ended up sounding i don’t know if it was the sound system, or where I was standing, or maybe just my ears. But I couldn’t follow it. but hearing it now it’s all clear. i think I just cant do live music anymore. Give me headphones and I’m gold.
  6. sincerely someone who is neither young, nor inexperienced at listening
  7. The ?? guy is Josh Eustis of Telefon Tel Aviv
  8. fizzkinz

    elseq 1-5

    Mesh CinereaL towers above the rest
  9. Yea I mean, did I think it was going to be 2 hours straight of new BOC, of course not. But some fresh material. I guess you hit it though... after so much of Autechre delivering more than anyone could ever imagine over the years, everyone else is basically just a tease/troll
  10. Well having heard it all, I’m equally disappointed at the bait-and-switch, and happy with the fun journey of their influences and likes but mostly I’m let down. It was great but given the hype of possible new BOC, it can never measure up.
  11. This makes me think it will just be a mix of other people’s stuff, and nothing by them if so, I’ll be pretty disappointed but I can always hold out that maybe, mixed in with their influences, they toss in an unreleased track or two
  12. Well as long as we can all objectively agree that the splitting of a 1 hr song across 3 sides is essentially the picacle of absurdity And iSamantha and Ronda only did it to prove maximum troll level of their fans As long as we all objectively agree that their is no question that this is proven fact
  13. Isn’t it thought? Isn’t it? Be honest
  14. Just play the first part, then the second part, then replay the first part as you flip the last record over and mix in the 3rd part as the 1st part ends againThen repeat 1,2,1,3,1,2,1,3,1,2,1,3.....etc Since the whole song is just Sandra and Rhonnette holding one note for an hour, no one will know the difference
  15. I must say I’m also not sure why selected ambient works 85-92 gets put on such a pedestal (volume II is different and I love it) So I’m glad I can come out of the shadows and admit that. I listen to it, and it’s Ok but really nothing special. And I don’t buy that historical perspective thing, as there are plenty albums from that time that grab me more, and feel more ahead of their time. SAW 85-92 is just beige wallpaper
  16. Oh shit! That’s exactly it!! I liked it. I wished they had omitted the guitar and found a way to make it only horns and drums. With the guitar I think it just ties too close to a straight cover and they lean on it too much But still very impressive
  17. Man that photo says so much about the band’s dynamic
  18. Grabbed a random selection of 5 from various points along the journey, choosing the Philidelphia one b/c I was there. Definitely picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue Thanks Samantha & Ronnette
  19. Yea I could see all the dates listed, but all said “sold out” But now when I try again t doesn’t have the individual dates anymore
  20. I love the 2001 stuff I think I have a few other decent audience recordings other than the ones you listed (plus the soundboard) I’ll have to dig through and see if any are really good. Probably no better than what you already listed I think parts of the 2001 set were very tangentially related to some portion of either Dial or CapIV I forget which one, but when I use to listen to the 2001 live stuff daily i remember putting on that ep and one of those two songs gave me the “oooh that’s where that came from” feel
  21. I feel so ashamed for waiting to grab the newer 75% version I will pick this week to quit sniffin glue if you can get that re-up’d somewhere IOS pls
  22. I don’t have time for drugs But I do have time for fLh
  23. At this point i’d Almost rather they just cut their losses and scrap the whole damn thing But, we’ll see how I feel about it in 5 years when it gets released
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