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Everything posted by azatoth

  1. I am really liking that Perry Mason thing on HBO. Full of great character actors and everyone on point. And the visual style on this is very slick, like they updated a classic noir film to color. and the music is great too.
  2. The decision was lame enough that Trump could keep arguing their case in the lower courts for ages before anything is released. While Trump cares more about covering up his financials than anything else, the media would do go good in just concentrating on the Trump admins colossal fail of the covid response, BLM protests, rising unemployment and general chaos.
  3. So SCOTUS ruled that Trump can't hide his taxes anymore from SDNY. That's gonna make little Donald very mad.
  4. Hope the CD isn't OOP. I don't think Juno has gotten it in stock yet or I did not get an alert that it was available.
  5. what's with the CD issue not being at the usual webshops (juno). i can't buy the vinylz because I have the previous parts as CD and it would just mess with my vibe to get a discrepant format.
  6. Binged Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet, the AppleTV comedy show by the folks behind Always Sunny, about a game studio for a popular MMORPG. Enjoyed it good enough, even though it was a bit fast and lose on how a company like that would run. Charlotte Nicdao as the lead programmer Poppy Li was a stand out (+small crush).
  7. The insanity that Qanon cultists could actually be elected members in congress is just the festering rottenness in the US. An empire in decline.
  8. Hahah, it will only get worse from here on out. It always does. In twenty years climate change will probably already have caused crop failures and displacement of millions of people and all the side effects that come with that.
  9. neat demo tracks, the first one is very brothomy
  10. This tweet has now been flagged by Twitter for abusive behaviour.
  11. I was under the impression that Rrose was a reference to Marcel Duchamp's Rrose Sélavy character.
  12. Glad to see the youngones are doing them IDMz again. Is it time for a revival?
  13. The GOP is in a place where the only way to win is to make voting as difficult as possible or just do voter fraud.
  14. kick that cancer in the nuts (or kidneys in this case) AH
  15. Damn, Tucker Carlson is almost as orange as his führer. fuck that fascist pos
  16. Remember the outrage when Obama saluted some marine with a coffee cup in his hand...or wore a tan colored suit?...
  17. Yeah, the Mandalorian is how they should take Star Wars forward. Smaller stories, bigger universe.
  18. Unless Disney allows the directors and writers to do their thing they've been hired to do with Star Wars, it will be milquetoast by committee boring pap. I want fresh perspectives on the galaxy far far away. I'd be glad to to not even hear about Jedis or even the Force in the next installments. Or place it even further back in time and have brand new characters and happenings or go way into the the future. Fuck the fanboys who basically want to see the same shit over and over, just in a different order and same characters with different names.
  19. includes the word 'capitalism' so it's immediately bad.
  20. belgian psych sludge postmetal. good stuff
  21. i know danny carey is a beast but... damn ha, i wonder what crazy drums he would do along to autechre...
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