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Leon Sumbitches

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Leon Sumbitches

  1. Sick as in a bit of a funny tummy or actual vomiting? Presently consuming some leftover chilli with baked spuds and an episode of Peep Show
  2. Lol, well played That fist-lubing gif triggers a proper visceral reaction in me; can practically feel my arsehole clenching (and not in a good way)
  3. BSS was a good flick; dunno if you've seen the next one from the same director, The Duke of Burgundy. Not much to do with the haunty end of things but an excellent film in its own right with rich quasi-erotic hermetic European weirdness going on, also with quite a lush orchestral soundtrack
  4. ^ Cracking stuff, think I'll procure that Ossian Brown book in time for Hallowe'en and all I don't think I've mentioned this before: https://www.amazon.com/Loney-Andrew-Michael-Hurley/dp/054474652X Excellent novel with a folk-horrorish vibe, draws on some of the traditions mentioned above, specifically the Pace Eggers: Would recommend.
  5. Gormenghast is wicked but I didn't like the third book (have only read the trilogy once though, maybe need to give it more time)
  6. Returning to the found-wank material theme: the first time I properly saw a lady's feminine arrangements was in some pages of a porn magazine a friend and I found in some woods whilst building a base (also the whole notion of 'building a base' seems to be one of those universal childhood things). I can still remember the blue-and-white striped top the lady in question was wearing; the ladybits themselves were compelling and bizarre in equal measure.
  7. Sold.Send a pallet of m&s sausage rolls, and you’ve gotta deal. Until you've had homemade sausage rolls, you haven't had shit. You'll never go back to bought ones (although M and S are the pick of the bunch, possibly)
  8. Isn't it depressing that you needed that sound repackaged by a bunch of white guys from rural England before you could embrace it. Disgusting racismTrue but IDM did retroactively get me into Detroit tunes.Also DJ Rashad is still the only footwork I really love. And I dislike almost all white rappers except Riff Raff Re. white rappers: Milkbone was pretty good:
  9. This isn't really hauntology-related at all but it seems a better fit to post it here than in the six-years-old Belbury Poly thread. Found this in a Radio Fenriz podcast and was struck by the thought that it sounds like what Belbury Poly would sound like if they'd somehow morphed into a metal band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQyQQG38eh4 Just a stray observation of a Thursday afternoon
  10. Exactly this. You need to be 15-18, wearing a Mogwai shirt, listening to F#A#∞ and the first ASMZ album and it needs to be 2002 Flol, hit the nail on the head
  11. I actually kind of agree with this, partly because this is exactly what I did. I like the idea of House of Leaves more than I actually ended up liking House of Leaves itself.
  12. Lovely setup, bonus points for a nicely arcane candle arrangement
  13. you said it, brother http://www.thoughtsandprayersthegame.com/ Lol
  14. Dearest Sabrina, I must leave you. Why, I cannot say. Where, you cannot know. How I will get there, I haven't decided yet. But one thing I can tell you, any time I hear the wind blow it will whisper the name Sabrina. And so let us part with a love that will echo through the ages. ---xxx
  15. Flol This hadn't crossed my radar before but it sounds like the L U S H N E S S from the previews, cheers for the heads up!
  16. ^ lol Labouring under a foul cold that 'got better' and then got dramatically worse. Haven't had a decent night's sleep in about a week.
  17. can i just dedicate my morning one to him because i'm five beers in at this point and not really feeling it No. You must push through; this isn't about you!
  18. Depends; is autism a subculture?
  19. Mostly paying attention to an endless harmonic drone from an active mic'd acoustic guitar in the background of a terrible conference of buzzword preachers trying to motivate dumb people as possible most IDM 2017?
  20. I was sad to hear this, he'd only been on my radar for a year or so, seems like his career had lots left to give. RIP.
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