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Rob Ae

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    blacklight west

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    United Kingdom

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  1. hey all yeah i should really bow out with my mAet. fully fully appreciate all yr kind words and…. nice to be having two way realtime not just lists, or pieces taken out of us.. sorry for any q' not dealt with (haha i don't want to see the first journo's face as they try to mine all this data u got this week). jasondonervan, mbe slow don on the googledoc ! no not serious. but besides the point. just a massive thank u the WATMM, joyrex. nice to meet u all too. rB)
  2. usually i use digital performer but if its something really simple like trimming starts and ends i'll use wave editor interesting, so you guys are still pretty die-hard about DP (digital performer)? I tried it a few times and never quite got into it but I know a few producers (one: bloodysnowman) who swears by it. What specifically about digital Performer especially in the context of AE's music sets it apart from other serious daws like Logic, Cubase or Protools ? they all have hard grids, i mean that u have to get around consciously. but DP was the first for us to have no safety net as such. or a net thats superfine res, that u can't see it, u get to go really close, and it frees u up to get what u want musically, as opposed to being forced into the more common contemporary structures. its more classical in a way. but if u need stuff to lock up, its possible. just not in yr face all the time with the confines of the fashionable lazy way. oh and they were first to go sample accurate with midi. and automation.
  3. yeay, got in a cab with this awesome one, yeah he's been solid amazing since 84. one of my all-times
  4. you're more than welcome Rob! yea, I think the ae abbreviation is quite catchy and fitting =) okay so just a few more before bed, I'm really curious about (sorry if this have been asked/answered earlier somewhere) : - parhelic triangle, those eerie chimes, is that a sample from something, like some kind of bell instrument or something else? - in krib, is that screws or marbles droppin on the table or something else? just to give it another try, as it seems everyone is doing it: any chance of getting a name for my new kindle? (sorry, not into making music so I don't have any music related gear to be named, but I'm an avid reader so would be nice to have my reading device named by u guys!) oh and I just need to: ............................ rob sean pls, come back to Norway on your next tour! .............. there, I did it! I think that was that, I mean I could go on ask you all kinds of stuff, like what's ur favourite tooth paste and stuff like that. but I think I'll just leave it with this. discussing Lost, SW, Huxley, Batman etc with Sean, and Yello and stuff with Rob I guess is more that I could ever ask for! cheers guys once again. I'll keep following your work as long as you keep on going, so just keep on going making sounds/tracks/albums for us! need to prepare for bed. This have been out of this world super awesome, Thanks a million times guys! :) yeah thanks to u. yeah norway, been lots of europe - just once up there so its highly likely we'll try to get there to make up for it.
  5. sean if u go, wait till 808, kraftwerk would be proud. then u can go get some crashage pls
  6. yeah but u can hang out on a mountain with little else to worry about.
  7. steam mostlyi'm feeling fucked tonight tho i might have to bow out soon No Sean, don't go! Get Better! Sean, no! Sean! SEAAN! SEAAAAN! aw my ribs! not agaaaaaiiiiinnnn
  8. dunno if i have any real details. they lived in sheffield same time as us, drew wasn't it sean? had to keep it pretty dubby and brittle cos they new bass up in sheffield and they're good at the sport, esp. the small labels like 10 denk, always pretty characteristic of the sheffield scene as i knew it.
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