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Everything posted by caze

  1. is this thread had a sound, it would sound like this:
  2. This is pretty good, had heard of them before, they have a few good songs with truly awful videos: She's got a great voice, and knows how to do something interesting with it. Like the jazzy/bossa tinge to it. Music was a little too sparse on that earlier stuff, new one is a bit more fleshed out.
  3. I don't think it's a real porn ad, there's no referral or tracking being done with it. The whole thing is very odd.
  4. caze

    Brexit :(

    brexit won't be properly happening until the end of the year, so the accurate headlines pointing out how shit it's been will have to wait until after that.
  5. menelec is a lot less complex than the mental tracks on this album. it's a few synths, a break and occasional edits and fx. there is complexity going on, but it's just complex in terms of the edits, it's not as spectrally complex. this stuff has more components, importantly breaks mixed with drum machines, there's a lot of stuff fighting for the same space. after a few listens your brain is able to pick things out a lot easier.
  6. I really don't think there's anything particularly weird about his mastering, there's just a lot going on so it takes your brain a few listens to get used to it all. People really exaggerate the impact mastering has on things, it's really not that important. I doubt mastering engineers actually know what they're doing half the time, they've just convinced themselves they do (would be interesting to set up some blinded testing to actually confirm this, I have a feeling there would be a lot of embarrassment and/or denial going on afterwards).
  7. yeah, there's no cheese on the two openers, they're the best tracks in fact. 2nd one in particular, wouldn't sound out of place on Big Loada. they don't have the same cheesy melodies as ufabulum at all.
  8. Watched the 2nd episode of Picard, it's pretty good, my main annoyance with it so far is the terrible lighting fx, it's not JJ Abrams light-flare level bad, but it's still distracting and annoying.
  9. lol. no, it's the complete opposite. they've known about this since the first case was confirmed in December, their first step was to keep information about it from spreading, made no efforts to prevent the virus itself from spreading. doctors were telling possible carriers not to worry and just stay home for a few days until it clears up, they only publicly admitted what was happening when the first cases started popping up in Hong Kong. if they had reacted with half the effort they're now showing from the beginning then maybe this wouldn't have happened at all.
  10. the first season of OPM was ok, took the piss out of anime tropes, was funny. 2nd season was pretty terrible though, was both very boring and started to resemble the clichés it was taking the piss out of in the first season.
  11. It wasn't very good, I think Iannucci should stick to making stuff in the UK, Veep was pretty bad too. On the other hand the new Curb was great.
  12. discussions about mastering and compression don't interest me in the slightest, it's boring minutiae that has very little impact on anything afaic. the new album sounds very different from the previous albums in terms of melody, harmony and tone, there's a good bit of similarity to Damogen in terms of compositional structure though (which is a good thing for me as I loved that album, especially that aspect of it).
  13. I think it's just MIDI. Which would be pretty impressive, a lot of the synth programming sounds like live instrumentation, plus all the stuttery 909 edits and similar things. It's a very dense record, took me a few listens to get a proper feel for it, but I'm really loving it. Sounds like a mix between Damogen and Big Loada.
  14. no, he really didn't. Trump saying one thing and doing another isn't anything new, he often even contradicts himself in the same friccin speech. it's not evidence of him climbing down though, he was never going to attack them directly again unless they killed anyone. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iraq-security-targets/iran-believed-to-have-deliberately-missed-u-s-forces-in-iraq-strikes-sources-idUSKBN1Z7283 OPEC isn't as important as it was in the last century, the Americans can handle the smaller level of instability they can now create. other countries mightn't be so lucky, but it might actually work out well for the US long term if they tried anything. this isn't only due to the large (and still growing) increase in supply from the US, but also due to flagging worldwide demand. also, Iraq can't dictate to the rest of OPEC, only the Saudis have that power (and their relations with the US are good, so why would they try and fuck them over now in a dispute with Iran?). the decline of OPEC was a big reason for Qatar to leave recently, and gas will become increasingly more important in the coming decades, where the US is the largest producer. I wouldn't be surprised if both Iran and Iraq left OPEC in the next ten years. I was talking about the prime minister, not the president. The Iraqi president is a buffer between the varying factions, usually a Kurd (3 of the 4 presidents since Saddam have been Kurds), he doesn't have that much power, the power in Iraq is still regional and tribal. The ability of the US to dictate to them is pretty limited.
  15. yup, much better. they not only speed things up more than a stone, they give you a better crust. without a steel in this oven it probably would've taken 12+ minutes and I'd have been left with an unappealing biscuity base. also, a steel isn't going to split on you after a few months. takes a bit longer to heat em up though, I like to give it a solid hour at full blast before putting the pizza in. they're not that expensive, think I got mine for about £60.
  16. Chesed and the Assisi thing are both very good, Midsummer Moons is a bit dull in comparison.
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