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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. A friend of mine has a setup that's based around two Axoloti Core boards and a Launchpad. Between the two of them they cover -sequencing -Subtractive polysynth -Live-sampling and looping -Some pretty complex delay based effects -sample-based drum machine -Reverb Probably some other stuff at this point, we haven't played together for a while because of Covid. Definitely not the sort of thing the original post is describing, though.
  2. Kind of like a next-generation Nord Micromodular, except with no UI at all (so you need to use an external controller or wire up your own ots and switches or both). They go in and out of stock pretty frequently though. http://www.axoloti.com/product/axoloti-core/
  3. A nice interface is a boring thing to get, but a great thing to have once you get it.
  4. Not likely. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-failure-to-provide-vaccines-to-poorer-countries-is-another-example-of/
  5. My mom is getting vaccinated right now, I've been getting photos and updates. Pretty terribly conceived, literally thousands of people crammed into a hotel lobby, she's been there almost two hours at this point, obviously being done as cheaply as possible with minimal oversight (and probably a healthy payout to the hotel), and now the next few weeks will be waiting to see if she was infected while getting the vaccine, which is doubly concerning because my father is immunocompromised. Just disgusting. Not surprising, but disgusting.
  6. I hadn't been on Secretlifeofsynthesizers in a while, that substitution for the 808 noise transistor is really hopeful, I've got ebay searches saved for the Panasonic and Matsushita variants in case any turn up.
  7. "Change the shape of an envelope to sound more progressive (wit a click)" is important, too.
  8. Stupid in exactly the right way. All the blood is green in the USA version, unless there's an option I didn't notice.
  9. Yeah, I would hope that it would b something they could add in firmware but I guess it's still too new to be worth the development cost for them.
  10. That does sound really nice, I wonder if Behringer will ever get on the MPE train because a poly, especially an 8+ voice poly, really should have that today.
  11. I also have a Virtualizer Pro, I bought it for something like $35 a long time ago because I had it mixed up with the V-Verb, but it has so many useful things in it that I kept it even after I found a V-Verb later that year. The vocoder is definitely the highlight.
  12. I've been sort of rediscovering Well There's Your Problem after not listening to it since last summer and it's even better now. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPxHg4192hLDpTI2w7F9rPg
  13. Finally found a nice, clean Telex - Neurovision cheap and local ($5 in store credit).
  14. I don't have a specific recommendation but I'd be very surprised if there weren't already a JS plugin for Reaper that could do something similar floating around.
  15. Yeah maybe I'm just not waiting long enough.
  16. Mine works great at high clock speeds but when the pot's below 11:00 or so the LEDs all start strobing and none of the buttons actually respond, so you have to turn the clock up, choose a patch, adjust it, turn the clock down, see how it sounds, turn it back up, adjust, repeat.
  17. The Virtualizer? I did one of those too, sounds great even though it's hard to use because all the controls go wrong when you slow the clock down far enough to get the best sounds.
  18. I really wish the "Pro gear/pro 'tude" meme from an old, defunct message board I spent a lot of time on hadn't been so localized because there are so many times and places I've needed to use it. EDIT: for context, it originated from a Craigslist ad posted by somebody who was holding auditions for a cover band. It was a requirement.
  19. Why wouldn't you? Why "just" a hobby? The things we call "hobbies" are kind of what life is all about, you know?
  20. It's not flashy but my annual big gear purchase for the end of 2020 was a JHS Colourbox 2 and hooo boy was it worth it. I'm mainly using it as a guitar/bass DI for the Octatrack right now, but it sounds amazing on monosynths and I'm looking forward to using it as a preamp next time I have a chance to sit down and do some serious sampling. I might even use it as a mic pre eventually. the tl;dr version is that it's two stages of Neve-like preamp in series with a stepped gain control between them so you can go from clean mic pre to overdriving the transistors so far that they go into a sort of spitty, square wave thing that sounds like what you'd expect from Death By Audio or something. Plus a three bands of semiparametric EQ and undersized input and output transformers that are easier to saturate than what you would find in a more accurate Neve clone. It sounds great but it's also possible to make it sound really, really bad (an not in a particularly nice way) which is a positive in my book since it means they've basically given you access to the full range of "this isn't really doing anything" to "I think it's broken" instead of limiting you to the stuff that's actually useful. If money weren't an object I'd buy at least two more so I could dedicate one to DI and use the other two as a stereo pair of all-purpose preamps/dirtboxes. Although if money was no object I'd probably actually not do that and get one of those little SSL SiX mixers. Although if money was no object I'd probably actually not do that either and would buy a large house and make an offer for the Dark Side of the Moon console, because if I'm just making up shit anyway why limit myself? Anyway, the Colourbox sounds great and even though I felt pretty apprehensive about spending that much on something that doesn't really do a whole lot, I'm glad I did. EDIT: Shit, while I'm at it I'd get a fully loaded Arp 2500, too. And a hovercraft.
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