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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. I'll try to find the specific clip I had in mind. Within hours of Georgia flipping he was on TV going off about how the election had sent a message that the DNC had to move had center, should "never say the word 'socialism' again," etc. etc. We narrowly avoided driving the car straight off the cliff, and now the DNC neolib power base is trying to grab the wheel and screaming "turn around! We missed it!" Which was completely predictable.
  2. If you want to really feel doomed about 2024, watch some Morning Joe clips from the last couple days.
  3. The next week or two is going to be very entertaining, everything else aside. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/stop-the-steal-gay-communists/
  4. I've been hearing stuff about a coalition of not just democrats but CENTRIST democrats working on getting enough support to finally oust Pelosi based on how mismanaged so much of this campaign was. Have to learn more about that now, but when even the centrists are turning on Pelosi the DNC might finally be starting to drag itself toward the political realities of the 21st century. And that's good, because unless we can finally get rid of first-past-the-post (and if possible the electoral college, but FPtP would be enough to start with) a two party system is what we're stuck with.
  5. Yeah, exactly. The thing now is to keep the pressure on so that the DNC doesn't backslide hard toward center-right (the messaging is already going out hard) and all but guaranteeing more losses in the mid-terms and Tucker Carlson winning in 2024, 2028, 2032...
  6. Seriously though, if we ignore the DNC flushing congress down the toilet and massively historically underperforming in Latin American communities while losing ground with just about every other demographic that isn't upper-middle class white folks then this was a big win, and there's still a tiny hope of just barely salvaging the senate in January. And it was fun to see the ATL metro area come through.
  7. I like multitimbral, but how useful it is depends a lot on what your workflow/sequencer is. Great for layering, too.
  8. Here's one under $300 (but shipping would be steep): https://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-Red-Sound-Dark-Star-XP2-Analog-Synthesizer/153952276902 Unlike the Elevata, Dark Star updates are easy, tons of people selling EPROMs for not much money.
  9. https://reverb.com/item/28846165-redsound-dark-star-xp2 Haven't used one but I've had a Redsound elevata since 2012 and the rumors of it being bad are highly exaggerated (as long as you get the last firmware version, which isn't so easy - I had to pay the old Redsound chief engineer $70 for a copy of the BIN file and burn my own EPROM, and he was pretty cagey about it) The DarkStar is supposed to be a lot less buggy, it just never caught on and then the botched Elevata release just about ended the company and put them out of synths completely. I think they still technically exist and sell/license beat counters. Anyway, a DarkStar is something to consider if you want knobby, digital sounding (VA in this case) and under $500. You can get the original version for about half what an XP2 costs but I think the build quality wasn't as good or something. All the RedSound stuff is getting harder to find but i don't know if the price or demand has gone up at all.
  10. Really nice copy today through work, for $20 plus a couple beat up 80s Stones records and replacing the battery in an E-Mu Drumulator (labor only, parts provided). One scuff away from M-. EDIT: that's not a photo of my copy, mine's actually in even better condition (less yellowing, cleaner edges). Really nice score, if it weren't a work/friends thing that would be at least a $50 record, probably more. No matter how this election goes, at least I've got a sweet Jimmie Webster record and 5 pounds of Haribo Goldbears.
  11. Anyway I came in here to say that I picked up a very clean Huey Lewis - Sports LP last week and I'm not ashamed at all.
  12. I somehow skipped over that you used a scope not a multimeter, that's probably reliable enough.
  13. As long as the voltage is in a safe range you should be OK, but depending on your meter you might be missing the actual peak voltages coming out of it, so you might want to see if you can find a manual for it online and check the specs to be sure.
  14. Not really any GAS possible since I don't have an infusion of disposable income every 6 months from the reliable freelance editing work I was doing before the pandemic hit. I've got the $125 in Paypal to get that Lyra 8 barebones DIY kit when the next batch is finally ready, but other than that I'm strictly in the "if I need it I have to build it" zone, other than the occasional cheap utility stuff like cables. Last hurrah was a second video matrix switch and a mid 80s consumer grade video enhancer for circuit bending purposes.
  15. I live and work in the hardest hit place in my state. We had our three worst days of the pandemic this week. Still seem to be going ahead with our reopening plan as scheduled, even as surrounding states with proportionately far less severe spikes are shutting down. At work the only thing they changed is that they set up a table across the room from where I work so people can take lunch there to avoid having two people in the break room at one time.
  16. If they're just pots rather than encoders then cleaning them should be much easier (unless they're sealed). Glad they seem to be better! As far as actual encoders, the only jittery encoded I've opened and clean that hasn't come back completely is the Alesis Wedge. It was fine for about a month and then got a bit jittery again, but it's still usable.
  17. What kind of encoders? Can you open them up and clean them? I've done that with a few pieces of gear and it's fussy but not too tough and has pretty consistently solved jittery encoders/values jumping/etc. Here's a quick video demonstrating cleaning the encoder in an Akai S5000, but some variant will work on any encoder that you can open up. Just be really careful if you actually touch the inside of it, because it's easy to catch a cotton swab or something on the little reeds that ake contact with the encoder wheel, and if you mess one of those up then it's going to probably mean replacing the encoder. I use Deoxit D5 contact cleaner (not lubricated), CAREFULLY wipe the rotating disc inside clean with a cotton swab, and then add a very small amount of Deoxit Fader Lube to replace the old lubrication that the D5 probably washed out. Works well.
  18. Do you have anything connected to a computer via USB or sharing a powered USB hub? Could be a USB ground problem maybe.
  19. Did it come with the original power supply or an aftermarket one? My first two guesses would be badly shielded OLED display or noisy switch mode PSU, and since that pedal doesn't have an OLED that's out.
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