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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ignatius


    at best you'll get break up sex. so, i wouldn't bend over backwards trying to please her. be kind of business-like. if a long talk happens then that's good. maybe you get an early chance at closure. sorry for the roller coaster you're gonna experience but just try and hang on.
  2. most accurate edit: we ACtuALlY HavE skiN iN thE GAMe
  3. wtf. i know north florida has some issues but damn.. i'm surprised the NFL didn't issue some shit to the stadium/team to ban that crap and get those people tossed.
  4. lol. clayton bigsby deepfake. https://www.instagram.com/p/CkPSM-Dps07/
  5. large birds refuse to give tiny hair feeted hobbits a ride to mtn for throwing away jewelry.. but will bring them back once they are there. there's a wizard.
  6. This shit is pretty funny Donald Trump had to be told a pool of reporters would no longer follow him around because he wasn't president anymore: report https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-had-told-pool-012354292.html Trump has spent most of his post-presidency in isolation at Mar-a-Lago, playing golf six days a week and using dinner at the club as an opportunity to revel in the attention of admiring fans who applaud his entrances and exits from the dining room.
  7. always has been. but i guess he made some millions on those NFTs so his fans are saying he's brilliant or whatever.
  8. aren't most expression pedals just outputting voltage? you may need an attenuator/offset but you should be able to dial it in. also, i think ADDAC makes a module specifically for this kind of level matching w/o any fuss. edit: yeah.. it's actually passive so doesn't need any power. you can just screw to a piece of cardboard. https://reverb.com/item/16616959-addac-301b-expression-pedal-passive-eurorack-module it's probably just an adaptor in there that does the right thing w/the cables to get to 1/8th inch eurorack jacks. but if you get the right cable that goes from 1/4 to 1/8 you should be fine.. are expression pedal cables TRS? if so you might have to make sure you're getting to 1/8 the right way or it could be weird. check modwiggler.com forum i bet a search there will yield results.. though if memory serves the search function there is a bit shitty.. but worth a shot for more info.
  9. motu DP has the ztx timestretching in it which is nice. i like the stuff that can be done with Melodyne but it is easily pushed into spectral artifacts and comb filtered weirdness which i like but it's a sound. the IRCAM stuff in UVI Falcon is nice. pretty flexible. i've done a lot of obvious stuff in ableton over the years precisely because the windowing becomes so audible and it made sense for those projects. but i'm pretty sure it annoyed the mastering engineer ? these days whatever DAW you have probably does a decent job. logic/dp/cubase etc. some material fairs better than others. regarding CDP.. if i can find an older version i'd like to install it on my winXP laptop. would be fun to non-real time some DSP on samples. if i can stumble into a super cheap windows laptop i might have to just for CDP. but it'd be a luxury. max/msp has all kinds of tricks for real time dsp. worth a look even at some of those objects.
  10. that will be their recommendation.. then it's up to the justice dept if they want to follow that recommendation.
  11. ignatius


    it's all a big inconvenience with heavy emotional baggage. i wasn't married but a 12 year relationship is close enough i guess. my brother got divorced.. twice.. my parents divorced when i was a kid. it's a silver lining that you don't have kids. sorry about the house situation but best to bite the bullet and go thru w/the thing so you can move on and get all this behind you and look to the future and take care of yourself. what i learned is be smart, protect yourself but be generous with kindness, don't be petty, take the high road when necessary but try to make sure you're being met halfway or as close as possible. you'll thank yourself later. be patient. don't rush just to get it over with. say all the things you think you need to say... there's a chance you won't get the opportunity to say them later.. but ya know.. timing is important. it's a weird weird thing to experience. disruptive in unexpected ways. so, be prepared for things to come up suddenly. the adjustment period is essentially like grief. you'll be grieving the loss of a lot of things. death of a relationship. if you do get a therapist or counselor or whatever even for a little while it'll be helpful.. even one of those on line things "better help".. having someone to talk to is good. i thought i had more to say but each relationship is its own universe so while it's a relatable experience it's by no means generic. so sorry you're going through this. just deal w/it the things in front of you and you'll find your way.
  12. ignatius


    so sorry. will chime in asap. have some things to share on this but can't right now.
  13. apparently the trump NFTs are already being speculated with some "one of one" cards priced at $24,000. i'm sure this will all end well. lols.
  14. he's dropped a few screencasts of the system there. amazing looking environment. it looks ultimately flexible and jammable. yeah. awesome stuff. really inspiring.
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