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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. are you saying a jar of cucumbers can't take down a drone?
  2. it's like pre-labor movement america. edit: was a screen grab about china's 996 work culture/schedule. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/996_working_hour_system
  3. what's your problem with anti-drone cucumber jars?
  4. but there is only one season.. Autechre season. ? i remember an older interview they brought up Amber.. and said part of the reason it sounds the way it sounds is because they'd set up their studio in a warehouse area in a dark space that didn't really have any windows.. or something like that. but in UK how many seasons are there really? summer is like 2 weeks long. also, for a while their method was "write 300 minutes of music" then the album comes from that. but that's obviously changed over the years. worth remembering the release date could be like a year after they finished some of the songs.. but it's interesting to think about.
  5. send more cucumbers. re: nazis.. on the face of it it looks bad but its more complicated since russia seized two parts of Ukraine during its previous aggression which is where much of the nazi action has happened. meanwhile the various nazi groups all are not aligned together. some are aligned and working with russia.. others want independence. it's a fuckn mess. it's well known that putin is aligned with extremists in russia for his own ends.. from the motorcycle gangs to outright fascists. they do all kinds of political theater in their own country to keep everyone confused as to what is real and what is happening. it's well known
  6. i hope they write the scientists better.. so they're not like the dumbest idiots ever to be in space. i suspect it'll pick up after the covenant movie? w/david heading off into space w/a colony of soon to be aliens...???
  7. also, 2 part facebook papers episode on behind the bastards is excellent at digging a little deeper in an entertaining way. provides a lot of context etc for the revelations in the leaks. a must listen to confirm how big of a dick zuckerberg is personally and how they're just terrified of conservatives complaining about them. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-lets-look-at-the-89337179/ https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-two-lets-look-at-the-89431711/
  8. i'm glad some humanitarian aid is starting to head to ukrainians. the doom scrolling is hard to counter. i don't need to see anymore blown up civilians.
  9. grabbed this one. some nice tunes in there. always happy to add more to the skee mask playlist
  10. idk.. seems like russia sent in a lot of canon fodder in the first wave but that'll change. macron said "the worst is yet to come" after he spoke w/putin for 90 minutes just the other day. some docs popped up yesterday that apparently are russian plans for occupation, trials, public executions etc... in Ukraine. seems impossible to really know what's going on in russia's inner circles but protests seem a positive development. i expect NATO will walk the fine line of support/material assistance without engaging directly. i hope the smart people in the room are getting it right.
  11. some russians predicting russia will be like north korea soonish. fully cut off from the world (except for gas exports it seems). but certainly imports/exports/all forms of media etc will be squished as will freedom of movement to some degree. time will tell.. what a drag. btw here's trump on speaker phone talking to retired golfer john daly. really can't wait for trump to disappear already.
  12. *would've ? saw that the other day along w/the entire staff of the tv network that resigned while streaming and played "swan lake" which has a special significance. meanwhile the last few independent news organizations were taken off line for reporting the truth or the russian invasion. https://www.wsj.com/articles/russia-silences-what-remained-of-independent-local-media-11646250623 ?
  13. loving this as i scanned through the tracks. nice uplifting breaks. dance party jams.
  14. probably not a priority to update watmm. as this thread goes round and round i'm hoping you're safe. the news here and online of course is crazy and disheartening.
  15. whoa. capitalism can suck it. we know this. doesn't have to wade in and become the focus of every conversation. i mean.. that's just a really capitalist thing to do. it's colonialism at the forum level. anyway.. back on topic. here's a video feed w/updates of the attack relevant to the nuclear power plant.
  16. in that twitter thread there's some informative replies. apparently that power plant is a better design. has seismic sensors. so if it's being shelled it should auto shutdown if the sensors are triggered. one person said the result could be more like fukushima than chernobyl. a difference i guess but not sure how much of a better scenario it would be. seems shit regardless but until a nuclear physicist chimes in or russia backs off the shelling ... ugh. meh . fuck.
  17. i knew it was "phrasing" and though tit odd to be put that way so had to call it out. also, i don't know why you'd make any of those points if they're not being compared to the rights of ukrainians which is really all that's relevant here. regardless, seems like the russians are about to make a chernobyl 2.0 times 10 and the fun will really start with embroiling other nations in this
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