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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. wow. that's uh... full of interesting choices. weird. had not heard that one..
  2. doing research on events like that is kinda scary. there's been countless mega floods all over the planet. cataclysmic events that could not be escaped. in north america there was a huge lake like 1200ft deep that was behind an ice dam. the dam eventually weakened due to warming and the dam gave way. so a huge wall of water went from east to west picking up giant boulders, drowning megafauna, moving massive amounts of earth with ice flows that scraped along the ground and created canyons etc. they know this by finding mass graves of megafauna that died all at the same time trapped in mud or drowned and by the boulder deposits, erosion and other geological info. this kind of shit happened all over the world at different times and is likely where stories of "the great flood" come from.. the english channel actually formed in a simlar-ish way. there was a land bridge there that eroded and joined the waters. cliffs of dover are made up of same chalky shit on the other side of the channel. there's some good docs on this stuff. earth is indeed amazing! cataclysms are par for the course in earth's history. i'm sure there will be more.. perhaps even while we're occupying the planet.
  3. nothing like bulking up the animal feed w/shredded garbage and plastic!
  4. such a great track. so lush and alien at the same time. stands out or fits perfectly.
  5. kanye at super bowl. fckn lol. he's a human cringe or dank machine depending on the situation
  6. at some point this will crossover w/the dank memes thread or the evil capitalism thread. on a long enough timeline everything bends to stream crossing.
  7. this will make a great VH1 "Behind the Music" type of doc when they do a story about how he never made another album.
  8. and then after you crash the motorcycle you throw it at james bond. shit is nuts.
  9. he's shared a few clips on instagram that are big drops. big sounds. intense stuff. looking forward to it.
  10. death and resurrection show is a jam. apparently killing joke borrowed that riff (the Eighties riff) from the Damned and they borrowed it from someone else... the moody blues i think.. who also borrowed it from somewhere else... it's the riff that has a thousand lives.
  11. yeah i know.. not arguing either.. just saying i'd be surprised if suddenly long covid goes away with a variant that infected so many people who were unvaccinated and had serious complications and hospitalization from infection. i guess anything is possible but if all the doctors are saying "we don't know for sure but we're expecting a big wave of long covid patients in february".. that's kind of an answer for me. it'll be interesting to see what the data shows. stands to reason that long covid is part of the disease possibilities of all variants. but as you say the data may show something different. it makes me no less afraid of omicron vs delta, regardless. edit: also, i think it wouldn't be surprising if the risk of long covid was reduced with omicron but to think it will just go away is doubtful. it's fundamentally the same disease especially for unvax'd people. i think long covid will be a part of it regardless of variant... at least in some people and certainly in people who got really sick and had to be hospitalized.
  12. i think vax'd vs unvax'd of course makes a difference too. unvax'd people are getting hit pretty hard still. i'd guess the results would be similar for them. if they don't die they're gonna be dealing w/a lot of after effects potentially. if long covid rates are similar to delta etc then that's kind of an answer right there. i haven't searched for omicron specific data on this though... i'm sure those details will come sooner or later. so far looks like all variants cause the same type of general inflammation based on the things i've read. edit: quick googled brought up these articles. https://www.indiatvnews.com/health/can-you-get-long-covid-after-an-infection-with-omicron-doctors-explain-2022-02-10-758946 https://www.deseret.com/coronavirus/2021/12/23/22850161/omicron-variant-long-haul-covid-wave-february
  13. there's been lot's of studies already and many articles written about long covid and inflammation in even asymptomatic cases. from the article i posted here which is quoted on this page: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00403-0
  14. ignatius


    the voice screaming out? i think that's what's her name from dead can dance.. Lisa Gerard? yeah.. kinda overbearing at times.
  15. i just use spell check on my chords bro.
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