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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. https://www.ansa.it/english/news/lifestyle/arts/2022/01/18/22-of-italians-have-stopped-using-social-media-in-last-year_6efd3f1d-179e-4432-bfee-0bf7b945b35e.html 22% of Italians have stopped using social media in last year Tired of fake news, concerned over privacy said Deloitte survey
  2. that's grim. i think it's been like that off and on most of the last 2 years.
  3. and i guess this is covid news? or is it "america news" or election 2020 news? idk. but seems like the trucker type road block over vaccines is coming to america
  4. they censor as a matter of routine. not just outside but inside as well. there's plenty of journalists and random citizens who post a thing on line then get arrested. so, it's more than just 'propaganda' and keeping chinese people from being 'corrupted'. they're censoring their own people as well and limiting communication when it makes them look bad or is perceived as anything at all negative. and by saying that i'm not saying that USA media isn't manipulative or full of bullshit etc but the freedom of speech isn't comparable. also, we know USA gov't sucks. this doesn't mean china gov't is awesome. they can both suck. both things can be true. it's possible that no one is winning.
  5. i only posted a paraphrase of the conversation about the story. not arguing one way or another. just saying "this is what happened" but, i don't think the internet dome that china enforces is to protect chinese citizens from malware. it's obvious they're blocking sites and stories so they can control the narrative and perception of chinese people when it comes to what is happening in the world. i know it's not all black and white and w/o nuance etc but it's kinda laughable to think it's all about malware and spyware.
  6. the american born/raised but on chinese olympic team athlete who won gold in snowboard slopestyle has been posting in IG which people in china can't really do. so someone took her to task over it in the comments of one of her posts.. just saying she's getting special treatment.. she said she uses a VPN and anyone can download a VPN from apple's app store but the reply was "no we can't.. we don't have access to the app store". interesting conversations being had due to olympic games i guess. so it goes.
  7. that dude who won just stomped the shit out of his final run. crushed it. i think he won silver and bronze at previous olympics. perfect time for shawn white to retire from competition.
  8. if you get a soundcheck you can probably pull it off.
  9. going to be interesting when all the data gets peer reviewed and published. they studied the top 500 facebook groups in the USA to see what's what and of course it's bad news. the data is going to be peer reviewed and shared.
  10. maybe but that's where a cop's brains are so he'll probably still be disabled.
  11. no wonder he loved trump.. they're the same kind of whiny cunt.
  12. Ubisoft Celebrated Its Employees' Hard Work By Giving Them NFTs Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Here's a jpeg https://www.thegamer.com/ubisoft-gave-employees-ghost-recon-nft/
  13. "don't lose sight".. listen to uplifting music w/big voice amazing vocalist and get inspired and go make some tunes.
  14. he's one half of Einoma which is excellent imo. i have one of his solo releases.. Safn 2006 - 2009 (2010) - which i haven't listened to in a while but like. a lot of the stuff i've heard has an 'academic' tinge to it or something but maybe that's just how it sounds. when i had a job in a synth shop we sold records too and would get lot's of reissues of older computer music things.. some of which was cool and some which didn't do anything for me. i tend not to differentiate between genres so much when it comes to electronic music that is experimental in some way and just assume it's all electronic music and i find stuff i like and that's that. isn't Curtis Roads a professor somewhere? as well as writing books he's a teacher and that's his day job? idk. don't really follow him. only heard about him when he opened for autechre in LA in 2000 or whenever that was.
  15. watched a doc about tha trial and ross ulbricht. it's so crazy. he got railroaded for sure. half the trial hinged on who was the "dread pirate roberts" user. it could've been anyone and there was more than one user using that name but there's one guy who was the main user and he split and 'donated' the username to ross basically shifting all the blame to him and no one picked up on it. the defense was unable to make this clear.. that literally anyone could've been posting as dread pirate roberts. it's all really shitty and sad. double life sentence is just crazy.
  16. just filthy. i remember some analyst saying "most people slow down a bit when they get the puck but mcdavid seems to skate faster with the puck than without it" which seems accurate. dude is ridiculous.
  17. i don't remember. i think for things like IV valium no anesthesiologist is required. also, probably some level training/certification for different levels of anesthesia. there's a lot of drugs out there that do different things. like Versed which is a benzo that helps people relax but is really like a memory/time erasure drug. it's amazing. you don't remember anything that happens to you when you're on it. so the trauma of some kind of procedure is essentially removed. that + local anesthesia is often all that's needed. https://www.drugs.com/mtm/versed.html i've had it a handful of times and remained alert but have no memory of what i was doing. they used to use it in the ER when i'd get hit w/the paddles to reset my heart to a sinus rhythm. now they use propophol which turns your lights out and brings you right back once they're done. takes 5 minutes. no after effects really. propohol requires a respiratory therapist and full 100% O2 rebreather mask because your whole system takes a nap and if they aren't monitoring your respirations you can die because you just stop. it's how michael jackson died. fucking maniac was getting propophol at home every night to sleep. insane. versed has some after effects but not bad really. they even let me drive home once after i had it. but i think i broke the rules there but i was fine. or so i told myself. but was only like 1 mile from the hospital. they experimented with using Versed after people went through trauma of any kind as a means to prevent PTSD because it effects the memory of what happened if given immediately after. i suspect they're giving kids Versed at the dentist office because it totally makes people loopy like that where they have full on conversations and don't remember a thing. a nurse friend told me she's had tons of conversations w/patients who've had versed and they have no idea or memory and sometimes will say just weird random shit. like that kid in the "david after dentist" video.. "is this real life?" edit: also w/Versed the patient is still alert during the procedure so the doctor or whoever can say "ok turn your head a little to the left" or whatever. when they need someone present enough to take direction during a procedure but they have no memory of it.
  18. sometimes it's IV valium to relax kids who are getting wisdom teeth extracted. that + local shots of novocaine or whatever. they gave me IV valium when i had my wisdom teeth taken out. some kids get the gas though.. some kind of gas. or maybe something else idk. depends on the procedure i guess. wisdom teeth extraction can be kinda rough in some cases when the teeth are impacted and have to be cracked nad broken while still in the person's mouth then extracted.
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