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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. if the scientists are underselling the climate collapse then we're really fucked because there's a pretty deep trench of bad news that's being filled with shit news for years now. anyone paying attention sees the writing on the wall. i've not had any optimism for a long time so if it's actually worse.. idk.. wtf. i try not to get into 'doom scrolling' and self defeatism but we're headed for a cliff.. the only questions is will the car be on fire before we get there or will there be a parachute or 007 type hang glider car to carry us over to some landing zone for some small amount of people. right now john kerry, who's the climate liaison for biden administration is on tv talking about how this decade is what we have to work with and he doesn't look or sound optimistic. can see it on his face. this was posted in the youtube videos thread by @MaartenVC - it seems reasonable but incomplete or something. it's more mainstream anyways... but makes sense... it's more gentle or cute. edit: just finished reading that pdf. crazy stuff. i wish that message was relayed to more people. thanks for sharing. interesting reading.
  2. oh jeez. that sucks. it's such a weird thing. i've been lucky. i have tinnitus that comes and goes.. mostly right ear. sometimes get weird scratching noises and shit like that. thumping sounds now and then. no hearing loss. i do get the spins sometimes.. just momentary and randomly. other times i get super brain fog and big hollow feeling in my right ear.. like one ear is out of phase or something. and i get head pressure and eye pressure. it's strange. i get nystagmus sometimes w/the left/right rapid eye movement. sometimes it's all sudden onset brain fog and the wobbles. then sometimes i get the feeling like someone shoved me or the feeling you get after you spin around a bunch of times or get off a merry go round... there's lot's of triggers for me. all the usuals.. too much of anything (sugar/caffeine etc) + stress and dehydration is gonna be a bad time. a friend of mine has hearing aids. he's had hearing issues his entire life and didn't hear in stereo until a few years ago. he once posted along thing about all his frustration and anxiety and suffering from dealing with his hearing loss and hearing aids.. then one day he basically emptied his bank account and bought the best hearing aids they make and that helped a lot once he got them dialed in. there's a bunch of settings and eq stuff and compression you can set and all controlled by an app on his phone. he said the shitty ones aren't worth it because of how they handle depth. he said he'd be talking to someone inside his house and a truck would drive by and the compression algorithm would boost the truck to same level as the conversation he was having. and somehow he makes music and DJs and has for years. the brain can adapt if you give it time. find a good audiologist and check out some hearing aids. or one hearing aid.. stereo is pretty nice. oh, none of the various treatments did anything for me either. most effective thing for me is regulating diet, sleep, stress, hydration. i do take a valium now and then as a bandaid when i'm having a more severe attack. it helps.
  3. meniere's. i get all the fun stuff. not as severe as a lot of people. pretty manageable so far and it's been years. now and then the universe does put the whammy on me though. it's wack. my brain... i was sure i typed either "vertigo" or "meniere's disease" in that reply up there.. but i guess my brain split the difference in that reply.
  4. posted in the free software thread. so stoked to have these back. such a nice surprise. i wish ohmforce would get their shit together and update their plug ins.
  5. all the destroyFX plug ins got updates. apple silicon and 64 bit compatible! http://destroyfx.org/
  6. shit. this guy was good. in so many bit parts over the years. funny and weird in some old ass x-files episode. twin peaks season 2.. so many others..
  7. "you have to surrender to win" is one of the common refrains when seeking help. easier said than done. hopefully you meet someone in this process who inspires trust.
  8. a lot of homeless people don't seek help. some do. but often many exist outside the system other than charitable organizations. so, existence of homeless people w/mental health problems doesn't mean there's no help available. someone cogent and who has his/her shit together will have a better time finding local help than someone committed to existing outside the available help. not sure i expressed that well enough.. basically, you seem to have enough of your shit together to be able to express yourself and take action to resolve problems/concerns.. so that alone gives you a leg up.
  9. https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline if you google 'mental health resources' and include the name of your city or county you'll find some options that might start you on the path to finding help regardless of your insurance situation
  10. of the handful of things about the obama administration that were really frustrating was him not setting the justice dept after the people who caused the crash for fraud or whatever else they perpetrated. previously, such scandals were met with justice dept investigations, people going to jail, fines paid, regulations enacted... so it's a real let down cool barry couldn't let the work happen... i guess.. corporate masters and all that..
  11. i'm sure this is in here somewhere but i watched it again this morning so... that guy w/the beanie on .. jfc.. i can hear the cocaine in his nose/throat. king of the douchebags.
  12. have had back problems for ages w/serious spasms and long stretches of dealing with pain etc. regular massage therapy.. once in a while chiropractic adjustment (my ribs get all wacky and painful) and a foam roller plus daily stretching and movement help keeep things at bay.. july/august were difficult because it was hard to do my routine because fatigue from treatment made things challenging.. and the last 2-3 weeks have been rough for the back.. upper then lower spasms.. got massage last friday for first time since pandemic started. instantly helped.. this morning saw the chiro and got my ribs adjusted and afterwards felt like i might fall asleep in the car because of the release of tension. if you don't have a foam roller get one. really helpful to roll out the back and hips.. stretch your hamstrings like a mofo every day... find a routine.. it's the only thing that saves me from being hobbled.
  13. i think using the word devolution this way, for me, makes sense since i view fascism negatively and as a back step from any possible system. but yeah.. your definition sounds correct.
  14. supposed to have a package delivered on friday. tracking info says "possibly delayed" and tracking update is pending new information since friday. i am disappoint.
  15. only question is who will get there first? america or china?
  16. makes me dizzy and want to vomit. $0 - $15 for Bespoke modular seems more doable.
  17. ignatius


    someone saw it and posted on twitter that the score is super over th etop hanz zimmemememerrr still will see it though
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