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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i think generally.. people don't know how to talk to each other anymore from across the aisle. if you got half the conservatives in a room by themselves and had an honest conversation they probably would be more bipartisan but get twitter, the media and the party line involved and that's that. i think the right is batshit most of the time and has been for a long time but we're at a point now where the government doesn't really function and can't be effective.. and yeah.. i agree it's largely obstructionists on the right who are the problem. there are some who would work w/the left on some things.. but even on the left the different factions of the party are fighting w/each other. corporations and big money donors have a tight drip on things. i'm tired. hopefully young people will be more progressive and take over before everything is gerrymandered beyond recognition and underwater and on fire at the same time. that's not something a french person would say so i believe you and it's definitely something a person who spent time in texas would say.. so.. story checks out ?
  2. the internet has intensified the divide but generally yes that's been the trend really since the 90s when culture and religion got into it heavily. everything became a wedge issue. politics became a team sport and people support their team regardless if they even agree w/the party etc. people on the right often just want to own the libs. it's not about making good policy it's about making sure the dems lose. and of course people like mitch mcconnell holding up nominations of hundreds of federal judges during obama's presidency so then when trump was elected they all got thru.. but that's another story.. and yes.. personalities are involved along the way who have their own grievances and agendas but it's like all tailor made to bring us where we are. but yeah.. generally.. people being able to actually listen and discuss things and admit when the other side has a decent idea or when they got it wrong etc w/o making it personal.. but i mean.. the deck is stacked against us really.. the way the media is set up and so much power in the hands of a few media companies and the daily narratives and take downs of people and issues.. it's all fubar
  3. yeah.. have read a few things like that over the last few months. the mRNA technology has a bright future. the woman who developed the pfizer/biontech vaccine was previously working on a cancer vaccine based on same technology.. so, she put that aside to work on covid vaccine.. so she's apparently back to working on the cancer vaccine which obviously would be huge. the US Army is working on a covid vaccine for ALL coronaViruses.. so. all possible variants.. like the whole dna strain or whatever. they're hoping to figure that out so any future pandemic can be avoided.
  4. remembered this release today.. hoping it shows up on bandcamp or bleep soon. it's only available streaming on spotify/tidal. ugh. edit: looks like can buy it via apple itunes
  5. my friend has 2 daughters who are just about to become teenagers. for his birthday they made him a cake. this is how they presented it to him: "Dad, do you like Imagine Dragons?" "nah.. not really" "How about Imagine Dragon DEEZ NUTS across yo face!" then presented him w/a chocolate cake that says DEEZ NUTS in big yellow icing. i told him he needs to get burn insurance for all the sick burns he's going to receive.
  6. everything about this is incredibly annoying.. especially the guy presenting it. i haven't felt a "such a punchable face" sensation in a while but this guy brings it on with ever molecule of his being. please don't exist anymore. megaCringe
  7. have had a wavering intermittent tinnitus more than usual the last few days so mixing the track i'm working on is a challenge. better keep it light on changes. but here's this:
  8. extended family (steps) won't get vax'd even though there's people in the family with compromised immune systems and various health problems. they're well educated adults and other than religious fundamentalism (evangelical christian) they're pretty normal... not into conspiracies, think trump was a loon, Qanon is absurd etc.. but for whatever reason they have some hangups when it comes to medical science. they know people who got covid and 'were fine' and were even at some events where people in their church got covid and were later 'fine'. so they're not gonna get the vaccine because 'it's no big deal'. if i was a fetus i might be able to talk them into getting vaccinated. some people throw the baby out w/the bath water when it comes to medicine. somewhere along the way they had a bad experience or someone they know did so they discount all of it. not to get into to detail but there's a whole 'magical thinking' and 'can cure cancer with dietary changes' thread in some of this shit.. religious people can sometimes fall for scams.. like anyone but religion as an ingredient in the mix.. especially evangelical christianity w/its big $$ trendy clicks and fads is some potent weird shit to lay on people who want to believe.
  9. pants mem had me lolz also, that last pic.. the cone.. there's an inside joke/meme in on r/portland reddit.. a year or two ago some homeowner put cones in front of her house and someone parked there anyways.. so next day she had signs out "NO PARKING HERE!! YOU SEEN MY FUCKING CONES!!!" so cones were a thing for like a month and it still shows up there now and then. i'll check for local news and stuff and there's usually a cone related meme post.
  10. think of the former fetuses! be pro-life.
  11. sweet. celebrity iceberg A-76 is on the move.
  12. killed doctor and his whole family including kids. i guess hamas is under everyone's bed.
  13. they want their own politically gerrymandered state of conservatives. the rural people think somehow they're held captive by liberals even though they have their own representatives etc. some people would carve up the country by red vs blue districts. seems a bit.. idk.. crazy. there are plenty of big wide open low population density places in america where you can avoid human beings or whatever the goal is. these people are coocoo.
  14. oh different story then for sure. just get no sugar but generous cream.. and dip the donut. i have to live vicariously through other people since i'm celiac and can't eat a fucking donut unless it's made w/o the devils grain.
  15. you should know better, really. dunkin donuts does the same shit. get an Aero Press. brew 1 cup easy peasy. smooth and delicious. and they're like $20 or something.. i think that's $75 Canadian. i often crave coffee late in the day early evening but it never pans out. if i'm ever dumb enough to do it when i'm just hanging out at home then i end up jittery and don't embrace the caffeine to get shit done. i embark on some fools errand like re-organzing the patch bay or going through my room for clothes to donate. if i have a late night at work or something then it's fine but generally it fucks me up for whatever is the next day's events/plans. my current fwp is my first world problems aren't funny or relatable unless i make it into short story length and build in the lols of absurdity and gross TMI health news like before/during/after of a prostate biopsy and how weird and inconvenient the rest of my summer early fall will be. although i am trying to sell some eurorack modules but no one seems interested so that's a FWP if ever there was one. i kinda want to keep one of them but am drawing a line in the sand.
  16. also, rural places think they can combine and become mega state.
  17. every dept of government has to pass a general audit every year as per GAO regulations.. it's not a deep audit. it's just a basic balance sheet of money coming in vs money going out. i think in the 80s the pentagon stopped doing that and their reason was "we just don't know" so the GAO gave the pentagon a pass. so for 30 or 40 years there's been no one even even looking at the purse strings.. let alone holding them. every now and then some large program gets looked at.. like a new submarine or air craft carrier or new plane.. but overall.. no one is giving them a hard look.
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