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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. brought back the entire succulent chinese meal in my head. win.
  2. Unity over Policy. unless there is a progressive whisperer in his cabinet somewhere or someone reminds him of the lessons of "you go low we go high" he'll not get anything done.. even if by some miracle both georgia senate seats go to democrats. if that happens then the dems in congress who are gung ho about anything are going to have put a lot of pressure on him and someone is going to have to make really good arguments for seizing the day and using the majority they have instead of relying on some "old boy's (old man's) club" rule of fairness and decorum that the republicans haven't taken part in in 30 years so why bother. progressives and many rank and file dems and people of color will hold him accountable. he's not going to get a pass because he isn't trump. that got him the election but it isn't going to get him praise.
  3. sent a care package w/some buried in time releases to someone in berlin. mailed it out october 16th. the most recent tracking update is november 17th as it departed Beirut, Lebanon. i have enough leftover promo/unsold vinyl copies of some of the releases that i've thought about doing a big mail out to various record shops marking the releases as promo and providing contact into. they're old though so kind of missed the boat. plus covid.. who the fuck knows if shops are even open and receiving mail. every now and then someone buys the vinyl via bandcamp but it's slow going and looking at the releases in boxes on a shelf in the basement is long beyond old feeling. thought about offering up 20 or so to watmm'ers as a gift and mailing them out no charge but feels weird some how. again, didn't sleep well or at all. wtf. i need one night of good sleep to right this ship already. edit: also, feeling a rant about ambient music coming on and trying hell to resist venting about it because same complaints can lodged against any genre probably but ambient seems so stagnant. will stop. stop. stop.
  4. don't say viral. no one wants to go viral this year.
  5. dope. also just saw this posted on schematic's instagram. nice track. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJJmxCQAm-z/
  6. Carsyn Leigh Davis died June 23, two days after her 17th birthday, after attending a church event and then given unproven medical treatment by her parents, reported the News-Press. https://www.alternet.org/2020/07/new-details-emerge-in-death-of-florida-teen-treated-with-hydroxychloroquine-for-coronavirus/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. oh, i'll buy direct from labels if their web shop is good. also bleep. i've never listened to music on my phone. ipod ftw. i've hunted on line for things out of print/not available digitally etc.
  8. duh. Donald Trump launched an expansive campaign to convince more than 150 Republican officials to overturn election results in his favour, a new report claims https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-throw-election-republicans-b1777377.html
  9. bandcamp for browsing/buying, soundcloud when sent links to things there otherwise i never go there, never streaming things anywhere though will look up a track now and then on youtube. mostly listen to the ipod playlists i add to/rearrange every so often or big playlists of one artist or another. sometimes podcasts or OPB (NPR). streaming just has no attraction for me especially when i own so much music i like to listen to and never get tired of. a handful of new releases each year is more than enough new stuff to go w/the old.
  10. does she know where you live? rule of thumb.. never indulge the unstable. likely they'll get obsessed then the next thing ya know they're pissed at you for having a GF and they kick in one of your front windows and drag the garden hose over from the front lawn into the broken window opening and turn it on.
  11. i sent some cards. that was the extent of my xmas gift giving this year. other than donation to local food bank.
  12. it's too windy to bother going for a bike ride.
  13. ignatius

    Brexit :(

    the piss bottles will pile up on the road though.
  14. that's nice. i like all the hiss and air in it. i'll have to check out henriksen
  15. i think from the AAA when asked about lack of melody i think techre response was "it's funny because every part of our tracks is tuned" [puts on sunglasses gif]
  16. trumpet tangent incoming: trumpet is one of mu favorite things to hear. lot's of miles davis in the ipod. sarah belle reid does good things w/the trump and modular synths and Max patches and also modified trumpet that sends gestural/air pressure etc data to max for interaction. the album she put out a year or so ago is good/interesting. has a nice pace to it and good mix of tracks that show the dynamics of trump mixed w/sound design and modular synth bug noises. https://www.instagram.com/sarahbellereid/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CI9Pm5-BwVr/ she was interviewed on darwin grosse's podcast a while back to if you are into podcasts.. it's an interesting interview. https://artmusictech.libsyn.com/podcast-311-sarah-belle-reid https://sarahbellereid.bandcamp.com/album/underneath-and-sonder
  17. can't lie.. first thought was "BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST"
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