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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. inching closer every day to a desperate move. shit is worrisome and stupid.
  2. it's a terrible idea but i think it's cash grab. a chance for a select few to make a few bucks off those stupid enough to gloat. but wtf.. we don't need a new cult of blue hats.
  3. happy friday holy shit. so epic. thank you for doing this. it's really amazing. ?
  4. made all my releases Name Your Price (as in free if your skint) for bandcamp friday. https://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com
  5. "you don't spell it son.. you eat it."
  6. more norm. these cosby segments are epic.
  7. that's kind of my guess is that it's static. or my hope anyways. it was the first listen of the vinyl. when removing the vinyl from the sleeve the sleeve wanted to stick to the vinyl. i need some humidity in this motherfucker! i'll give it a wipe or something and listen again. then hopefully post back here that i over reacted and everything is fine.
  8. Madden is a legend! so funny. loved his commentary during football games. i'd watch a game if he was doing the commentary.
  9. it's not surface noise. i'm well acquainted with that. this is possibly artifacts in the pressing. maybe not. could've just been wicked static electricity. but the []pusher record played perfectly. years ago i got some test pressings back and they were covered with the same type of noise. we didn't accept them and cancelled the order and got refunded. then found someone else to press the vinyl which was 100% right move. i spoke w/a few people about this and turns out when lathes get old the cutting needle introduces lot's of artifacts like this. you ever here DC voltage pop into a speaker? it's like a smaller version of that.
  10. btw - i found the computer music tutorial for $22 randomly searching on line. practically new at some random book store. so, don't jump on it for $78 or whatever it costs from mit press or wherever. the pdf of the nord G2 manual is a good read about the functions of modules for modular synthesis. the max/msp books have a lot of info.. obviously centered around max but there's a lot to pick up with some of the books as they go into detail about delay lines, various filters, oscillators etc.. if you're ok reading on line the rob hordijk stuff is great... and vast. https://rhordijk.home.xs4all.nl/G2Pages/index.htm also a lot of stuff here.. from fundamentals and beyond. http://synthesizeracademy.com and frode beats has tons of sound design recipes for synthesizing lot's of things. http://www.frodebeats.com/drums.html
  11. apparently m,ike flynn and some other loyalists are "begging him" to enact martial law and seize the election and have a do over run by citizens. https://www.thedailybeast.com/when-the-bombs-go-off-the-blood-is-on-mike-flynns-hands-retired-officers-blast-his-calls-for-martial-law but i also think articles like above are selling ads so are going to go for the worst case headline. but i also think trump is ramping up his bullshit and it's going to get someone killed.
  12. jesus fucking christ. this fucking guy. someone club him or something. stick a sock in his mouth.
  13. this is the rule, not the exception, in america these days. - i'm sure the stats are worse since the article's publishing date. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2016/11/01/hiding-in-plain-sight-the-adult-literacy-crisis/ Approximately 32 million adults in the United States can't read, according to the U.S. Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that 50 percent of U.S. adults can't read a book written at an eighth-grade level.
  14. jesus these fucking people are batshit.. but hey.. if they discourage republicans from voting in the georgia runoffs.. ok?
  15. i wonder what it'll add to the 1st edition? it seems comprehensive already but i guess there's always more. maybe it'll have "sgn pls tnks rob" chapter.
  16. i think what's happening is there's just so much of this they don't want to give air to all of it because it inadvertently promotes the idea. covering a few quacks or mentioning what they said over and over isn't going to do any good. i think we'll see mike flynn at least mentioned on the evening news and probably MSNBC will jump in and talk about it on various shows. every night and every day on all outlets "the president's unconfirmed/disputed claims" are mentioned without actually playing the clips. so there's a discussion about the climate in which these remarks exist but without playing the sound bites on repeat.
  17. that's my take on it too. it just sounds like pop+ or aspects of pop searching for a trend or a sound or smoething. somoene did it then a bunch of other people did it and now they're a trend. meh. brokencyde? ? lols. there was all kinds of pop weird 10 years ago. we probably just didn't hear it. edit. sorry.
  18. this is kiddie pop or something. very cute sounding but pretty boring. half this stuff is limpdick versions of Die Antwoord maybe. also has a "last night's party" vibe. https://www.decadentlifestyle.net/2010/01/26/last-nights-party/
  19. my Be Up A Hello vinyl sounds really great. Listening now and it's pristine and soothing in the way that vinyl frequency content usually is. really enjoying it. the mastering is different enough in places too. but overall it's a gem and I'm glad i got the vinyl.
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