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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i would just do this 1) - All autechre releases on the same line listed horizontally.
  2. i've taped over the seams to a couple doors in the house. one that leads to the garage. it's helping keep the smokey draft out of the house since the door to the garage is not a tight seal. but now i need to get something out of the garage and i don't want to disturb the tape and have to retape it.
  3. new doc on netflix "The Social Dilemma" is worth a watch. good mix of "this will lead to demise of our country" and "we can fix this..." definitely an insider type doc as all the people featured are one time google/facebook/twitter employees etc. "disinformation for profit is the business model"
  4. this went to the top of my list yesterday. whole house hepa air filtration https://www.heatandcool.com/clean-comfort-whole-house-560-cfm-hepa-air-purifier.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3fD8vJzp6wIVrB-tBh23PQ16EAQYBSABEgLLO_D_BwE
  5. can you meet me at the border maybe? bring a canoe and some snow shoes. sneak me in.
  6. this is one of the other releases i got from the ding n dents label. it's a grower. really digging it. https://dingndents.bandcamp.com/album/one-atove
  7. I’d like this guitar pedal as a capitalist boot licker. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. caught the 2nd half of this today. . really interesting. basically, the last time the earth had this much CO2 in the atmosphere sea level was 60 ft higher. the ice caps and ice sheets etc are just catching up to the warmer atmosphere and will eventually find equilibrium and se levels will once again be 60ft higher or so.. depending on how much warmer it gets. there's lot's of evidence given in the show to support that. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/video/polar-extremes/
  9. as for the topic of this thread... these would be nice.. https://en-de.neumann.com/kh-310-a
  10. it can be fixed maybe. we'll see. but it's one of those things like voting rights that requires constant vigilance because it's always going to be under attack. the fraud is out in the open here. and yeah.. i blame the government.. or individuals throughout history who were dominoes falling one by one... politics is addicted to the money. some people can do the right thing but overall it's pretty broken. i guess someone will have to figure out if the USA was ever a "properly functioning democracy" or has it always been sucking the corporate tit at the expense of the people? it's probably an argument that can be made simply looking at USA foreign power since the industrial revolution. american society is pretty weird and i think a lot of the population is disconnected from the central ideas of what a country should be. there's a lack of collectivism outside of regional, local etc places. so, a lack of belief in a central truth or group of actual facts.. these days anyway.
  11. i was being a little flip since things are shit in america. hard to imagine the pendulum swinging back to regulation and oversight of banking and financial industries.. as well as any hope for organized labor rebounding. in 10 years it could be even more brutal and w/o even a fledgling amount of oversight.
  12. who knows what capitalism will look like in 10 years.
  13. fires in oregon. 1 million acres in 3 days burned. that's twice the average acreage burned in a normal entire fire season. air out side is uhealthy to hazardous by the air quality ratings place. pics below are a few blocks from my house.
  14. true. Fauci is quite savy. i imagine they could've coordinated and side stepped president orange turd
  15. well, maybe.. depends if trump would've played it down anyways... and fucked it up. i imagine he would have fired them all when they contradicted him because he wants people loyal to him above all else.. and also wants to have all the attention. remember when Fauci started getting all kinds of love and high approval ratings etc? trump was butt hurt and pulled him from briefings and asserted his mushroom dick as the focal point.
  16. "subscribe to my OnlyFans.com page for $6.99 a month" also lonely. smoke means no outdoor distanced/masked up hangout throwing horseshoes in local park.
  17. he did say on a TV interview the morning of the attack that now his trump tower was now the tallest building in NYC.
  18. Entire state of oregon under air quality advisory. According to website that tracks air quality sensors portland and Eugene have the worst air quality in the world because of the smoke from fires. In oregon There’s around 500,000 people under evacuation warnings of some kind and around 50,000 people have had to leave their homes. Most of these places haven’t experienced anything like this before. People have lived their whole lives in these towns and not seen anything like this. California is apparently worse. It might rain here a bit next week. The smoke will be with us a while though. Should add that close to a million acres have burned in oregon in the last three days. That’s a lot. Typically an average year fire season is 500,000 acres burned for the entire season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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