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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. the "we updated our policy" page keeps reloading endlessly and i can't scroll down the click "i agree". i had to stop it from loading then when i clicked "I agree" i go the "Something went wrong- contact us" but then was able to get into the forum as usual. on whatever latest version of safari is on high sierra.
  2. could this guy be any more of a bratty little shit?
  3. guessing there will be a flu outbreak in the detention camps now that they're denying flu shots to immigrants.
  4. actually, he'd probably outsource cheap labor. undocumented workers etc. he'd turn greenland into some kind of prison camp for immigrants.
  5. this guy is such a shit stain. Trump White House official Stephen Miller is 'singularly focused on how to get people out of the country' https://www.businessinsider.com/stephen-miller-focused-get-people-out-of-the-country-trump-2019-8
  6. obviously designed to work this way. it's easy to see the hand of the administration in this. stephen miller's wet dream. Caged alone 24 hours a day, denied medicine: lawsuit claims 'torture' in US migrant jails https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/19/us-immigration-detainee-class-action-lawsuit
  7. jfc.. don't read the comments.. don't read the comments.. don't read the comments..
  8. Only one person attended Rep. Steve King's Iowa forum https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/08/19/rep-steve-king-town-hall-jessica-birch-only-attendee-keilar-sot-crn-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/this-week-in-politics/
  9. i'm sure that and worse is happening. this kind of situation is prime scenario for exploitation by predators.
  10. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    that's why you get 2 copies of the vinyl and get a 2nd turntable and mix all end into all end.
  11. i think i've actually seen it. long ago. but it's been so long. will have to track it down and watch it again.
  12. Trump admin to the Supreme Court: Trans don’t have civil rights and can be fired simply for being trans. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/dominicholden/trump-trans-scotus Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. the internet. ? really, i don't know.
  14. as expected... ‘We’re NOT for sale’: Denmark shoots down Trump plan to buy Greenland https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/trump-greenland-denmark-purchase-sale-white-house-buy-response-arctic-latest-a9062096.html?utm_source=reddit.com
  15. the base will surely rally around his plans to buy Greenland. https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-eyes-a-new-real-estate-purchase-greenland-11565904223
  16. trump was apparently negotiating/brain storming with people to start a TV network when he was running for president. so, i fully expect him to be on TV once he's out of office one way or another.
  17. it'll be interesting to see if trump gets paid for speeches once he's out of office and what those speeches will be like. i can imagine him rambling horse shit at some kind of rally for profit. if he isn't in jail i'm guessing he's go forward w/starting that TV network full of far right wing lunacy.. even more so than fox. it's interesting that being the president usually means going into debt a bit unless the person is already rich when serving in office. then once you're done you get your reward of book deals and speeches for big dollars. what kind of job can a former president get? usually it's running a foundation w/their own name on it like clinton.
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