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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. someone edited the video this is from and changed her voice to jabba's voice.
  2. nice. some heady stuff. got a bit of phonecia vibes in there. will wishlist for bandcamp feeding later
  3. Yes. I wish more people could throw hands instead of shooting each other over every perceived slight.
  4. if the issue was child abuse the catholic church would be banned.. the boyscouts of america would be banned etc etc... this is about people attacking the "other". anything that deviates from what they consider the norm is a threat or is used as way to stoke fears, gather support.. usher in some other agenda.. that's what's happening here.. this is about power.. who has it.. who wants it.. how to get it etc.. if they have to throw a bunch of people to wolves to get it then that's what they'll do. edit: crosspost
  5. i don't hate them.. i think they're assholes. saying "even hitler was right about autobahn" isn't going to make me watch a the "nazis are people too" documentary. i have no interest in watching daily wire related bullshit about anything ever. it's a crap organization.. "but even a broken clock..." yeah.. no thanks.. i can find better and more accurate information in other ways. i don't need their shitty take on anything. i don't need to weigh in on whatever 24hour news cycle cable news talking head bullshit. there are some honest brokers out there and they generally aren't on those outlets/channels/streams/news feeds or whatever. if you let one fascist nazi into the punk bar because "he's chill" then soon he brings friends and before you know it you're hanging out at a nazi bar. nazis burned the books about trans people first. they went after a doctor who wrote about gender and trans issues and had an institution to study such things in a favorable light. that was the nazis first stop for book burning. as said.. trans people are the slimmest most tiny percentage of human beings and are being subjected to an overwhelming amount of microscopic focus by the right. it's bigoted and hate filled. and don't give me "but the children" argument.. that's bullshit.. this isn't about children. just look at the laws being passed in the usa.. they focus on adults and gender affirming care. see recent florida law for example.
  6. leads me to think about how the interviews were edited maybe? but misrepresentation is not an uncommon tactic when making documentaries or doing interviews about controversial things. i don't trust matt walsh, the daily wire, ben shapiro to handle anything thoughtfully or fairly since they have a definite agenda in everything they do and aren't out there trying to present a topic or a person in a way that isn't going to fit into an agenda that they grind on every day. it's who they are it's what they do and buying into any of it is buying into their agenda.. also, there's a grifter mentality in there as well.
  7. and to go deeper and creepier.. the behind the bastards multi part podcast is excellent and fairly goes into his background and roots and how he came from absolutely nothing.. literal dirt poor childhood. here's part one of i think 3 or 4 parts. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-the-clarence-thomas-story-99759984/ also, ugh..
  8. they lied about the doc and who he is. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/matt-walsh-daily-wire-documentary-1364210/
  9. laughable really. cleared by who? business as usual, lax ethics rules etc aren't going to cut it. you have one justice who is worried about being treated to breakfast by a friend because she's worried how it might look and then you have clarence thomas who is a secret BFF to a billionaire who has business before the court and regularly takes him and his wife on long trips and pays for things going way back. thomas is a piece of shit even if he wasn't in a billionaire's pocket. there's a lot to be said about the picking/choosing/confirming of supreme court justices.. not just the ones picked by republicans. some of them really aren't qualified to be there and have some really shady shit in their pasts. thomas is the poster bo for the sham court idea though which is why i think that pic works. sham court, sham government etc. everything is for sale.
  10. i wouldn't trust matt walsh to tell me how the weather is if we were both standing in the middle of a snow storm.
  11. USAF Official Says He ‘Misspoke’ About AI Drone Killing Human Operator in Simulated Test The Air Force's Chief of AI Test and Operations initially said an AI drone "killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective." https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a33gj/ai-controlled-drone-goes-rogue-kills-human-operator-in-usaf-simulated-test
  12. twitter signed a deal w/the daily wire which is straight up agenda disinfo hub of bullshit.
  13. maybe the Sean ama on twitch? he said in that that LP5 was using the Environment window in Logic a lot "like doing max before we used max" and a friend said they should check out Max after he saw their logic patching. and i think after that he talked about EP7? i can't recall for sure though..
  14. i liked the series for what it is but wasn't thinking about the books at all. i read them so long ago. in the first episode of the show i paused it and thought "this has nothing to do with the books as i remember them" but i don't have the books anymore so can't go get them and make sure i'm not misremembering. i took it as a it's own syfy thing.
  15. there's so much fucked up shit that happened. it's crazy. really just bonkers. another good book that has a lot of witch hunt history and oppression of women as relates to the forming of capitalism is "Caliban and the Witch". can't recommend it enough. https://www.powells.com/book/caliban-the-witch-women-the-body-primitive-accumulation-9781570270598
  16. will watch this asap. i've read a couple books about the witch hunts and have one on deck. "Witch Craze" is a good one. https://www.powells.com/book/witchcraze-new-history-of-the-european-witch-hunts-9780062510365
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