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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. They really are so much better than everyone else.
  2. This is good, but does not come close to his debut Suzi Ecto, IMO.
  3. Really loved Brain Fog, but wasn’t to keen on the last album with vocals. Still, I love what he has done with his label and will be buying this.
  4. Bleep Me Out is my jam. Blunderneath might be top 10 Vibert.
  5. Well, it’s ok. But I probably have to echo Beerguy’s assessment. Which is too bad, because I enjoyed the last couple Trickfinger eps.
  6. Is this new stuff or archival? Don’t see the link to this on Bandcamp. Anyway, pumped for new HIA!
  7. Got this through the fan club. Can confirm that it’s very good - an extension on the Heisenberg stuff they were putting out years ago.
  8. Holy moly this one is good. Intense Incence a Jam on It remix???
  9. No doubt. Looking forward to hearing their upcoming ep on Exalt too.
  10. Cos it sounds bad. Simple. Well...because trap vocals sound bad. Trap? Vocals?
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