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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. I could see some of these tracks fitting in to @bronchuseven DJ sets.
  2. Finally listening to this. Really unique atmosphere on this one where the breaks are only part of the whole picture. Dark, gritty, uncompromising. Really good.
  3. Late arriver to Mario Maker 2, but I’ve been playing it with my kids and it is seriously badass.
  4. That sounds tasty. Just relistened to the Impossible Star/Opaque combo the other day. Forgot how much I liked them.
  5. Extralife

    Now Reading

    I read the first book and liked it, but it didn’t blow me away. Honestly was more into the descriptions of the Cultural Revolution era than “the Three Body Problem” itself. It’s supposedly being adapted into a Netflix series.
  6. Extralife

    Now Reading

    It's really great if you are into reading postmodern novels a la House of Leaves. Lot of changes in style, huge focus on typefaces and design, and heavy into the sci-fi. Started very slow, but once it picked up steam I couldn't put it down. Has sort of a pulp novel within a novel and a soundtrack written by Strictly Kev/DJ Food. Hits all the right boxes for me ?
  7. Not the biggest Colundi fan, but this package includes some of his best work. Also comes in a high quality cardboard box ?
  8. Sincur seems like an acid drenched ode to old school Takeshi Muto. Love this shit.
  9. Love the first two parts...sure this will be no different. Anyone here check his album from earlier this year on Axis? It was really great. https://www.axisrecords.com/product/terrence-dixon-galactic-halo-2/
  10. You caught me being buzzed and emo on Bandcamp haha.
  11. Cool thanks. Still need to listen to this. I have a major backlog from Bandcamp day...
  12. Yeah I get the sense a lot of people want Hong Kong 2. This is something completely different and pretty special IMO. It’s excellent.
  13. Congrats, dude! I still need to snag this ?
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