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Everything posted by zero

  1. he can't hear you. he's too busy swimming in that lake by now ?
  2. ha, yeah I haven't given this netflix one a shot yet, but probably for the best. when has rebooting/converting to live action '90s anime ever worked? GITS was butchered when it became a scar jo production. Aeon Flux the same. I know the Akira movie with Dicaprio thankfully got stuck in development hell, and will never happen.
  3. you lost me man...what? every species will eventually invent what, the internet? p sure dogs could sit on this planet for billions of years, and they ain't comin up with pornhubs and shit like that...
  4. well man, the term "think" has lost a significant amount of value from when it first joined the lexicon way back in them Greek days. I mean I would "think" that millions of American citizens would not fall for donnie's swindling ways, and would know better than to elect the king grifter president. but yeah, we didn't exactly nail that one down...so the fact that don dada is going to keep on keepin on with his out-in-the-open grifts AND get away with them, does not surprise me one bit. how in tf karma does not get this guy, I have no clue. he should have been taken out long long ago by some nefarious Brighton Beach ruskie hitman, but he has magically dodged everything thrown at him thus far. I have to think there is some small amount of props he is owed due to his survival skills. but ffs life would be so much better without him or his ilk in the positions of power they occupy. and not to be too much of a downer, but I really don't know if any of us can handle the epic level shit show that will be coming in the year 2024...
  5. *waxes nostalgic for 2400 bps, chatrooms, Netscape, and Prodigy* early internet days were so peaceful. exploring the world wide web very s l o w l y. there was no social media. THAT imo is what led to the snowballing mis-information quagmire we are currently experiencing. social media is where it all went wrong. now markyburg is on a quest to hack into our brains with meta so we can never leave the la la land.
  6. ^ can confirm it's not much better in person either. many years ago I worked for a company and our whole department got laid off. the executive guy who met with us all months before reassuring us that everyone's job is safe, brought us all into a room and mumbled through 3 or 4 sentences, before saying we're all being let go. then he left the room and let some consultants the company had hired to do the outplacement duties essentially run the rest of the meeting.
  7. some of these Q nutters are still hanging around downtown Dallas. it's been over a month and JFK hasn't shown. do they not have jobs? how do they have $ to pay for hotels and just hang out at the grassy knoll all day? https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/on-qanon-leaders-social-media-a-new-conspiracy-what-if-biden-faked-the-waukesha-parade-attack-12881255 lol
  8. Reservation Dogs - this was great. I think FX did it a disservice strongly promoting it as a comedy though. when I first heard about it I was intrigued, but passed on watching initially as the description made it sound as if it was going to be a somewhat goofy teen comedy, which I'm not really into. yeah it was funny in a lot of parts, but it was also quite dark and weird in some spots (e.g. the deer lady).
  9. zero


    ^ would be super cool if the rover heads over to check it out, and there's a little person chillin in that hut. or there's a clue for the release date of the next BoC album hidden in there...but something tells me it's more than likely a weirdly shaped boulder...and 2-3 months to verify that? just drive the fkin thing over there now!
  10. embrace the jackhammering. see if you can figure out the timbre it produces, or if there are any hidden chord progressions in the dut-dut-dut-dut-dut. or sounds like you need to jump to another air bnb. are you still doing that?
  11. random fact - that megachurch was formerly a sports arena called the Summit. when I was a kid I went to see many Rockets games there, saw the Harlem Globetrotters play, and later in high school went to Houston Aeros IHL games. bottom line, fond memories of the place. shame what it became.
  12. photoshop Desantis's face on there and well, you get the idea:
  13. lol yeah some would say the socialist movement here has been on its death bed since about the 1920's. we had a fleeting shot to feel the Bern, but no dice, thanks to those dreaded machinations of capital.
  14. all this paramedic talk is making me want to watch Bringing Out The Dead again. there is only 1 true paramedic out there. the best, the one, the only, Nic Cage
  15. haha good point. maybe he'll legally change his name to "Doctor Oz" to keep the backwoodians from finding out at the polling station he's actually a muslim terrorist, thus forcing them to do something incredibly stupid like voting for a dem...
  16. lol c'mon man. that shit was debunked already. the scientists won a nobel prize in 2015 (y'know long before covid-19 was a thing) as they were looking to treat infection from parasites. repurposing existing drugs to deal with covid has not worked at all, and led to stupid ass fuck nuts drinking bleach or what not. hence the need for the moderna/pfizer vaccines out there just waiting for you...
  17. pfft that guy looks like some sketchy ass pseudoscientist. now THIS is what a scientist looks like:
  18. another washed up celeb TV show hack is jumping into the ring. Dr. Oz running for senate on the R ticket: https://www.npr.org/2021/11/30/1060185002/tvs-dr-oz-enters-pennsylvanias-crucial-senate-race-on-the-gop-side wonder who'll be the next contestant to enter into the clown show, a.ka. American politics. can't we just scrap all this and start again? I don't think the current set up is working very well.
  19. a guy I worked with back in like 2002 was in a dirge-y jazz fusion band called Omnicron. every time I see this damn mutation mentioned I'm like wtf happened to him.
  20. lol reminds me of some of the raver set I hung around in the late '90s. they HATED BoC, Ae, etc. not enough donks I guess... to the OP: try DJ Shadow - Endtroducing if they've never heard it. yeah it gets classified as instrumental hip hop, but that IMO is a good example of a crossover album that could lead toward an interest in more electronic sounds. folks I knew back in like '98/'99 with varying musical tastes all loved it.
  21. hey you've got those golden age retirement years ahead man, that's where it's at! at least that's what the brochures say. work work work all your life just so you can plop your happy ass in front of a TV and do nothing.
  22. zero

    The Meters

    this is a pretty awesome story. a 50 year old presumed to be lost unreleased solo album from Meters guitarist Leo Nocentelli was discovered a few years back, and was released last week: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/18/arts/music/the-meters-leo-nocentelli-solo-album.html check it out - https://leo-nocentelli.bandcamp.com/album/another-side
  23. not guilty verdict = buy more guns! USA! USA! https://www.ibtimes.com/texas-gun-store-shooting-range-promotes-not-guilty-sale-after-kyle-rittenhouse-3343398
  24. why did humans invent both the 1/4 inch and 1/8 inch audio jack? shouldn't one of them have won by now, like VHS vs. Beta, HD DVD vs. Blu-ray? there doesn't appear to be a difference in quality based on the size of input jack. I guess no one considered this when audio cables were born way back when. suppose I should be thankful the 3/8th inch never took off...
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