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Everything posted by zero

  1. yes, and which is why I stayed away from FB from day 1. back around 2007, whenever it started its rise to the top, I remember discussing with a friend about how unrealistic it all seemed. nothing but people posting about how much fun they're having, how life is such a blast, yadda yadda, when in reality it's a staged photo op. it made me feel like a loser looking at that shit, like I'm not included in some magical party that is happening somewhere.
  2. possibly so. if that is what it takes for some people to get over their vax fear, then more power to it. but I interpreted it as arrogance. as in he doesn't trust all the scientific data out there, and instead has to go reading who knows what on the internet to make his decision. but yeah, I'm speculating, so will leave it at that. idk, I'm just so fucking tired of all this. and was feeling extra frustrated this AM as I'm supposed to go visit a good friend of mine in the next few weeks who still hasn't gotten the shot, and refuses to. it is actually affecting his job, as he's not allowed to go on site places (works in healthcare industry) and his company is having to find other things for him to do. I really badly want to start shouting why don't you just get the fucking shot man, but wouldn't do much good. and the constant news stories about vax rates not budging much just adds to the overwhelming negative thinking that has become apart of life as we know it in this stupid fucking fake news trumpistan twitterverse age...
  3. ^ could be another case of a little too much fame/power going to someone's head. feeling that powerful stops a person from thinking rationally, feeling empathy, etc.
  4. gotta love these celebrities (ahem, LeBron) that say something along the lines of "I was vax hesitant, but after doing my research, decided to get the shot." like what research are these people doing? scrolling through tweets until they find one that supports one iota of their thought processes? their "research" is somehow more thorough than that of the entire global scientific community? how is it that we have so many virological experts out there in the wild, with precise knowledge of coronaviruses, specifically SARS-CoV-2?
  5. fun times ahead! my only advice (which is probably a no brainer) is try and get all the decorating and things you want updated/fixed done within the first few months. that's when motivation levels are the highest. after 6 months or so, it's just so easy to let things slide.
  6. featuring a picture of 2 neckbeard dudes docking with a url link to watmm.com
  7. please tell me you are forming your opinion that they are spies based off of something other than that tweet. or that article that offers pure speculation based off a 3 word tweet. I never saw China offer up any concrete proof they were. yeah I get with "spies" we may never know the truth from either side. but sure as hell looks to most people that it was a clear cut case of retaliation for Canada detaining Meng.
  8. isn't it too late for that though? I know textbook definition of the word indicates he is killed fighting for his beliefs, which in turn legitimizes his cause. but he already has practically half the freakin' country fighting for his cause, which is of course all based on spinster bullshit. a stroke while pooping his pants on stage is my wish list item. if the curtains on stage also caught fire while that was happening, I wouldn't be opposed.
  9. I too would like for this to happen. but based on the past track record in trying to lawfully hold donald accountable for just about anything illegitimate he's done since the '80s, just don't believe it will. call me skeptical, but the NY DA stuff is going to get dragged out for so long, I don't hold much hope it will result in "taking him down." it could result in charges against some of his inner circle. but you know they'll all fall on their sword for him, and he'll keep on keepin' on with his belligerent MAGA agenda, leading up to a 2024 run.
  10. I, like so many others not on the right-wing kool-aid drinking MAGA bandwagon, have thought about this more than I probably should. when oh when is someone gonna take one for the team and no scope his ass? yes, the fallout from that could lead to something much more disastrous for all of us than anything another term with him at the helm could bring about. I mean if it were some woke left-winger who did it - then civil war part deux. if it were some middle eastern terrorist org - then US military heads back to the sandbox, bombs away. a Chinese or Ruskie assassin? nuclear war. therefore I think it would need to be someone from his inner circle they use to carry out this mission. let's look at some options: Don Jr. - CIA feeds him platefuls of cocaine. he is given mis-info that he's been written out of the will. goes on a coke induced rampage, grabs a secret service weapon, and blasts away. Barron - CIA subliminally implants Star Wars footage into his brain. he starts believing he is Luke Skywalker. epic showdown with donnie in a cavernous mar-a-lago conference room. Barron loses a hand in the process, but manages to somehow electrocute the villain. Melania - CIA leans on Vlad to activate his longtime undercover sleeper agent. no polonium tea though, maybe some heart attack inducing substance slipped into a diet coke? Mike Pence - CIA sets up a closed door meeting with just him and donnie. CIA laces Mike's morning bowl of Cheerios with LSD. Mike begins hallucinating in the meeting, sees donnie for the devil he really is. Mike strips nude, wrestles donnie to the ground, and choke holds the demon out of him. by the time secret service bust in, Mike is in a corner crying about mother. Mike Lindell - CIA feeds him crack, PCP, and LSD. he overpowers 10 secret service agents, barrels into donnie's office, proceeds to chew donnie's face off. donnie succumbs to his injuries in hospital. an angry MAGA mob retaliates by emasculating, disemboweling, and then suffocating Mike with a mypillow.
  11. dunno if you're into comics, but your description reminded me right away of The Fade Out - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fade_Out. highly recommended if you're into old '30s/'40s Hollywood noir. the end of each issue includes an essay by someone giving behind the scenes and background info on some of the old films from that era, or recalling events from that period.
  12. I used to be CD only until 2010. I would listen to mp3's online to sample in order to see if I liked it, but would then go buy the album on CD as opposed to getting it on mp3. reason being is that I wasn't satisfied with the quality of mp3's, until 320kbps became the standard. IIRC, it was around 2009/2010 when 320kbps mp3's started becoming the norm, as before it was restricted to variable bit rate or 256kbps as the top quality mp3's. my ears really can't tell much of a difference between 320 kbps mp3 and WAV, or other higher quality sound file types, and so because of that, stopped buying CD's and switched to acquiring mp3's only around 2010 (still go on the occasional used vinyl hunt though). I started saving them in a folder labeled "2010." then next year in 2011, I put all the mp3's I acquired that year in a "2011" folder. at some point it must have dawned on me that this is going to keep going, and it is going to be an insane memory workout trying to remember what folder a specific album is in. so I changed my method to only put albums released in 2011 in the 2011 folder, 2012 released albums in the 2012 folder, etc. anything released before 2010 goes in a folder labeled "before 2010". so yeah, I keep my mp3 albums in folders grouped by release year. which is probably not the best way to do it, but somehow works for me.
  13. sounds like a little orange someone missed a golden (heh) opportunity to make band-aids great again! I just looked at a band-aid box, and says made in China. those sneaky bastards!
  14. Biden = band aid "band aid" and "biden" almost have the exact same letters (minus an "e", but e = ecstasy, bad shit) Johnson & Johnson (the same evil fuckos who make vaxxes) make band aids so in other words, Biden is in cahoots with the band aid companies, to secretly inject us with vaxxes, all because he hates freedom, and wants to let China control the world. I could post this shit on twitter, and have no doubt there would be someone out there who believes it. we are living in the shitpost era. modern society has mutated into one great big living breathing shitpost.
  15. oh shit, hahaha...didn't realize there was another one. but I do still recommend 2017 Lucky if you haven't seen it. if you saw and liked Lynch's The Straight Story, then check it out.
  16. I loved Lucky. was stuck in my head for a good day after watching. I think I get what you're saying - that this was pegged as a film about a guy at the end of his life struggling to find the point of it - and that's exactly what we saw in the film. that didn't bother me too much, though. there were a few scenes where I thought things could veer off into a much darker place for him but didn't, and I was sorta relieved the film didn't do that. also +1 on still buying DVD's. I actually bought Lucky on DVD earlier this year.
  17. ah damn....he was an excellent character actor. he popped up in so many tv show's back in the '80s/'90s. I got sucked in to watching that con man drama White Collar some years back, and he was a big part of me wanting to continue on with it. fun fact - many moons ago when I lived in Hollywood north, I did some extra work on movies/TV. one was this silly baseball movie with Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore, and I was in the background of a scene they shot at a sports bar in downtown Toronto. the scene involved Willie Garson sitting at the bar talking to Fallon, and then one of them says something offensive and the whole bar stops and stares at them. I immediately recognized him from the X-files since I'm a big fan, and was probably more excited to see him than Fallon/Drew Barrymore (although she was much hotter in person than I though she'd be, short too). I remember after the take Willie kept cracking jokes with the crew, and seemed like he was probably a far better actor than Fallon. RIP Willie Garson.
  18. didn't realize this genre had a name. I like some Daniel Johnston stuff. but mostly because it reminds me of being a mopey 16 year old, sitting in my bedroom recording crappy emo-ish guitar riffs on an old cassette tape recorder. speaking of outsider, DJ Shadow - The Outsider is a horrible album. the hyphy thing he was pumped about back in '06 never took off because it sucked, and was largely swept under the rug in the hip-hop world.
  19. ja, probably not worth the effort to try and concoct some elaborate meal featuring that nasty mess. the bud had been infused w/everclear a la the green dragon process, so the high alcohol content could also result in some odd stomach ache. plus, I have a routine, and mixing that in will no doubt throw a wrench into that. many a fond memory doing the pipe cleanage. (nice lion reference, heh). that was usually left to the days when things were dry, and you had to go scraping/burning/boiling to get whatever brown/black particles you could muster. it's no doubt a mission that many a grizzled old stoner must surely be familiar with. in fact, there was some movie from back in the day that made a humorous reference to that...
  20. any suggestions as to what to do with de-carbed flower (aka raffinate)? have a jar of brown colored mushy stuff was saving for just in case reasons. suppose I could eat a bit of it to see if anything happens.
  21. B-more to SP...jumping out of the frying pan into the fire, eh? I worked with a guy who lived in Sao Paulo for many years. told me stories about the crazy car jackings, bulletproof cars, etc. that are the norm there. good luck.
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