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Everything posted by zero

  1. I've been watching a lot of '70s/'80s movies that are considered "classics" that I've seen bits and pieces of on TV over the years, but have never actually watched the whole thing. you know, the ones where you think "wait, haven't I seen that? I mean I think I've seen that at some point, right?" and then you dive into the memory banks and realize you actually haven't. and all these streaming services have made it so much easier. back in the olden days, you'd either have to commit to renting it, buying it used on DVD, or go internet hunting looking for some illegitimate copy. Raising Arizona (1987) - I had definitely seen quite a bit of it, as many parts were vaguely familiar. zany is probably the word best to describe it. many lols to be had, but definitely not the Coen Bros best. The Warriors (1979) - NYC classic. much goofier than I expected. I'd always heard it was a disturbing, grindhouse sort of film, but hardly compared to some of the schlock out there. and all these years, I had in my mind that the movie dialogue sampled in Beastie Boys "Professor Booty" was from this film. but nope, had it wrong. looked it up and that was Wild Style.
  2. bought the CD the day it came out. was living in non-hipster Oklahoma back then, so had to drive across town to a smaller indie type music shop that had probably ordered like a grand total of 2 copies of it. put it on in the car on the drive back home and was like wtf when I first heard the vocoded hymnal like voice on Music is Math. by the end of the track I remember thinking huh, this is a little darker than MHTRTC. by the time Gyroscope came on though I was like aw shit...this is f'n rad. can't remember exact emotions for the rest, but it did take a minute for the whole thing to click. Alpha & Omega was an instant favorite.
  3. fear definitely motivates people to take action. fear of getting sick, and possibly death, caused just about all of us to stay inside and avoid all contact with others roughly 1.5 years ago. but that type of fear is fear of the unknown. no one really knew wtf was going to happen in the next few days, weeks, ahead, and what exactly this virus was capable of. the type of fear you are alluding to (I think), is misdirected anger caused by non-factual bullshit being spewed over the internet. this is the problem we are faced with now. people are trusting snippets of internet posts as fact. they are drawing conclusions (incorrectly) based on what others are passing around on social media. hardly any of it is rooted in reality, but one little bit may make sense to someone, and then it snowballs from there. IMO this inability to filter out the BS from the truth is due to a lack of critical thinking ability, reasoning skills, and as I've said many times before here, a lack of general common sense amongst large swaths of the population. how did we get here? rise of internet/social media. how do we fix it? well, a start is to try and stop the BS from being shared, like what twitter/FB, etc. have attempted to do. but that is only a band aid. the bigger question here is how do we change people's ability to better filter and disseminate information...
  4. dude...no one cares more about the health and well-being of Trump International hotel guests than the forum denizens at this here watmm dot com...
  5. anyone heard from zen master ding lately? genuinely curious to know how the ding saga ends. last we heard he was chasing rabbits into oncoming traffic. wonder whatever could he be up to next... @dingformung is anybody out there?
  6. until they find a way to shut down the 'ol tweets, facebooks, or whatever tf platform they're on, then highly doubtful, my friend. social media is what kills people living in echo chambers.
  7. watched the first episode of The Deuce and thought it was great. I am struggling to get through the 2nd episode. don't think I've lost interest in a show this quickly before. I see all the reviews saying this is an amazing show and makes me think I should stick with it, but...or maybe it's just that I find James Franco slightly obnoxious. I think the problem with most David Simon productions is they introduce way too many characters very quickly, so you have all these names and faces continually thrown at you, and you're left struggling trying to make sense of it. I remember feeling that way with The Wire when I first saw it. didn't really click for me until maybe the 5th or 6th episode, because then I could remember names and character types, motivations, etc.
  8. or better yet - how 'bout we put him and all his supporters over there, and let them duke it out with the taliban battle royale style. they can air the whole thing on trump tv...ratings'll be yuge!
  9. wouldn't post-internet infer that the internet is over?
  10. "boomer" actually translates to "marxist" when used here. so what he was saying is watmm is a marxist site. we are all Karl's children
  11. let's hire Rudy to do a cameo vid singing happy birthday to Richard, and send to him as a 50th b-day present from watmm
  12. the worst is getting woken up at night from a mosquito bite, and then being tortured by the thing buzzing around your ear. then the decision is do I pull the sheet over my head and hope it goes away, or turn on the light and try and hunt it down. either way, the mosquito has already won.
  13. I've learned to live with mosquito bites. I get them just about on a daily basis. the trick is just to rinse the bite with cold water and don't itch it. then within a few minutes the itch will subside. now the real bastards are flea and spider bites. those things last for days and get itchier at nighttime, disrupting sleep.
  14. need to get everyone on here to chip in so we can get Rudy G to do a video chat with us. I've got a few questions I'd like to ask him https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/11/rudy-giuliani-cameo-personalized-video-messages
  15. because masks became a political statement thanks to the fuckwads at the helm
  16. my sarcasm detector sometimes doesn't work, so can't tell if you're in support of her or not? regardless, do you think it's right for China to detain Canadian citizens as tit-for-tat retaliation?
  17. maybe if they made the vax smokable more people would partake. or could mix it into an alcoholic beverage. I bet if it got you high, we'd have a vax overdose epidemic on our hands.
  18. not gonna lie...I did think if this dude is a spy, then chen must be in on it too. beware of black helicopters sporting Chinese insignia following you around...
  19. yeah man, this sucks. definitely causing some confusing and frustrating feelings. I too have long time friends that refuse to take it. I work with people I get along well with that still haven't gotten it yet (the classic "I'm not anti-vax, but..."). dunno what else to do really. on one hand I want to be a dick about it, but what good will that do? the only thing that I feel will push people to get vaxxed is if someone close to them gets the 'vid and dies from it. other than that, well, they'll keep justifying that, y'know, "I'm not worried about it, so..." and the rest of us will just keep facepalming, shaking our heads, and wondering how did such a large chunk of society turn into this current day mess of nonsensical and illogical thinking.
  20. saw this in the news this morning and remembered @chenGOD knows this guy: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/10/chinese-court-michael-spavor-11-years-503645 seems pretty messed up...I only know what I've read online, but looks like a clear case of retaliation stemming back to the arrest of the Huawei exec woman. I can only imagine how frustrating/infuriating it must be for all involved. once again, reminds me that the criminal justice system in N. America is far from perfect...but still...it's night and day compared to how the law works in authoritarian led countries.
  21. hilarious. I assumed it would be a given that anything involving crypto + Steven Seagal = scam, but nope: https://interestingengineering.com/crypto-scam-starring-steven-seagal-cheated-investors-out-of-11-million
  22. yeah but most adult humans are overgrown babies who couldn't kill a fucking sparrow if it were trying to peck their eyes out. if the geese wanted to, they could seriously fuck some humans up. and yes, geese suck, shit green ooze everywhere, and are giant assholes.
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