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Everything posted by zero

  1. totally agree that bots just wanna have fun. if only they could figure out what a bicycle looks like. or a streetlamp or a bridge, then they could be free like the rest of us.
  2. just one of those realizations that some stuff is best left to remain in kid memory territory forever. so much silly crap came out in the '80s, and I remember it all so fondly. trying to watch it now ruins my memory of it. for example, I used to love the G.I. Joe cartoon back then. I recently tried watching an old episode with my 7 year old, and lasted about 10 minutes before turning it off. even he was like "this makes no sense."
  3. next time, hover over your computer with one of these. let it know who's boss
  4. da, was sarcasm. everyone knows Vlad is a gazillionaire mafia kingpin, currently ruling over the bandit capitalist state called Russia. sure "whataboutism" is a silly word, but the behavior it describes is not far fetched. aversion to answering a question, diverting the discussion to something loosely related in order to lend support toward your argument...this is my understanding of it - and exactly what you were doing. the reference to Vlad was a slight jab at you, to show how you are following the playbook of a known capitalist. and one I might add that Vlad's notorious disciple, Dr. Dronald S. Trumpf, followed to a T... and those Q fucks do the same shit all the time. this ain't about me dude and what I believe. I was asking you to justify why you keep on going at this tired discussion time and time again. once again, you flipped it around to point the finger in my direction. case in point - whataboutism part deaux. for the record, I don't think any of these "isms" are all that great, and subscribe to much more of a "go with the flow of the universe" mindset. I believe in much more hippy dippy bullshit than anything else. peace, nature, living in the woods far removed from others without government interference...this is the way to go, if you ask me. but it's only a fantasy. that will never happen for the vast majority of us, the same way communism is not going to ever be implemented in America.
  5. quite a bit of whataboutism here dude. classic technique of the communist master, Vlad Putin. fair enough. you think communism is great, and most of us don't agree. as long as you get that you are not going to be viewed favorably by acting like your opinion is always correct, and all of us are always wrong, then keep on keepin on...
  6. @cyanobacteria seriously man, what is your end game in all of this? you obviously are well read and passionate toward the cause...but by spouting all this shit time and time again, what are you hoping to achieve here? bring awareness to what, fucking communism? are we like a test audience for you? alot of your points are valid, but I guess I just don't understand why you feel the need to jam this shit down our throats in practically every thread you enter. if you are serious about trying to sway people's viewpoints here, then brother, you are going about it entirely the wrong way. and if you ask me, as noble as it's intention, true communism will never be attainable as envisioned due to human desire. it will always become some distorted version of itself because of human nature. we could nature vs. nurture this crap, sure, but I am strongly of the opinion that if we erased our brains and reverted back to cavemen, some motherfucker would end up trying to club some other motherfucker to death, and they wouldn't all be trying to work together to get the game fairly played for all...
  7. I was able to find all 3 readily available in my area. there was a longer wait to book appointments for the 2 jabbers, maybe like a few days to a week before you could get the 1st shot. there were a ton of slots available for the JnJ, some as soon as next day.
  8. I'd imagine it'll get cancelled. my appointment was for 10am today, and I got a call at 9am letting me know it was cancelled. I too was really hoping to just get the one and done vaccine, but whatever.
  9. do you REALLY want the answer to that? because this could go from joke thread to all out war once you know who gets a whiff of it...
  10. had an appointment scheduled this morning at Walgreens for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. the news comes on talking about the pause, and it was a confusing hour or so wondering if I should still go ahead. Walgreens finally called and cancelled the appointment. no worries, I booked one of the 2 dosers at Kroger for tomorrow morning.
  11. I'd prefer if you would make one for France instead
  12. sounds like a plan. make 'em drink enough of those extra large double doubles, so that covid becomes the least of their health concerns...
  13. simple question here, I'm not trying to get into some sort of poop slinging contest - do you think fear of the CCP has anything to do with that? do you think a high approval rating is a indicator of a healthy society? idk, maybe I'm too brainwashed, but any place that has a massively high approval rating of how their government is doing raises alarm bells and not high fives all around.
  14. damn Bob...bringin your A game today I see. well played tying this into the fungibles. I'd recommend you get this posted onto the blockchain stat, start earning some coin for your zen like effort here. talk to Elon about exchanging them for skee ball tokens, so you can actually do something with your earnings.
  15. some people really suck at emailing, I mean really suck. I've done a lot of emailing over the course of my career, and so know a good one from a bad one. "how to write an email 101" should be taught at all higher learning institutions. so many people fail miserably at this mundane activity.
  16. this means "new seeds" in English. New Seeds of Contemplation is a book of Christian mysticism. hmmm...
  17. @BobDobalina "los hermanos de marianskyaños" is what I'd go with
  18. complete nightmare. I don't know him and that makes me angry. really brings into perspective when we (the collective we) bitch about the justice system or government in North America, and how unfair or idiotic it comes across at times...how it's nothing compared to those totalitarian / authoritarian run countries, where you can be fucked with for any reason they see fit, and the chances of getting a fair trial is practically nonexistent.
  19. I remember you posted on here that you knew someone that was caught up in that Huawei cluster, and was being held in China. is that one of the people the article mentions on death row?
  20. no doubt the grunge & flannel scene killed 80's metal. no clue what the grunge equivalent was back in the heyday of classical. did they have distortion pedals back then?
  21. yeah...if only there were some sort of "club", where we could "fight" each other, turn rich people's fat into soap and sell it back to them, and then bring down the corporate banking system...huh
  22. a bunch of mega rich dudes are trying to get even richer: https://decrypt.co/64223/tom-brady-is-launching-an-nft-platform @cyanobacteria this shit should be making you puke about now. fuck these rich assholes. if you need a wingman for your communism thing, I'm down.
  23. well wolf brother, you are off by a few weeks...but fuck it, close enough. Full moons in 2021 This is when full moons will occur in 2021, according to NASA: Date Name U.S. Eastern Time UTC Jan 28 Wolf Moon 2:16 p.m. 19:16 Feb 27 Snow Moon 3:17 a.m. 8:17 Mar 28 Worm Moon 2:48 p.m. 18:48 Apr 26 Pink Moon 11:31 p.m. 3:31 (Apr. 27) May 26 Flower Moon 7:14 a.m. 11:14 Jun 24 Strawberry Moon 2:40 p.m. 18:40 Jul 23 Buck Moon 10:37 a.m. 2:37 (Jul 24) Aug 22 Sturgeon Moon 8:02 a.m. 12:02 Sep 20 Corn Moon 7:55 a.m. 23:55 Oct 20 Harvest Moon 10:57 a.m. 14:57 Nov 19 Beaver Moon 3:58 a.m. 8:58 Dec 18 Cold Moon 11:36 p.m. 4:36 (Dec 19)
  24. you should have given it to the woman you're currently stalking, the one who dresses in black. "hey can I buy you dinner?" then hand her the pizza box and run away.
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