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Everything posted by zero

  1. I used to think the same, but now...idk. they've released so many fantastic albums over the past 20+ years. I do think CODY is the most cohesive in terms of sound palette compared to the more "variety pack" approach their albums have taken since then. and I hold it in high regard as that is where I started with them. but I rarely come back to it any more, and am a fan of the direction they went in since their '90s guitar driven quiet/loud/quiet albums came out.
  2. I love how brucethegoose was able to combine the phrases "metaverse" "extraverse" and "neverland ranch" into one twitter sentence. I never in a million years would have been able to come up with that
  3. you are not alone in that assessment. I thought the exact same thing the first time I heard it. and one of the reviews I read of the album mentioned this as well. I also was listening to this last night and damn, that track is such a tune. by the end of it I was air drumming something fierce, then the wife walks by the doorway and caught me right in the act. head banging, arms flailing, and she stood there and starred at me for a sec. I stopped and looked at her, let out a "ha," then she shook her head and walked away.
  4. I like this new softer side we're seeing of you, Tim. all that back and forth BS with ding was getting really old tbh. and if you can somehow incorporate "I cry at films about dogs" into your dating app profile, you'll kill it with the ladies.
  5. I was at the airport this week and 100% concur with this statement. maybe it's just because I haven't been out and about in so long, but I absolutely noticed just how many attractive women there are in airports.
  6. nah, they all go over to Fred's place and talk about how stupid we all are for still posting in a dictator led disaster zone such as this.
  7. @very honest do you always take your shirt off when you're browsing the forum?
  8. pls hermano S., hook it straight to my veins I still listen to For Those of You far more than I should, especially those last 2 tracks. absolutely brilliant stuff that I never seem to get tired of.
  9. dude check out his album Electric Funk. a classic in the genre.
  10. let's say you go hiking in the woods, and you encounter an alien. what is the proper response in this situation?
  11. you seem to know a lot about jazz. do you like '60s/'70s jazz-funk? I'm talking like organ trio shit, Jimmy Smith, Jimmy McGriff type stuff. if so, any recs?
  12. good point, the locals will smell you coming from a mile away. as your local guide, I'd highly recommend you roll around in cow manure or possibly a dead animal carcass before heading to a gun show, in order to mask your canuckistan scent.
  13. just make sure you don't wear a mask, display a USA flag somewhere on your person, and ramble on with random strangers about the evils of foreigners, and you'll live to see another day.
  14. come to Texas bro. we have these awesome gun shows here every fucking weekend, with line ups stretched out the door as far as the eye can see, where there's this crazy ass loophole where you don't even need a background check to buy a killer new firearm: http://www.houstontx.gov/againstgunviolence/public/documents/86th-Session-Background-Checks-at-Gun-Shows.pdf
  15. I was thinking the exact same thing. I was like "isn't this story a 1st world problem and not a success?" but now I see the story has a happy ending. you got free liquor out of the whole ordeal. just get drunk and say fuck it.
  16. yeah I get it, slight bit of contradiction there. guess I just don't know how to properly say that I would love to hear some new tunes from them, without sounding slightly frustrated that it's been 8 years now without a mention of anything coming down the pipe. I really don't spend much time thinking about it, only whenever I see this thread pop up, I suppose.
  17. @brian trageskin and here I thought you were some French billionaire, lolly-gagging about in a perfectly landscaped villa, living la bonne vie. boy was I wrong.
  18. @Nebraska that film was discussed on here several months ago and drew a lot of watmm ire. I've never seen it, so can't comment, just attempting to shed light on Tim's reaction
  19. it'd be nice if they would pop up and say something, anything about wtf is going on with them. if they are no longer planning to release music then that's fine, just seems like a courtesy to all their fans to at least let us know that. I know they don't owe us shit, but c'mon... remember when TH was released in the Cali desert, and some warp rep said Mike/Marcus texted him to say they love us all? this is an odd way to show your love, by completely ignoring those who really dig them.
  20. sounds like the makings of a kick ass pron flick. "ravenous, sex-crazed women band together to hunt down basement dwelling IDM loners, rapping them over and over until babby pops out!"
  21. that's truly bizarre. it's things like this that make you want to give up trying to understand human behavior altogether. for the most part, we are a predictable species. but then a wrench gets thrown into the flow of the universe somewhere, and you end up with "hey the Germans love Kevin James!" please don't tell me his ridiculous movies are popular there too.
  22. @ignatius is it CVS? I had an issue with them one time trying to schedule an appointment online (not covid related) because they have both the pharmacy and the minute clinic, which operate under a different set of guidelines apparently.
  23. I also watched it when it was in theatres, and remember the experience very well. watched it with an ex-girlfriend who was visibly distraught during the Jennifer Connelly dildo scene, I had no clue how to handle that since I always try and maintain a "nothing's shocking" vibe about myself. don't think I've re-watched the entire thing since, and haven't felt the need to either due to just how uncomfortable that memory is. but that makes me remember probably my most uncomfortable movie watching experience, which was watching Eraserhead in a theatre in Oklahoma, packed with a bunch of church going family types. it was being shown at a local college as part of some free art film Sunday thing, and anything free will of course draw a crowd. sitting right behind me was a family with young kids. there were also a lot of elderly people, the types that had no clue who Lynch is. that made the whole viewing experience so much more awkward, but also somehow Lynchian in a weird way. I remember a lot of gasps and comments being shouted at the screen, some loud snoring even. after it finished, there was supposed to be a Q & A with some professor from the college, but the entire place bailed asap, fleeing in terror lol.
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