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Everything posted by zero

  1. some deep shit here y'all: https://www.iheart.com/content/2021-03-14-kings-of-leon-have-generated-2-million-on-nft-sales-of-their-new-album/
  2. @hijexx thanks for the explanation. the pieces are slowly coming together, but it all seems just so sketch/scammy. this whole discussion about NFT's has got the gears turning again when it comes to the definition of what art is exactly. got me thinking back to the days when I was interested in art theory, Tolstoy's definition of "true art," crap like that. bet the old bugger wouldn't be pleased if he knew alien cat jpegs are bringing in mad crypto bucks to ruskie hackers posing as "artists." I personally couldn't see myself partaking in this sort of thing UNLESS the McGriff Burlap series goes up for auction at some point. I'd chip in a shiny nickel or two to own a slice of those MSPaint masterpieces...
  3. @brian trageskin next time you get drunk, please do an AMA. I have so many questions to ask you
  4. CNN is what it is when it comes to politics, but I found this article very easy to understand, for anyone else still asking wtf this is all about: https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/14/tech/nft-art-buying/?iid=ob_lockedrail_longstory_pool
  5. was totally with you until the "lifting weights" part
  6. still trying to wrap my dinosaur brain around some of this...remember when RZA sold that Wu-Tang album on vinyl, which apparently was the only one in existence, on an online auction to that tech bro guy for like 2 million dollars? is there a comparison to this NFT crap that could be made here? except with NFT's you have to pay using crypto, and you don't get to hold a vinyl album...instead you get a digital file. is that rationale correct?
  7. are you referring to someone on here, or is this just in general?
  8. I'm sure no one cares at this point, but just to close the loop on my DVD vs. 1080p comment - I should have clarified that I prefer the DVD quality version of the old Twilight Zone episodes as opposed to the Hi-Def ones. years ago whenever they released TZ on Blu-Ray, it was a noticeably different look that that of the original aired version, which was shot on black & white film. everything on the Blu-ray version (and this version also got shown on one of those new year's day TZ marathons that the syfy channel does) had that "live action" look, that IMO detracted from the look and feel of the original. there also was pushback toward the Hi-Def version from the online fan community, as evidenced on the now obsolete IMDB boards (damn I miss those...I know they had to shut them down due to the out of control trolling, but those were super insightful, and I got a lot of great info from some of them). also, the new Hi-def look strongly resembled some of the old TZ episodes that were shot on tape as an experiment, as opposed to film back in the day. there were only a few shot this way out of the 200+ shot on film, and they were largely panned as looking cheap or low budget as opposed to the episodes shot on film. so that was the long, serious answer as to why I preferred DVD over the superior technology version. but yeah...for just about everything else, including older shows/movies, the better quality version is gonna be far more preferable than the DVD quality version.
  9. @Joyrex is there like a help desk number we can call when something like this happens? or maybe just a crisis counselling number you can refer us to?
  10. ah yes, the great forum diaspora of '05. papa cracking down on the nsfw stuff, the addition of sub forums, the constant crashing of the site...these were all too much for the classic era guard to handle. IIRC the forum was down for several weeks/months that year, which resulted in massive membership losses.
  11. I suppose it's nostalgia, timmy, for simpler times... or maybe I'm trying to live my life as if it were still 2005, who knows.
  12. The Twilight Zone (1959). Watched S4, E1 ep. "In His Image" last night. 8/10. kept me guessing throughout the episode until the reveal at the end, which was classically sci-fi weird. I now need to watch all the episodes written by Charles Beaumont asap, as the one's I've seen by him are the strangest. even though I've seen so many of these over the years, I've purposely not watched the entire thing as I want to be able to continue to experience new TZ episodes for a long time to come. I bought the DVD box set many years ago, and pull it out from time to time when I get sick of all the new streaming crap. I know I can stream TZ on many different platforms, but still prefer the lower quality DVD versions than the shiny 1080p one.
  13. bet you didn't know joyrex mails you a plaque once you hit 15 years. I heard at 20 you get a trophy.
  14. I'm thoroughly convinced that modern dentistry in America is all a massive scam. I've moved several times over the years, and have been forced to find a new dentist each time. every time now it seems there is some sort of high pressure sales tactic to get me to do this or do that, all of which can vary widely in price depending on the dentist. for example, the number of cavities I have changes based on which dentist I go to. I've never had a cavity in my life until I started going to these places. I've gone to a few now in my area and it's all the same set of lies. this "deep cleaning" bullshit is unnecessary. you can't get an answer from them as to cost until the sales "closer" comes in to see you. then they present you with a menu of options, many of which you do not fucking need. the price can change 3 times during a visit. some of the red flags as to why this industry is a scam is why are there so many dentist offices in strip malls everywhere in the US? why is there only 1 dentist, yet are there like 15 other people working in here? why are there so many 5 star google reviews for a dentist office? this is a for profit industry, and I'm convinced these little strip mall dental offices have sales quotas to hit, therefore they try and over charge you any way they can.
  15. there's only one way to fix all of this - COMMUNISM @cyanobacteria can I get an amen, brother?
  16. wonder if anyone has told the donald about this new scam where you can sell your old tweets. that mf would make a killing here. the one where he threatened to go to war with n. korea could fetch BILLIONS
  17. one of the rare times when "jack" and "off" can be used in a sentence without going there
  18. oh come now Tim, he's really not that bad... at least he isn't angry like some of the guys that used to post on here back in the day. jfc there were some mad people on here in the early years. remember that guy pen exper, or something like that? holy shit those were some angry, hateful posts.
  19. @fxbip why do you spread your sentences out like that?
  20. haha, I can totally relate to that. I first started playing the guitar in 1992, and peaked by about 1995. that was the year the prog/metal band I was in won our high schools battle of the bands contest. it was a 3 song set - 2 originals, and we ended with a cover of "One" by Metallica lol. it was my job to do the wankfest solo at the end, and I fucking nailed it. some of the guitar players from rival bands came up to me and were like wow nice one dude. but alas, since then, it has all been totally downhill. I stopped playing the guitar by about 1997, when the evils of electronic music ruined my desire to progress further with the instrument. I gave the bedroom musician thing a shot, but was never any good and so called it a day. sold and gave away all pieces of music gear I owned years ago and thought that was the end of it. then I turned 40 and had some a-ha moment that I was going to pick it up again, and so bought a cheap electric guitar and pignose amp. I noodle with it every so often but yeah, I don't take that shit too seriously at all.
  21. zero

    Thai Food

    The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
  22. have you ever heard acid jazz, you fuckin heathen?
  23. on our virtual morning meeting this morning I had to endure several minutes of blabbering about that stupid Harry and Megan interview from last night. I wanted to be like "no dudes I didn't watch it, because I was too busy listening to Drum N Bass for Papa for the 900th time. you know once that shit starts, you're like locked in for the next 80 minutes gritting your teeth, air drumming, and head banging all at the same time."
  24. just get super high and mash the black and white keys together using your forehead. something usable will certainly come of it.
  25. I'm sure you know that Chris Carter, the X-Files creator, is a complete and total hack who hit the jackpot when he came up with the idea for the show, which was largely a continuation (or rip-off) of the Kolchak Night Stalker series. he hit the jackpot in the sense that the team he was lucky enough to put together (Kim Manners, Gordon, Wong, etc.) were hugely talented creative forces (and experienced in TV productions) that led the show to become the piece of thinking man's pop culture we love it for. therefore I think the "I want to Believe" ethos ingrained in the show is not some deep mantra you are insinuating here, but originally came about from a California surfer dude saying "whoa, aliens, cool, I want to believe in those, let's make a TV show about it." the creative team/writers used "I want to Believe / The Truth is Out There" as a guide to fine tune the alien mythology arc, and then the meaning behind the quotes just grew from there. this led to people theorizing things (like you did, not saying this is bad btw, you're not nuts, that post was great) that may not have been originally intended.
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