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Everything posted by zero

  1. yeah dude, shit's really gone downhill here lately. I mean you went from posting multi-paragraph, critical analysis pieces on our fucked up political system, to listing different flavors of poop. we need a new distraction to get the synapses firing on all cylinders again. a new BoC album perhaps? highly unlikely. instead it'll be some new meta-classical BS Clark dumps out into the ether, so we can collectively bitch about how shit he's become. but fuck if I know. does anyone know anything these days? it's all a bunch of noise. just sit back, watch it all go by, and wait until you can hear the Void.
  2. will check it out for sure, but really haven't been able to get into anything by them in a long time. pretty sure there was a thread on them in the music forum, so won't get too much into bashing mode here.
  3. all this stuff makes it seem less and less likely that my baseball card collection is ever going to make me rich some day.
  4. try using "This is the quickstart guide to help you get a hard on." that'll get your reader base much more engaged
  5. tim, all that tin foil you've been eating has clearly affected your brain. back away from any sharp objects and come back to us, brother.
  6. watmm has mentally ruined so many things for me over the years... and one of those things is Phil Collins. "needs more Phil Collins" was from the MS Paint era, when IDM randos were allowed to run amok on here, destroying the man's name in bad faith. so needless to say, I had a genuine heartwarming moment when I saw the news story below. why does Phil Collins collect Alamo stuff? who the hell knows. but I am crazy enough that I just may drive to San Antonio to check this shit out. the bottom video contains a brief, glorious acapella from the man starting around the 2:20 mark. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2021/03/01/the-alamo-to-launch-temporary-preview-of-phil-collins-collection-on-texas-independence-day/
  7. yeah like maybe joyrex can put all those $3 fees he collects into crypto, then when the billions roll in he pays all of us for coming here in the first place
  8. maybe I missed this over the course of the past 100+ pages of discussion, but are you referring to "Sean Pls" as what could have led to the naming of "Sign / Plus?"
  9. that article made slight mention as to how streaming music vs. streaming video are different in market terms, but it made me think about how widely acceptable in our minds that video streaming services like netflix have become, compared to the more divisive topic of streaming music. both have done massive damage to the brick and mortar, physical sales and all related industry, yet any type of societal pushback to Hulu, etc. has largely fallen off a cliff. don't know where I'm going with this, or if I really have a point, just food for thought, that's all.
  10. any of y'all heard of or tried this delta 8 stuff? https://hightimes.com/sponsored/direct-delta-8-online-marketplace-offering-whole-new-way-uplift-yourself/
  11. I'm still hoping for pics of the crocheted dildo mentioned a few pages back
  12. damn it's been a minute since I heard about Malcom Catto...remember him from back in the Mo Wax days. looks like he had an album out last year - https://littlebarrie.bandcamp.com/album/quatermass-seven. sampling now on BC, sounds quite decent. and also saw on the fork the other day that Madlib's working a project with Kaytranada - https://pitchfork.com/news/announcing-driven-by-sound-documentary-with-madlib-and-kaytranada/ pls Madlib, brains cannot compute all this shit
  13. glad to know hurricanes are not just ravaging the US gulf coast, those fuckers are targeting other planets as well.
  14. ugh my kid said to me this morning "you know trump's coming back in 2024." I'm like oh no, not you too. how did I fail as a parent... good thing I've got 12 more years before he's of voting age to get him back on track lol
  15. can Biden approve a drone strike on American soil? if ever a time when it should be allowed, then this is it.
  16. here in trumpistan we call it zucchini
  17. ^ some serious lols right there if this was a perfect world, then there'd be a cosplay convention being held in another part of the building, so we could watch the cosplayers vs. the CPAC-er's go at it.
  18. ^lol at the flip flops and holy shit this CPAC thing is gonna be bananas... reminds me of a UFO convention I went to in Roswell, NM once upon a time. check out this dude, who will be speaking at the event right after junior: https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3v9be/a-japanese-cult-that-believes-its-leader-is-an-alien-from-venus-is-speaking-at-cpac
  19. lol that's a pretty strange neighborly request. unless you know them well? couldn't imagine asking some folks I don't know all that well to do that. "hey mr. neighbor, could you like, um, sign my will please?"
  20. my Canadian DNA kicked in here recently, as I was the only one on our street that got out there after the snow we got and shoveled the driveway and walkway. as soon as I saw it in the morning, I automatically thought about shoveling. well, shoveled isn't entirely correct, as they don't sell snow shovels in stores down here, so had to make do using a rake and broom.
  21. STOP WASTING TINFOIL TIM J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. this phenomenon gets even worse once you have kids. before the pandemic when we used to go hang out with other people who had kids, there was usually a 90% chance whatever plans we had would get cancelled because someone's kid was having a fit, got a minor scratch on their arm, or some other kid issue that would derail everything.
  23. I liked the Kid Koala version of that back when turntablism was still cool
  24. yeah @Tim_J I don't get that at all. are you saying you cook it normally and then flip it over in the oven? how does all the stuff like not fall off it and get stuck to the oven grates or pan?
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