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Everything posted by zero

  1. that sounds a little too optimistic. and I suppose my rambling about never passing and rabbit holes was more about all the insane BS people believe in now because someone said it online, and therefore it must be true.
  2. well I'd say it's definitely working because now I hate communism more than ever thanks to him dragging this bullshit into every fucking thread on here
  3. finally making sense man! cumming > comming
  4. yes, and just like finding out IRL friends you've known forever (but haven't kept up with in awhile) supported Trump - it is incredibly disheartening and emotionally confusing to see old friends post stuff about the "scamdemic" online. it's like you thought you knew this person fairly well at one point in life, and now it's like I'm not so sure any more. end of the day, I have to think is this worth losing a 20+ year friendship over, or bite my tongue and wait until it passes. or maybe this never passes, and they're lost down the rabbit hole forever...
  5. speaking on behalf of America, I sincerely apologize.
  6. that's what I assumed right away as well. saw a report that he was "lucid and calm" when they pulled him out. so I suppose that rules out coke-a-yene as the culprit.
  7. math questions are top of the list right now in our household. they range anywhere from "what's 2 plus 2" to "what's a million times infinity"
  8. there's a sadly prophetic post from Salv on page 3...didn't re-quote it as not sure if that's bad form or what not
  9. dunno if it's a midlife crisis or what, but I can't remember feeling this blah about everything ever. then I remembered this thread, which I re-read hoping for answers, and found nothing except fears of having children (already done that) and balding (no worries atm). maybe it has to do with the fact that I haven't had an IRL adult conversation with any one in a very long time about meaningful stuff (talking to the wife doesn't work). these days conversations mostly are me answering 300-500 questions per day from a 6 year old and baby talk with the dog.
  10. and yet we're stuck with him until 2024. the whole GD political system in this country needs to be re-written to match today's standards of immature adult behavior. if you dip out on a vacay during a crisis, then you need to be fired. but no, the higher up dipshits actually protect this sort of thing and revel in their untouchable status.
  11. just image searched velma cosplay and it all makes sense now. thanks for the clarification.
  12. yeah I didn't quite get why @brian trageskin wasn't able to fap to it. maybe he's an armpit guy? in which case, I totally get.
  13. pretty indifferent about this TBH. like others mentioned, they were a gateway drug into electronic music back in '97/'98, but I haven't been a fan in quite some time. the Tron soundtrack had some good moments...think that was the last thing I've heard by them. and it's not like they're dead. I'm sure they will do solo stuff and then have a comeback tour in like 2050.
  14. well now that I'm several alcoholic drinks in, I can certify this is an absolute fkin banger. OMFG Ceiling Granny. I've been singing along to it. getting drunk to Mogwai is the best. this is rano/pano good. good ol drunken soccer anthem/soviet sing-along/christian exhalation music to lift the fuckin spirits out of the fuckin dregs. how do these guys keep doing it.
  15. physically he didn't need to be here. he can make phone calls, send emails, video chats, or whatever he could have done to help people in need from anywhere. but if you're heading to Cancun, then are you going to be working on helping said people or lounging around sipping cervezas by the pool? with a fucknut like Ted, I'd guess the latter. that's why people are pissed. because he headed out on vacation in the middle of a disaster. it's the "I don't give a shit" attitude that rubs people the wrong way. Ted will lie and say he was going to be working down there but c'mon...they don't call him "Lyin' Ted" for no reason.
  16. you know what the shitty thing is? nothing is going to happen to that frumpy sack o'shit Ted. his term is up in 2024, and by then no one will care. or even worse, people here WILL remember and still vote for the clown...there's just got to be a better way to get rid of elected officials when they are complete and total royal fuck ups like Ted.
  17. black and white one immediately made me think of Squarepusher...Big Loada innit
  18. lol I too get a bit nervous whenever this thread pops up. on the flip side of that is me thinking "please be trump please be trump"
  19. surprised he didn't blame the dems and/or Obama for ruining his little vacay there.
  20. still a lot of uncertainty regarding this, but yeah, I'm expecting we'll somehow get screwed over in the end. the $450 thing could have been a hypothetical, as I saw it mentioned in this article also: https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/texans-variable-rate-electricity-contracts-paying-astronomical-prices-power/285-0c150cdd-eb76-4197-8695-aa6952e277b1
  21. after so many sad RIP's in this thread, FINALLY death gets it right. I really can't think of anything decent to say about him. I do remember when he first came onto the pop culture scene back in the '90s, he wasn't nearly as bad as he became. same thing with Alex Jones I suppose. but fuck him... he was a giant megalomaniacal asshole that in some weird way gave rise to the worst president in American history. he pushed all trump's nonsense from day 1, the Obama birther crap, which is how donnie's political career all began.
  22. @Extralife came back on at some point last night. I'm near Dallas and yeah, I've heard it's hit or miss for just about everyone in Austin/DFW/Houston
  23. well the weather has been nothing but a stupid FWP the past few days here in Texas. a few inches of snow and days of below freezing temps (was 0F / -18C) here this morning) has really done a number on the infrastructure around here. it's just not set up to be able to handle this sort of thing.
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