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Everything posted by thumbass

  1. thumbass


    Yeah I need to get back into the books. I haven't touched a book since december 2019, I remember stopping reading children of dune at around the 500th page or so.
  2. Yeah I've always wondered that as well. This one is also great (my personal fav clubjammerz track):
  3. thumbass


    Still need to finish the book series, ive been stuck in the middle of children of dune since the end of last year
  4. thumbass


    Recently gotten into Bola again. Man these tunes are pure gold and I've missed listening to this guy. Soup and Fyuti are impeccable albums that helped me get into IDM
  5. On youtube. Where it has been uploaded to back when the event was held. Wich renders this rebroadcast useless
  6. Well I don't care where it gets uploaded to as long as I can download it I'll take any aphex
  7. Just leave the guys be until they maybe decide to release something. How long that may take. They might not return at all. Als alco said they owe us nothing Sorry badger but it's just what it is I do think they should tell us when they decide to stop though
  8. What do you know? They are live again
  9. yeah idk why the fuck they thought this was a good idea unless it gets accompanied by a release of some sorts. but we all know that is not going to happen
  10. i just cant think of a good reason to rebroadcast it when its already on youtube ffs
  11. that is weird lol. so its a 'new' track uploaded as an old one
  12. its out ladies and gentlemen bit dissapointed that the rest of the tracks are only 3 minutes and it sounds kinda bland
  13. https://soundcloud.com/mrs-mangel/tarkastaja-mira
  14. This is still updating
  15. The amount of plays went wayyy up when those articles were put out
  16. that is a really disturbing thing to wish for
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