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Everything posted by thumbass

  1. This is actually really catching my ears well! He finally stopped making advert music
  2. Early aoty contender f me Didn't know four tet still had it in him
  3. Ahhh my man Back at it again! Always here when shit hits the fan The only exception to the rule Is when BoC is so cruel They make us wait and wait I've got a message for the boys: it's getting late!
  4. lel Listened to this just now, forgot how great it was
  5. brothomyboy plz i want a n o t h e r a l b u m plz playing claro and its as great as ever
  6. Well now that real life has caught up they can release something again!
  7. I always just wonder why they wait so long before releasing new shit. ive arrived at a point at wich i dont really care if they release another album again or not. okay that might be a lie but still
  8. You could feel the sky 1969 Sixtyten Rue the whirl
  9. Ruby my dear and igorrr frequently work together
  10. So far I am surprisingly really enjoying the two released tracks. Might be the best Flahblub in a decade
  11. Corona is already my most hated word of 2020
  12. i do hope this isnt serious
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